Kiss and Cry. Narrelle M Harris

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Kiss and Cry - Narrelle M Harris

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      CHANNEL 8 COMMS AND MEDIA – MEMO: Justin Samms to Claire Poppy

      I guess she won Love is Blind fair and square. Right, that’s in design.

      Will send it to you for final sign-off when Dylan gets it back to me.



      Press Release: Update

      Press pack contains: contestant, host and judge biographies; headshots.

      Channel 8 proudly presents Icing It! 2014!

      The Chef. The Olympian. The Journalist. The Singer. The Dancer.

      The Joker. The Sportsman. The Lover. The Actor. The Director.

      Ten names acing it in their chosen field – but who will be Icing It! this summer?

      Icing It! is hosted by Logie Award winner Duncan Andrew (Sale Away; Twice Around The Block) and Lily Maple (Who’s Who in the Zoo; Stop and Go Travel Show). Every week, they will guide our celebrity contestants as they compete for honours in the rink and for their chosen charity!

      Each week, viewers will vote for their favourites. Their SMS votes, combined with the votes of our panel of expert and celebrity judges – choreographer Clifford Smith, Tony-Award winner Valerie Metcalfe, pop diva Mina D. and figure skating gold medallist Billy Deane – will determine who will stay and who will go!

      Every Thursday for EIGHT weeks from 16 January, watch our stars compete for $50,000 for their chosen charity!


      Icing It! is proud to announce that Hobart Kites midfielder and winner of the 2013 Brownlow “Best and Fairest” Medal, Adam Wills, will be taking the place of his team-mate, Josh Baker, who has had to withdraw due to injury.

      The Icing It! team welcomes Adam to the rink, and wishes Josh a speedy recovery.

      For interviews, photo opportunities and sound bites, contact Claire Poppy at the Channel 8 Media Office.


      Channel Four

      News at Six on Four with Glen Patchett

      ‘Next on News at Six on Four: Is troubled Hobart Kites ruckman Josh Baker on another bender? More after the break.’

      Cue Channel 4 station logo and ads for cars. After the ads, an image of Baker in his team colours appears on the screen beside the newsreader, Glen Patchett.

      ‘Troubled Kites ruckman, Josh Baker, has been ruled out of Channel 8’s ice dancing reality series after breaking his leg before he even hit the ice. His club released a statement saying that Baker fell from his parents’ roof while cleaning the gutters ahead of bushfire season, but rumours have been circulating that Baker may have been drinking shortly before climbing the ladder.

      ‘The bad boy of Tasmanian footy, Baker was tipped to be one of the biggest names in AFL, but his off-field behaviour and a string of injuries over the last five years means he hasn’t fulfilled his early promise.’

      Pictures of news headlines appear over the image of Baker: Baker Baked! By Josh, He’s Done it Again! Ruckman High as a Kite!

      ‘Baker was put on probation in 2011 for drink-driving, and again a year later for his antics at a nightclub owned by flamboyant Melbourne businessman, Connor Lewis. After a stint in rehab, Baker hit the ground running in 2013, helping to boost the Hobart Kites into the semi -finals, before suffering a season-ending groin injury.’

      A picture of Baker at the semi-finals flashes up. He is on the ground, curled up in agony, attended by worried match officials.

      ‘Baker emerged this summer, match-fit and showing every sign of leaving his wild days behind him. His scheduled appearance on the reality show was intended to reveal the reformed hell-raiser in a more positive light. Now, not only has he lost that chance, with the cause of the accident a matter of speculation, but this new injury may keep him from this year’s season.

      ‘Kites coach, Mick Sampson, insists that Baker is on the wagon and that the fall was simply an unhappy accident.’

      A photograph of a handsome Indigenous man replaces the Baker shot.

      ‘Baker’s team-mate, Adam Wills, will take his place on the reality show. And now here’s Mira Stannish with the weather.’


      Facebook Group: Channel 8 Icing It! 2014


      Video post: Meeting Adam Wills!

      174 Comments 89 Shares

      Bev Cutler: Everyone should lay off Joshie he’s had a hard time and he’s pulling himself together. It’s just bad luck he broke his leg.

      Lyn Rhys: Bev Cutler Bad luck he was drunk on a rooftop, ha!

      Kevin Aster: Josh is da man! Champion! Go Kites!

      Lyn Rhys: Kevin Aster Champion drunk falling off roofs. He’s a drug cheat, him and all his dodgy mates in the Melbourne Mafia!

      Kevin Aster: Lyn Rhys Baker’s not a cheat, and lots of people go to Connor Lewis’s nightclubs not everyone who goes is a crook. Want to talk shady, what about that Milo Bertolone? He and his boyfriend involved in those murders, eh?

      Lachlan Upton: Kevin Aster Shows how ignorant you are, you dumb jock. Milo and Frank helped catch a killer in Perth back in ‘99 and a serial killer kidnapped Milo in 2004 and he was lucky to get away. They are fucking HEROES.

      Kevin Aster: Lachlan Upton Hey aren’t you the whacko who got done for stalking them a few years back?

      Lyn Rhys: Lachlan Upton Ha! The admins deleted the rest of your thread! Keep yourselves nice, boys! LOL!

      Chapter Four

      Dozens of production crew, skaters, presenters and sundry hangers-on like moved about the specially constructed ice rink with an almost-choreographed sense of purpose. Their business made the space seem much fuller than it was, and made Frank feel particularly redundant as he sat watching them from the sidelines.

      Frank had cleared his schedule to film a spot for Milo’s episode intro, but nobody had made an effort to talk to him beyond the early greeting. Irritated with the hurry-up-and-wait, he was considering abandoning the whole thing for his music studio, where he could work on Cody’s last two tracks until someone called him. Let them wait for a change.

      He didn’t, though. This was important to Milo and he’d promised to be here. A half day delay wouldn’t derail Cody’s album, whatever it may do to Frank’s patience.

      Frank had a front row seat in the otherwise empty stands, built for the show’s weekly live audience. He had his eye on Milo, skating in lazy circles on the far side of the rink beside his petite ice dance partner, and another professional skater, there to help Milo through the early stages. Milo’s pale cheeks were flushed rosy with the combined chill and exertion. Spotting Frank, he gave a cheerful thumbs-up before paying attention to his instructors again.

      Behind Milo and his dance team hung the giant sparkly show banner – ICING IT! – picked out in mirror spangles on a background that bled from baby blue glacier to a iris-in-bloom princess purple, with streaks of pink and diamante highlights. Frank hadn’t seen anything so gay since the last pride parade.

      ‘Excuse me? I’m so sorry, can you watch her a minute? I’ll be right back.’

      A harried woman with an English rose complexion deposited a small black-haired child on the seat next to Frank and dashed off towards a distant summons.

      ‘Want?’ asked the child, thrusting

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