Between The Sheets. P.J. Mellor

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Between The Sheets - P.J. Mellor

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      Connor wanted to speak, to tell her how special it was, how no woman had moved him the way she moved him. She touched him.

      He paused, his breath lodged. What they’d shared went beyond sex. Did she feel it, too?

      “Move,” she said against his ear. “I can’t breathe.”

      He adjusted his position but was determined to stay in their intimate alignment for as long as possible.

      Beneath him, she shifted. “How did we end up down here?”

      Embarrassment heated his ears. “I forgot to step out of my shorts. I tripped.”

      He braced, waiting for her to laugh at him or, worse, call him Junior again. With his penis still buried deep within her honeyed warmth, he didn’t know if he could take it.

      “Are you hurt?” She sounded genuinely concerned.

      “No, just uncoordinated.”

      Her chuckle did funny things to his still-interested member.

      “Your coordination seemed just fine to me.” She smoothed her hand over his buttocks. “But maybe we should go get cleaned up and check everything out, just to make sure.” The tip of her tongue traced the shell of his ear, making his whole body tingle. She lowered her voice to a husky whisper. “The bathroom is that way, Junior. Let me kiss it and make it all better.”

      Wiggling downward, she closed her teeth around one of his nipples.

      Suddenly it didn’t matter if she called him Junior.


      Connor relaxed against the edge of the whirlpool tub and watched Andrea kiss and lick his eager cock. Oh, yeah, no doubt about it, he’d never been shown a house in quite that way.

      He liked it.

      But a part of him struggled to push aside the niggling doubts about her motive. He knew he wasn’t the kind of guy women fell all over. Not even close. His was the kind of personality that had to grow on people. For that reason, he had difficulty finding and maintaining friendships. And personal relationships were even more difficult.

      Was it unusual for a woman like Andrea Redd to fall into bed with a guy like him? Damn straight. But, as his grandmother used to say, every once in a while, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn. Regardless of the reason, at the risk of mixing metaphors, he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

      True, he’d never indulged in casual sex. But there was a first time for everything, and that didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy it.

      If he could just turn off his suspicious brain and stop remembering Bill’s comment about the possibility of Andrea being a wolf in sheep’s clothing. What did Bill know, anyway? It’s not like his friend had been any more successful in personal relationships than Connor.

      “Junior?” Andrea’s husky voice brought him back to his current activity. She looked up at him with a look that told him she’d just spoken, while he had been arguing with his too-logical brain.

      “Hmm?” He licked suddenly dry lips.

      “Where were you? I don’t like to play alone. If you’re not interested…” She began to rise from the churning water.

      “No! Wait!” He reached out, trailing his index finger down her perfect breast until he touched the pebbled tip. “I’m sorry. Please. Come back.”

      “Make me,” she challenged. “I dare you.”

      “Okay, I’ll take that challenge.” He slid his arms around her, tugging her down, closer, until he held her flush against his excited body, his hands palming the firm smoothness of her buttocks. “I tell you what. I’ll make you a deal. I bet I can make you come without touching you. And I can do it in under five minutes.”

      Leaning back to look him in the eye, she smiled. “You seem awfully confident, Junior.”

      “And stop calling me Junior,” he said, kneading her ass, the movement causing her to rub against him in a very pleasant manner. “You have to play nice and give me a chance.”

      In answer, she wiggled against him, rubbing her smooth folds against his erection. “The clock is ticking. Go for it.”

      Flipping her until her back was against the end of the tub, he moved to one side, placing one of her long legs along the edge of the tub and the other resting on his shoulder. “Relax.” His hands stroked up and down her inner thighs once, twice, three times, until he felt her muscles soften against his palms.

      They watched as the jets fluttered her swollen labia.

      It was very erotic, but Andrea still craved the touch of a man’s hand—Connor’s hand, to be specific—and, later, other male body parts to sufficiently get off.

      “Connor, this is all very nice and interesting, in a bizarre kind of way, but I—oh! Ah-ah-aah!” Back arched, her nipples tightened into painful points while the powerful jets pulled every last shuddering ripple of her climax from her.

      She slid bonelessly down, her head held above water by Connor’s strong arms.

      Effortlessly, he turned her until she was straddling his hips, the tip of his erection probing her vibrating flesh.

      “What do I win?” His hot breath fluttered the damp hair by her ear as he pushed into her, immediately setting the pace.

      “How about a deal on this house?” She was only half kidding but laughed along with him, enjoying the pleasant warmth filling her with each thrust of his hips.

      Too bad the house was unfurnished. She must be getting old. She could really use a nap.

      Remarkably, she felt revived after their bath. So much so, in fact, she managed multiple orgasms in the rest of the rooms of the beach house. A few times were even with Connor. Good grief, was she experiencing hormone surges? She truly couldn’t remember being so horny, so responsive. Ever. Well, certainly not in the last few years, for sure.

      Was it her partner, or would any penis have done the trick?

      She bit back a smile as she watched him bury their condoms in the flower bed by the pool. Such a gentleman. It was very sweet of him to be concerned about her reputation. Her breath caught as she watched him rinse his hands in the pool and dry them on the legs of his cargo shorts. Remembering how his hands had felt as they’d explored every inch of her body, she clamped her thighs together in an effort to staunch the moisture.

      No, she was pretty sure only Connor O’Brian could elicit the kind of mind-blowing orgasms she’d experienced. The kind she wanted to continue experiencing for as long as possible.

      Because of that, it was difficult to be disappointed by his lack of decision about a house.

      Her nipples tingled at the prospect of future orgasms as she continued showing him property.

      Hey, it was only fair. She deserved something for her time. Why not enjoy whatever she could get?

      “Are you ready to look at another house?” Damn, her voice sounded eager.

      He shook his head, and she tamped down her disappointment, schooling her features.

      “No, it’s getting too dark. Unless the other places have lights?”

      “No, they’re all empty. Unless you’d like to see an older listing, not on the waterway?”

      “Now, Andrea, I told you how I feel about that.” He slipped his arm around her shoulders and guided her back into the house, giving her shoulders a quick squeeze. “Besides, I’m hungry. How about room service back at my hotel?”

      Ordinarily, she’d hesitate. After all, she’d stepped out of the parameter of propriety. She shouldn’t compound it by going back to his hotel room with him.

      Then again, she wanted to spend more

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