Interview Power. Tom Washington
Читать онлайн книгу.Sensing a potential objection is exactly what Pat did. Pat was interviewing for a job in which she would train clients to use an accounting software package which cost several thousand dollars. The concern, which was never spoken directly but which was implied, was whether Pat could learn the package quickly enough to meet the employer’s needs. Pat looked for the earliest opportunity to address this objection. Before the objection was directly mentioned, Pat shared that she had learned a complex accounting software package very quickly at her current job. As a result, the invoice error rate had decreased by 80%. Pat never stated that because she had learned the one package so quickly she could learn theirs as well. She didn’t need to. Since the employer had not stated the objection, Pat was subtle in the way she dealt with it. She did, however, let them know how she had managed to learn the package so quickly—she had taken the manual home with her and studied it on her own time. Pat recalled that as she told her story, she could sense that her future supervisor was gaining confidence in her. By recognizing an objection and then neutralizing it, Pat was offered the job.
Since you will probably lack some desired skill or knowledge, look for ways to sell the fact that you learn quickly.
The value of anticipating objections is further demonstrated by John. His story was told to me by the person who hired him. Very early in the interview, John used an opportunity to reveal something about himself while at the same time selling himself. He knew it would come out during the interview that he had spent a year in prison for assault. When he was invited to talk about himself, he described how he had taught an English course while he was in prison. John emphasized that what made him feel really good was making valuable use of his prison time. Because of his candidness and the realization that he had a strong work ethic, this potentially disastrous piece of information was turned into something positive. He was offered a material handler position with a Fortune 500 company and became a valued employee.
Don’t Argue With Employers
When overcoming an objection, don’t argue with the employer. If the employer states, “You really don’t have enough experience in this field,” a good response might be:
I realize there may be others with more years of experience, but I really feel the quality of my experience is the key. Because of the variety of things I’ve done, and the level of responsibility I was given, I think my five years are equivalent to most people with eight. There’s no question in my mind that I can do an outstanding job for you.
Describe Related Experience
Another way to deal with the issue of not having enough experience is to describe all of your related experience. Related experience is similar to what the employer is looking for, but not exactly the same. Your challenge is to get the employer believing that your experience is close to what they need. The more successful you are at making the employer see this similarity, the more likely you are to overcome the objection and get the job offer.
A classic story told by John Crystal reveals the importance of recognizing related experience in order to overcome objections. In the mid–1970s, Bill was interviewing for a middle management position. During the interview he was told that the person who got the job, in addition to the many other management duties, would manage the company-owned cafeteria. Bill had never managed a cafeteria before, and neither had the other remaining candidate. In this position, the head cook and cafeteria manager would actually run the day-to-day operations, but Bill would be responsible for the budget and approving major decisions made by the staff. If Bill had been like most job seekers, he would have said, “Well, I’ve never run a cafeteria before, but I am an excellent manager and I learn quickly. I know I could do an excellent job.” He could have said that, and it would not have been a bad answer, but he had a better idea. In a flash Bill recalled that while he was stationed in Vietnam during the mid-60s, he was responsible for transporting warm food from the mess hall to troops in the field by Jeep, truck, tank, or even helicopter. Bill realized that his experience was not exactly what the employer had in mind, but he recognized that it was related to what they were seeking, so he decided to make the most of this example.
Bill also realized that he faced an objection if he did not successfully get the employer to buy his story. So he told the story with flair and vividness. He got the job and was convinced that his story had tipped the balance in his favor. He didn’t get the job because of his Vietnam experience. But when the employer had to decide between two very qualified people, Bill had demonstrated that he had related experience regarding cafeterias. That was enough to enable him to edge out his competitor. I also believe that by telling a vivid tale, full of strong visual images, Bill revealed many qualities that also helped sell him. I am sure that the executive hiring Bill realized that Bill cared so greatly about his customers—those soldiers out in the trenches—that he provided a service far beyond what was expected. The executive knew that Bill would do the same in the position he was being interviewed for. Bill was obviously the person for the job.
Clearly, Bill overcame a potential objection by selling his related experience. Pat overcame a potential objection by selling her ability to learn new systems quickly. Both succeeded in heading off an objection caused by their lack of particular experience. Sometimes, however, the employer will state that you lack some experience before you’ve had an opportunity to anticipate or deal with the objection. In that case, you should sell your related experience and your ability to learn quickly. Use a highly vivid story to demonstrate your willingness to do whatever is necessary to become proficient quickly.
Chapter 4
Enthusiasm and potential will land you more job offers than any other qualities. The two are inseparable.
Employers seek enthusiastic people who really want to get involved in the job. You should demonstrate genuine enthusiasm—enthusiasm for yourself, enthusiasm for the job, enthusiasm for your future boss, and enthusiasm for the company.
Enthusiasm For Yourself
Enthusiasm for yourself will come through by showing self-confidence and your belief that you can do the job. When you’re asked “What is your greatest strength?” you must be able to respond with enthusiasm. If you can’t stir up enthusiasm about yourself with a question like that, you won’t be able to do it at all.
It’s hard to sound enthusiastic if you’re overly nervous, since nervous people tend to either speak too rapidly or in a monotone.
Neither will present the right impression. That’s why preparation is so important. Preparation gives you confidence and minimizes nervousness.
Enthusiasm For The Job
You’ll demonstrate enthusiasm for the job by showing interest throughout the interview and by asking questions that reveal your genuine interest in the job. One of the best ways to demonstrate enthusiasm for the job is to tell the interviewer that you really want the job and that you know you can perform it well. When it comes across as genuine, you’ll score many points with the interviewer.
Enthusiasm For Your Future Boss
You’ll show enthusiasm for your prospective boss by listening intently to everything he says. Look for an opportunity to ask for his management style and philosophy (if he hasn’t described it already) and then listen enthusiastically. Asking questions to further clarify his style and philosophy will show that you really are interested in everything he has to say. You could make small comments like, “I think that’s really important,” “I