Give Me More. P.J. Mellor

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Give Me More - P.J. Mellor

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      He turned toward the door. Best to cut his losses and get on with his day.

      “Wait!” She grabbed his arm, the warmth of her palm doing funny things to his heart rate. “I don’t even know your name.”

      He glanced at her hand and then back to her red-rimmed eyes. Their clear color seemed incongruous with the almost-painful-looking redness surrounding them.

      “Drew. Drew Connor.” He extricated his arm and offered his hand. “Cruise director.”

      She slipped her hand into his in what felt like an oddly intimate gesture.

      Get a grip, Connor! The woman is just returning your handshake.

      “Maggie Hamilton.” She shrugged and removed the temptation of her hand. “But I guess you already know that.”

      “Ms. Hamilton?” He tilted her chin with his finger tip.

      “Maggie,” she said on a breath. “Call me Maggie.”

      “Maggie.” Despite his best intentions, he leaned closer. “Think hard. You’re not really single, are you?”

      Her brow wrinkled. She stepped out of his reach and heaved a sigh. “Why are you having such an issue with my marital status?” She threw up her hands and strode to the side of the bed before turning on him. “Don’t you think I would know it if I’d married someone? What? Do you think I’d forget something like that?”

      Maybe she was telling the truth.

      Fists on hips—very shapely hips, he might add—she glared at him. “Why are you grinning like that?”

      He took a step toward her.

      “Mr. Connor—”

      “Drew.” He took another step.

      “Drew.” She held up her hand. “Okay, you can stop right there, Drew.” He took another step. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

      He closed the distance. Practically chest to chest, he felt the heat. He knew she felt it, too.

      “You’re really single, aren’t you?” He raised her limp left hand and surveyed her ringless finger.

      “I—” She swallowed and looked up at him with her incredible eyes. “I already told you that.”

      Damn, this was stupid on so many levels.

      He put his arms around her, half prepared to be kicked or slapped.

      She reacted by encircling his neck with her arms.

      Okay. Let’s think about all the reasons why this is a bad idea.

      He pulled her closer.

      One: it’s against company policy.

      He leaned down, feeling the exciting warmth of her breath against his lips.

      Two: even if she isn’t married, she should be off-limits, due to reason one. Plus, if she isn’t married, why is she on a honeymoon cruise? Maybe she’s an escaped criminal. Maybe she’s the female equivalent of a gigolo, who preys on married men.

      The last idea fueled his excitement. He ground his already rock-hard erection against her.

      She smiled and ground right back, eliciting a moan he hoped sounded more like a growl. Growls were more manly.

      Three: stop reacting with your body, and listen to your mind, stupid! You don’t even know this woman. This isn’t some singles bar. You’re going to get caught.

      He glanced down at her. The heat from their wet clothes practically made steam. Her incredible eyes were heavy lidded. She licked her lips, and he was a goner.

      Four: time to score.

      Maggie looked up at the man holding her in his arms and felt her knees go weak. If he didn’t kiss her soon, she might just climb up his hard body and have her way with him right here, right now.

      “Kiss me,” she said on a breath, his mouth poised mere millimeters from her own.

      “Oh, darlin’, I plan on it, I definitely plan on it.” His husky whisper vibrated her lips an instant before settling in for the duration.

      Whew! The guy sure knew how to kiss. She wouldn’t be surprised if she had steam coming out of her ears.

      He nibbled the edge of her lip before swooping in for another toe-curling, bone-melting kiss.

      Her knees threatened to buckle. She couldn’t take a deep breath, even through her nose.

      He shifted position slightly, deepening the kiss she swore couldn’t get deeper. Who needed to breathe, anyway?

      “Our clothes…” she finally managed to whisper against his lips.

      “What about them?” He nuzzled her neck.

      “They’re wet.” Her teeth closed around his earlobe.

      He shuddered. “Well, we’ll just have to get out of them,” he returned.

      His hands bracketed her waist, pushing the wet silk of her top ever upward while he continued to feast on her lips and neck. He paused a moment at the front clasp of her intensifier bra before popping it open with a flick of his wrist.

      She held her breath. Would he notice the disparity in size once he palmed her actual flesh?

      Then his hands cupped her, and she released a sigh. Who cared? As long as he kept doing what he was doing.

      Her top came up and over her head, his mouth scarcely leaving hers.

      Breaking contact, he knelt at her bare feet, peeling the wet linen down her hips and then balancing her while she stepped out of the sodden fabric.

      A hot trail of kisses tracked his progress up her body until they again stood chest to chest. Well, actually more like chest to abdomen, since he was a good foot taller.

      His mouth once again took possession of hers while he slipped her bra straps from her shoulders and down her arms.

      She rubbed her pebbled nipples against his firm chest, loving the friction.

      In response, his hips bucked against her while he deepened the kiss, all but lifting her from her feet.

      She wrapped her arms around his neck, swallowing a tiny gasp of excitement at the feel of his fingers hooking in the sides of her thong. The wet string dragged along the skin of her hips and then rolled beneath her buttocks to scrape down her thighs. When it fell to her knees, she was forced to break the kiss and step out.

      Somewhat of a klutz under normal circumstances, she didn’t want to risk tripping on her own underwear during what might easily be the most awesome sexual encounter of her life to date.

      His gaze left a trail of fire down to her toes and back up again. Beneath her palm, his heart pounded, his breath coming in harsh drags of air.

      “This is nuts,” he said on a breath. “Tell me to stop.” He nibbled the edge of her lip. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

      She nodded. Karyl wanted her to walk on the wild side. Maggie glanced at her personal jungle. It was about as wild as she was going to get. “I want to do something wild to celebrate my first cruise.” She hoped her smile was more assured than she felt. “Let’s make love in the water.”

      His eyes widened; then a slow grin revealed a set of blinding white teeth and a lethal dimple. “Anything the lady wants….”

      He made short work of stripping—dang, she didn’t get a chance to check him out—and then scooped her up in his arms and stepped into the grotto.

      She gripped his shoulders to keep from drifting away from the delicious heat of his hard body.

      “Wait.” He reached for a boulder at the edge of the waterfall. It opened. He pulled out what looked

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