Change Your Thought Patterns: Mind Control Secrets. Silva JD Jean

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Change Your Thought Patterns: Mind Control Secrets - Silva JD Jean

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is your true calling? Think for a moment and the results will still probably surprise you. In the race to move, ahead in life you have neglected your inner self. You are juggling so many things at once that you have no time to interact with yourself.

      You may posses all the ingredients that make you socially successful. However, there is hollowness and emptiness in your life that does not allow you to enjoy life.

      A spiritual deficit engulfs you because of which you do not have peace and serenity of mind. You spend money and time and travel to distant places to discover the peace of mind. However, the truth is that no one can provide you calmness of mind, the key to controlled mind lies within you.

      You seemed to have exchanged your life and true happiness with materialistic accumulations.

      A person who possesses latest gadget and has designer wardrobes is socially considered successful. An individual today has postponed his living, his priorities includes a high package job, latest car and mobile.

      However, the irony of your life is that he may own the latest phone but has no time to talk to his family members. You are so busy in your life that with each passing day you are getting trapped and losing on the moments that could provide you true happiness.

      You can simplify and add happiness to your life by adopting some techniques. It will improve the quality of your life and provide you peace of mind.

      Start appreciating the beautiful gifts of nature like rainfall, blooming flowers, sunrise and sunset. Observing them will give you a sense of calmness and you will fell happier.

      Happiness lies in these little things of life. Stars, dew studded flowers and different shapes of moon teach you a very important and basic lesson in life that nothing stays forever. It is advisable that you learn the lessons from the past and then move ahead. Always focus on your present keeping future in mind. Oscillating between past and present leaves no time to focus on the present.

      You should keep experimenting things and never be scared of failure. Failures teach you lessons in life and by experimenting new things; give space to your creativity. This leads to deeper understanding of the self and leads to fresh ideas.

      Exercising regularly releases the negativity from your body and keeps you healthy. It is advisable that you exercise in the park as keeps you close to the nature and allows you to enjoy the chirping of bird, rising sun and dew studded grass. Because of focusing on the beauties in the surroundings, you become more positive and happy.

      Music is a great healer and a stress buster. Listening to music can bring your stress levels and charge you for day. It creates a positive aura around you and keeps you energized.

      Meditating is a great method that can be used for connecting with your self. It can be done at any corner of your home, you are required to sit cross-legged and eyes close.

      It must be done at same time everyday and at same corner. Planning your life on a weekly or monthly basis gives a direction to your life. It helps you in prioritizing your schedule and focusing on important aspects of your life. It is advisable that you break your difficult goals into short-term goals. For instance if you wish to save 10000 dollars annually, break down your saving plan on monthly basis. It will make your saving plan realistic and successful.

      Your Brain and Mind

      We all hear the terms “use your brain” and “use your mind” interchangeably. But, in actuality the brain and the mind are two different things.

      Our brains are a physical organ located in our skulls while our minds are separate abstract extensions from the brain. The mind is an invisible entity that functions based on the various things the brain is stimulated from.

      Our brain which is located in our heads is part of the central nervous system in the human body. It is divided into the right and left side which are called cerebral hemispheres.

      These two sides are actually two masses of furrowed tissue called grey matter. Included in the structural aspect of the brain is the brain stem and cerebellum. The function of the brain serves our bodies to control and coordinate our muscular movements, bodily coordination of various biological functions, sensory reception and integration, the production of speech, memory storage and enables the mind to carry on thought and knowledge.

      The mind on the other hand cannot be physically described. It is actually a term used for the higher functions carried out by the brain. Included as part of the mind is things that are subjectively part of our consciousness like our personalities, thought, reason, memory, intelligence and emotions. Keep in mind however if the physical brain is damaged it does effect mind function.

      So in simple terms what all this means is the brain is concrete and the mind is not. The mind is a non physical existing entity while the brain is physical matter. The brain is actually soft nervous tissue that responds to various stimulation which results in both bio chemical and bio electrical responses.

      When the brain receives various stimulation it sends messages out throughout our central nervous systems as a response. It is the result of the responses that are sent out that cause the mind to work. The physical reactions of the brain and central nervous system are what cause the mind to be stimulated as well.

      We see it when the brain wave activity is recorded on brain imaging equipment. The imaging lets us know whether a person is conscious and unconscious as well as follows the patterns of thought that occurs in those states.

      What occurs as thought; is the process that the occurrences we experience through physical stimulation of the brain and the impulses it sends to the rest of the body. The brain and body's reaction creates output from the activity to the mind such as a thought or idea. Scientific research points to the fact that all conscious thought is triggered like a byproduct of actual brain activity to begin with.

      Mental Talk

      In order to function on a daily basis we all need a measure of relaxation. We need to think positive in order to relax. Because the world is full of problems, we often face many challenges from society and world leaders.

      At times when we feel distressed, our mind often drifts into negative patterns that cause the muscles to tense as well as many other problems. This is hard on the body and mind. Using mental talk, one can reprogram the mind to think positive by telling self that it is ok.

      The subconscious mind often stores hidden messages that surface throughout our life. In this area of the mind, we can find answers too many problems. You can change your thought patterns by reflecting on discovering what is in this mind. By using mental talk, you can learn to think positive and learn to practice relaxation.

      Taking time out for yourself will help you to relax. Tell yourself that everyday you are going to walk or do something healthy for the body and mind. Make a note on your calendar as a remainder to complete your daily routines. Use mental talk to encourage positive thinking.

      You want to continue focusing on positive and learn relaxation techniques like walking, or taking time out for you. While you are relaxation, spending time with self, tell yourself that you intend to discover you through relaxation. Picture yourself floating on a cloud and it is quiet, listen for the birds or smell the flowers. Let nature sweep over your body.

      Learn to slow down and take deep breathes. Talk positive to yourself by thinking out loud. Listen to the birds chirp. It takes practice to learn to relax but it will come the more you practice mental talk.

      During the nighttime or afternoon, light some candles in the bathroom and soak in a tub of hot water. Turn the music on low and tell yourself that this is your time only.

      Stay positive and talk yourself into relaxation while watching the candles burn down. Turn off the lights and watch the flames burn while you are soaking in the bath and listening to soft music.

      Some people have a hard time at night sleeping or getting a recuperative night of sleep. They may sleep but it is not such a deep sleep that they wake up after a couple of hours or in the morning feeling like that never went to bed.

      When you go to

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