Genesis.... Welby Thomas Cox, Jr.

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Genesis... - Welby Thomas Cox, Jr.

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you make much money here at the Hyatt, Danny boy?”

      “It pays the rent while I am in school.”

      She dropped her robe and placed his hand on her wet pussy as they sunk into the bed.

      “What would you say if I told you I have a way for you to make a month’s income, Danny boy?”

      “I would say far out…WOW, fucking you and making money?”

      He was excited, standing over her he disrobed, except for a G-string which secured his business as he climbed in next to her. He kissed her neck and ear lobes and smelled the subtle fragrance…he kissed her full lips which tasted like some erotic fruit and ran his tongue into her mouth and she sucked it hard as she pressed against him moaning as she kissed his neck, his ears and moved down to kiss his nipples surrounded by his chest hair and she felt them get hard.

      Danny moved his hand over her firm but soft body and noticed she had shaven her pubic area where nothing remained not even the stubble. He placed his hand on her vagina, it was very wet as he moved his finger over the clitoris which he felt pulsating and standing hard like a ‘little man in a boat’…Danny liked that very much because he knew she was engaged and not just faking it…she moaned and crooned…and Hallahan watched.

      Danny removed the G-string and she took his thick ample cock into her hand and felt it jumping as it covered her clinched palm holding it tightly and she wondered if he was going to come. She held it devilish toward the bath door where Hallahan was watching and she saw him lick his large black lips. She took Danny’s hard cock into her mouth and sucked it from the base forward, applying great pressure from the roof of her mouth as she got to the tip of his Dick, she released it leaving her thick saliva to make it look as though it was dripping with come…She watched as Hallahan moaned and squeezed his large leg muscles together.

      “Don’t you dare come, Danny boy.” She demanded “I can fuck for hours.” He responded.

      “Do you like for your cock to be sucked this way?”

      “Hey…I’m your basic pussy hound…nothing pleases me but to be in you and knowing I am giving you pleasure…my goal is to climax you as many times as you desire…I want you screaming…S-T-O-P!”

      “Wow, what a man,” she said as she slid his cock into her waiting and wet pussy. They moved together in unison…in-and-out…and in moments she climaxed with a loud shriek. He smiled and relaxed his tight ass muscles…knowing that most women’s second climax was the strongest and he prepared himself to take her there again…he started slowly…pushing in-and-out just to the end of his hard cock and just as he was about out of her he pushed back in through the juicy walls as they tightened on his hard member. He listened to her breathing and gasping for air…he tasted her salty sweat as he screwed her with a youthful passion…his cock taking on a new life of its own and he felt good knowing that he was sending her over the edge and into the sexual twilight zone…a place he knew was filled with danger.

      “Slow down big boy…we have plenty of time!”


      “Oh, don’t worry there is someone else here…that wants to play…and he will pay…big time!”

      “Surprises all around?” The waiter said as he rolled off her.

      Hallahan stepped out of the bathroom. Danny displayed his alarm…and then Hallahan began counting one hundred dollar bills on the bed as the waiter watched.

      “What do you want man?” Danny asked nervously.

      “To suck your cock!”

      “I don’t know man…I ain’t never done…”

      “You mean, had a black man suck you off?”

      “That too.”

      “Oh…look her I’s got myself a cherry, a virgin or are you just an everyday racist?”

      “No, man…I’m no racist…it is just that I’m not feeling right about this…black has nothing to do with it…I ain’t no queer.”

      “Who said you were?”

      “Well I ain’t and I draw the line here.”

      “Make up your mind…you don’t have to stay…Dick’s are dangling sweet things…that love to come out and play.”

      “And I can leave anytime I want?”

      “Sure…unless you want to come in this sweet thing…” Hallahan opened his mouth and Danny saw his pink tongue.

      “Sorry…but all this surprise is more’n I know how to handle and as good as that grand looks…I am going…”

      Hallahan didn’t let Danny finish the sentence…he grabbed him by the throat with his big black hand and watched as the life left Danny…he laughed… “Guess he never heard the story of the Praying Mantis eating it’s pray.” Hallahan said to no one in particular.

      “Yes, but the Mantis doing the killing and eating of the prey was female?” Sandy said as Hallahan had his way with the dead man’s cock.

      When Hallahan had finished his ghoulish business with Danny, he said to Sandy…” call Donald and tell him to get his ass up here pronto…I have his money and a delivery for him to dispose of in a place which is safe.”

      “Ok boss…consider it done…” she said as she picked up the grand from beneath the pillow…” This… the bonus you promised if I delivered the tuna?

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