Negotiating Your Salary. Jack Chapman

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Negotiating Your Salary - Jack Chapman

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       Copyright Page


       To all the clients I have worked with over the years. I learned my craft by helping you achieve your own career satisfaction and success.


      Special thanks for helping me create this book go to:

      Janet Butler, my faithful salary-business companion, who has goo gobs (one of her favorite words; you’ll see it in Chapter 5) of faith in the power of this book to make money for its readers and has kept my shoulder to the wheel in salary-coaching endeavors. She genuinely enjoys seeing people prosper.

      Mary-Ellen Mort, M.L.S., who helped me understand the intricacies of getting online salary information.

      Chuck Sterbis, my colleague in career consulting, who offered strategic criticism about the methods presented here.

      Dan Felix, “The Executive’s Attorney,” who penned some good advice about when to use a lawyer.

      All my well-over 2000 clients who have used me over the years as a coach in their salary and compensation negotiations.

      Bruce McKenzie who suggested adding a chronological navigation component to the book – you’ll find just before chapter one.

      And most important, Karen, my wife, whose vision encouraged me to go for it, and whose practical love and support made it possible.


      After 25 years in print we’re changing Salary Making Rule #2. New research data supports a radical shift from “Let Them Go First,” to “You Go First.” Wow! You’ll discover the rule and its rationale in Chapter 4. In this 7th edition, I have added info on a “Lock Down” maneuver to mitigate the extra risk the “you go first” strategy incurs.

      A special thanks to the countless people who have taken a moment to call me or email me their success stories. I always appreciate hearing them.

      The 7th edition preserves enhancements from the 6th edition. New names, addresses, and some extra web sites were added. Some highlights:

      • Chronological index to handling negotiations. What to do before the search, during negotiations, after negotiations, etc.

      • An up-front “Lightning Round” section. I added a mini-book at the very beginning with the condensed basics in it so readers who got the book at the last minute can learn the five essentials in 15 minutes or less.

      • Salary Tele-coaching. I have included some examples in Chapter 12. You’re invited to enlist me or my colleagues as a coach in this regard. Check out Chapter 12 or visit the website

      • Expanded Internet Salary Research section.

      • Achieving Financial Independence. At the end of Chapter 12, you’ll find information about a free report on three ways to get out of the salary negotiating syndrome altogether by achieving financial freedom without changing careers.

      This edition is supplemented with articles you’ll find on my website You’ll also find updates on internet resources and other goodies. Click on the “Bought The Book” button and enter password BoughtTheBook.

      Disclaimer: Fictitious names throughout.



      Dear Readers: In addition to the lucrative things you’ll learn in this Salary Negotiations book, I also invite you to be my guest and visit for free LIVE Best-in-Class career advancement Webinars and Workshops, such as:

      • SpeedSearch: how to cut your job search time in half [a.k.a...]

      • More Organized, More Time, More Peace of Mind: Success for workers and entrepreneurs through Priorities Mgt. System.

      • Just a Resume Won’t Cut It Anymore: how to create better, customized job-search materials that get better response than a resume.

      • No Dollar Left Behind: a Webinar based on this book.

      • Bold Moves: clears any inner obstacles and thoughts that impede your success in job search and career endeavors. (Inperson workshop in Chicago)

      • A Streetwise Guide to Job Interviewing: Use 5-Q analysis system to be able to handle every job interview question by preparing only five answers.

      • Special Workshops of the Month: See schedule on website.

      • One-on-One “Career Optimizer” session that promises to get to the root of any job-search or career-related problem and make a practical plan to fix it. In person, or by telephone /Skype. Read about it on the LucrativeCareersInc site.

      **Note: Webinars and Workshops are free now, but subject to change any time. For current schedule and course descriptions, go to...


      To help you quickly find the applicable negotiating info relevant to the timing of your negotiations, consult this guide.

      RUSH: Check out the Lightning Rounds to get a crash course in negotiating – for people facing immediate/near term negotiations.

      BEFORE YOU START JOB SEARCH: learning the make-me-a-buck underlying principle of negotiations. First 6 pages of Chapter 2, and ISN formula 6 pages into Chapter 3. Document your current salary so you can compare it with ORV$. Document your ORV$ from printed info from websites listed in chapter 5.

      BEFORE YOU TALK WITH RECRUITER: Special situations, 5 pages into Chapter 8.

      BEFORE YOU RESPOND TO AN AD/POSTING: read “Internet boxes” in section 2 of chapter 8.

      BEFORE GETTING SALARY EXPECTATIONS SCREENING QUESTION: memorize and practice your favorite postponing phrase; 15 examples at the end of Chapter 3.

      AFTER INTERVIEW WITH NO JOB OFFER: recalculate your IV$ based on what you learned their need are, “delayed Negotiations” the 11th section in Chapter 8.

      AT OPENING OF NEGOTIATIONS: no short cuts: read all of Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Game Time! Know your ISN; know your BATNA; be prepared

      BEFORE YOU ACCEPT THE OFFER: check out bennies and perks; get clarity on bonuses, stock (Chapter 9), etc. Time to think it over (Chapter 7). Talk to lawyer (Chapter 8)

      BEFORE YOU START YOUR NEW JOB: Chapter 10, raises and reviews

      BEFORE YOU’RE LAID OFF OR FIRED; Last 5 sections in Chapter 8.

       Chapter 1:


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