Double Your Mind Power: Improve Concentration and Confidence With Power Within You. Michelle Inc. Steven
Читать онлайн книгу.actions, your decision making and actions will start to automatically be geared towards your goal and less towards your emotions. You will be able to focus through the impulses and the emotions and act in a clear and concise manner consistent with your goals.
See It and Achieve It
When you can visualize success, it makes it easier to achieve. Simply wishing for success is not enough to ensure success; you must concentrate on taking the actions to achieve it too. Nothing comes without effort and in order for effort to be successful; you must train your mind upon it. See your goal and set your mind and your energy towards achieving it and you will succeed. Be confident that you can do this. As long as you stay focused and clear on your goal, confidence should be easy.
Determination and effort will get you far. Increased concentration means that you are more efficient, more determined and more focused on what matters. It means that you have pushed away the things that do not matter from your mind, banishing the time wasting thoughts. You have the can do, positive attitude and fortitude that comes with seeing what you want, and not letting anything get in your way.
Keep your thoughts positive, and always do the right thing. In a world where some will do anything to get ahead, keep your morale and your morals high. When you take the high road, people notice and you will have the right people around you. When you try to take the fast route or cheat your way to the top, similar people will surround you. You will find yourself cheated by the very people who you surrounded yourself with to begin with.
Channel your thoughts and actions properly to always do right, and you will find the same-minded people around you. Good will among you and the people you surround yourself with will only boost your morale and your confidence and even your strength, for if you stumble or need help, you will find them there for you.
Make sure that what you want it on the right path. For concentration on the wrong things will have dire consequences. If you have picked a goal that is right, and full of good will, your concentration will bring about only good things.
Knowing that you are doing the right thing brings about a sense of power and confidence and that is something that money cannot buy.
When you feel like you are on the right track, you look like you are on the right track. Your posture is straight, your face is open, you smile, and you look and feel happy. If you are on the wrong track, and you know it; you slouch, you avoid eye contact, and you generally will cause a sense of distrust or unease among the people that you meet.
Likewise, when you are able to contain and control your emotions, you are able to present yourself with a calm exterior.
The things that we have in our minds reflect onto our faces and into our body language.
When we are clear headed, focused and on the right path, people can see from how we act and talk. We will attract the right kind of people to us for the right reasons.
Focus on your goal and do not let the negative emotions take root in your head. Once you let in the first seed of doubt, it will sprout more seeds will fall and soon you will be stuck in the negative thinking pattern. You must always focus on your goal, on training your mind to rationally handle your impulses and emotions. Learn to corral your negative emotions and channel them into a positive energy. Do not let failure fill you with doubt; let it fill you with determination to not make the same mistake again.
Learn to calm yourself when you find yourself anxious, angry, or worried. Clear and focus your mind so that you are not ruled by the impulses of emotions. Deep, calming breathes to center yourself and clear your mind. When you do not let mistakes upset you, when you stay focused on the goals, you stay happy and positive. You do not find yourself bored or idle and daydreaming.
Your will always have your goal in mind and will be working to improve yourself and your mind always.
Keep your mind busy. Instead of watching sensational TV programs, watch something that will engage your brain. Put down the gossip magazine and pick up a novel instead. Be open to improving your mind and yourself. If you find that, you have trouble with clearing you mind, take up something to help, yoga or martial arts even. Take a class on meditation. Practice your visualization while you take a walk. Have something to do at all times, do not let your mind have the time to wander about and disrupt your concentration.
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