A Comparative Vocabulary Guide: Spanish to English to Portuguese. Robert D. O'Brian

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A Comparative Vocabulary Guide: Spanish to English to Portuguese - Robert D. O'Brian

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      X: as sh in shoe

      Y: as y in yell

      Z: as z in zero

      There are 4 defined ‘qualities’ of Portuguese vowels, known as open, close, reduced, and nasal.

      When the vowel has a circumflex over it (^), close quality; with an acute accent over it (´ ), open quality, (usually the acute é is pronounced as more as ‘ay’); a tilde (~) over a vowel has a nasal pronunciation as does the letter m or n after a vowel. When a word ends with a vowel, or starts with an ‘e’, you would normally use the reduced quality unless there is an accent to indicate otherwise. However, an ‘e’ at the end of a word, followed by a vowel at the start of the next word, normally requires the ‘e’ to become more ‘close’, as the ‘e’ in ‘people’ (this is for ease of articulation).

      The signs and symbols appearing in this guide are identified as follows:

      (A) = the feminine ending

      (f) = feminine

      (m) = masculine

      (n) = noun

      (adj) = adjective

      (adv) = adverb

      ó = or

      ú = or

      sthg = something

      sb = somebody

      s = plural

      (AERO) = aeronautics

      (AGRIC) = agriculture

      (ANAT) = anatomical

      (ARCHIT) = architecture

      (ARTE) = art, artistic

      (ASTROL) = astrology

      (ASTRON) = astronomy

      (AUTO) = automotive

      (BIOL) = biology

      (BOT) = botany

      (CINE) = cinema

      (COM) = commercial

      (DEP) = sports

      (DER) = legal

      (ECON) = economics

      (ELECTR) = electrical

      (FIN) = financial

      (FIS) = physics

      (FOTO) = photography

      (GEN) = general meaning

      (GEOG) = geography

      (GEOL) = geology

      (GRAM) = grammar

      (INFORM) = inf. technology

      (LITER) = literature

      (MAT) = mathematics

      (MECAN) = mechanical

      (MED) = medical

      (METEO) = meteorologiacal

      (MIL) = military

      (MUS) = music

      (NAUT) = nautical

      (POL) = politics

      (QUIM) = chemistry

      (RELIG) = religion

      (TECNOL) = technology

      (ZOOL) = zoology


      Interchangeable words and their Portuguese equivalents

      Palabras intercambiables y sus equivalentes en Portugués

      Palavras intercambiáveis e seus equivalentes em Português





      ACRE; also can mean caustic, bitter, pungent, acrid

      ACRE; acrid, harsh



      AD HOC

      AD HOC



      AGENDA; work schedule; diary, directory




      ALBINO (A)

      ALBINO (A)

      ÁLBUM, stamps, photos


      ALGA, alga, seaweed




















      ANGELICAL, angelic







      ANIMAL (adj)



      ANTENATAL, prenatal






      APACHE, Apache Indian




      ARDOR; heartburn (MED)








      ART DECO


      ARTERIAL; also means a principal road



      ARTIFICIAL; also means false







      AU PAIR

      AU PAIR





      AUDITOR (A)


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