Faust. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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all Thy works, sublime and splendid,

      Are bright as in Creation’s hour.


      Since Thou, O Lord, deign’st to approach again

      And ask us how we do, in manner kindest,

      And heretofore to meet myself wert fain,

      Among Thy menials, now, my face Thou findest.

      Pardon, this troop I cannot follow after

      With lofty speech, though by them scorned and spurned:

      My pathos certainly would move Thy laughter,

      If Thou hadst not all merriment unlearned.

      Of suns and worlds I’ve nothing to be quoted;

      How men torment themselves, is all I’ve noted.

      The little god o’ the world sticks to the same old way,

      And is as whimsical as on Creation’s day.

      Life somewhat better might content him,

      But for the gleam of heavenly light which Thou hast lent


      He calls it Reason–thence his power’s increased,

      To be far beastlier than any beast.

      Saving Thy Gracious Presence, he to me

      A long-legged grasshopper appears to be,

      That springing flies, and flying springs,

      And in the grass the same old ditty sings.

      Would he still lay among the grass he grows in!

      Each bit of dung he seeks, to stick his nose in.

      THE LORD

      Hast thou, then, nothing more to mention?

      Com’st ever, thus, with ill intention?

      Find’st nothing right on earth, eternally?


      No, Lord! I find things, there, still bad as they can be.

      Man’s misery even to pity moves my nature;

      I’ve scarce the heart to plague the wretched creature.

      THE LORD

      Know’st Faust?


      The Doctor Faust?

      THE LORD

      My servant, he!


      Forsooth! He serves you after strange devices:

      No earthly meat or drink the fool suffices:

      His spirit’s ferment far aspireth;

      Half conscious of his frenzied, crazed unrest,

      The fairest stars from Heaven he requireth,

      From Earth the highest raptures and the best,

      And all the Near and Far that he desireth

      Fails to subdue the tumult of his breast.

      THE LORD

      Though still confused his service unto Me,

      I soon shall lead him to a clearer morning.

      Sees not the gardener, even while buds his tree,

      Both flower and fruit the future years adorning?


      What will you bet? There’s still a chance to gain him,

      If unto me full leave you give,

      Gently upon my road to train him!

      THE LORD

      As long as he on earth shall live,

      So long I make no prohibition.

      While Man’s desires and aspirations stir,

      He cannot choose but err.


      My thanks! I find the dead no acquisition,

      And never cared to have them in my keeping.

      I much prefer the cheeks where ruddy blood is leaping,

      And when a corpse approaches, close my house:

      It goes with me, as with the cat the mouse.

      THE LORD

      Enough! What thou hast asked is granted.

      Turn off this spirit from his fountain-head;

      To trap him, let thy snares be planted,

      And him, with thee, be downward led;

      Then stand abashed, when thou art forced to say:

      A good man, through obscurest aspiration,

      Has still an instinct of the one true way.


      Agreed! But ‘tis a short probation.

      About my bet I feel no trepidation.

      If I fulfill my expectation,

      You’ll let me triumph with a swelling breast:

      Dust shall he eat, and with a zest,

      As did a certain snake, my near relation.

      THE LORD

      Therein thou’rt free, according to thy merits;

      The like of thee have never moved My hate.

      Of all the bold, denying Spirits,

      The waggish knave least trouble doth create.

      Man’s active nature, flagging, seeks too soon the level;

      Unqualified repose he learns to crave;

      Whence, willingly, the comrade him I gave,

      Who works, excites, and must create, as Devil.

      But ye, God’s sons in love and duty,

      Enjoy the rich, the ever-living Beauty!

      Creative Power, that works eternal schemes,

      Clasp you in bonds of love, relaxing never,

      And what in wavering apparition gleams

      Fix in its place with thoughts that stand forever!

      (Heaven closes: the ARCHANGELS separate.)

      MEPHISTOPHELES (solus)

      I like, at times, to hear The Ancient’s word,

      And have a care to be most civil:

      It’s really kind of such a noble Lord

      So humanly to gossip with the Devil!

      First Part of the Tragedy


      (A lofty-arched, narrow, Gothic chamber. FAUST, in a chair at his desk, restless.)


      I’ve studied now Philosophy

      And Jurisprudence, Medicine,–

      And even, alas! Theology,–

      From end to end, with labor keen;

      And here, poor fool! with all my lore


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