Releasing Henry. Sarah Hegger

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Releasing Henry - Sarah Hegger

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up her arm. His voice grew rougher as he placed her hand on her skirts. “My sisters will hold their skirts until they skim their slippers.”

      His chest pressed against her shoulder, and some devil within her whispered to keep him close. She gripped the skirt three inches above where he showed her.

      Clasping her hand, he moved it. His breath a whisper against her cheek. “Here.”

      “Here?” His face hovered so close, eyes containing heat that shot right through her and made her shiver.

      He dropped his gaze to their clasped hands. His lashes feathered dark against the strong lines of his cheek. “Right there.”

      “I believe we have this now.” Bahir cut through the moment.

      Henry stepped back, his face hard now. He gave her a curt nod and strode back above decks.

      “Lady Alya.” Bahir’s deep voice rumbled over her. “Do you know what danger you court?”

      Chapter 8

      Henry needed some air. When Alya was near him the air felt too thick to breathe. His entire infatuation with her careened into ridiculous. Soon they would track down her family and he would leave for home. Then she would be a distant, jasmine-scented memory.

      “Everything good?” Newt leaned his back on the railing beside him.

      “Aye.” Henry kept his gaze on the port. Newt saw too much most of the time, and he’d already caught Newt’s sharp gaze assessing the situation. “She looks well.”

      “Well?” Draping an arm about his shoulders, Newt chuckled. “Harry, Harry, Harry. A girl like the lovely Alya always looks more than well. Beautiful. Sensuous. A lovely exotic bloom. As you well know.”

      Irked by Newt’s description of Alya, Henry shrugged his arm off. The idea of Newt lusting after Alya galled him more than it should.

      “Indeed.” Newt stretched his arms wide. “If you have no further use for me, I intend to make a trip along the waterfront. Make some new friends.”

      Henry did not bother to hide his distaste. “You will catch something nasty tupping whores on the dock.”

      “I do not tup.” Newt looked affronted. “I take a woman to new levels of pleasure.”

      “They only say that because you pay them.” Henry lost his battle not to smile. The man he used to be had spent months trying to bend Newt’s moral character back into shape. Unsuccessfully. Now Newt amused him.

      “How about you, big man?” Newt called out to Bahir who had stepped onto the deck. “Fancy a little carnal adventure? Want to get your leg over?”

      “Um, Newt.” Henry nearly laughed aloud.

      Bahir merely folded his arms. “I think not.”

      “Nay.” Newt grimaced. “I suppose you are like Harry over here, too good for the fine ladies who walk these docks.”

      “Newt.” Henry should have tried harder to stop Newt, but he derived a certain evil enjoyment from the situation. “Bahir does not enjoy the pleasures of the flesh.”

      Newt gave Bahir a sharp look. “Why?”

      Henry pitched his voice low. “Bahir is a eunuch.”

      “A what?” Frowning, Newt stared at Bahir.

      “A eunuch.” Bahir closed the distance and loomed over Newt. “They cut off my balls.”

      “Dear God.” Newt paled and caught the deck rail for support. “Nay. Who? Why?”

      “Due to my size I was deemed suitable to guard the harem,” Bahir said.

      Having never seen such an occurrence, Henry could not be certain, but he thought Bahir might have actually been approaching a smile.

      With both hands, Newt cupped his crotch, and grimaced. “That is monstrous.”

      “I can assure you it was not by choice.” Bahir leaned beside them against the railing. “Go and enjoy your whores, young Newt.”

      Newt stepped closer to Bahir and lowered his voice. “You mean you have never…” He waggled his eyebrows.

      “I have never.” Bahir waggled his eyebrows. “But let me tell you a secret. The loss of balls does not entirely remove the desire, and there are many ways to pleasure a bored and lonely concubine.”

      “What?” Newt reared back. “You mean the non-roosters found a way to raid the henhouse?”

      “Indeed.” Bahir actually smiled.

      Henry knew he stared but couldn’t stop. When he smiled Bahir almost appeared human.

      “Bahir.” Newt clapped Bahir on the shoulder. “I shall mount an extra whore on your behalf.”

      “I am much obliged, Newt.”

      As Newt trotted down the gangplank Henry stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Bahir.

      “He amuses me,” Bahir said.

      “He has a certain charm.” Henry still found it hard to believe that he and Newt had drifted into a friendship. “He will also discover where Alya’s family are to be found.”

      “Ah.” Bahir nodded.

      Henry was not sure why he asked, but he wanted to know. “What will you do when she is safely amongst them?”

      “I will stay in Genoa for a while.” Bahir kept his gaze on the busy dock. “I vowed to make sure she is safe, and I will not leave before I am certain. And then…” Bahir shrugged. “I have been a slave since I was barely a man. For the first time in my life, I will go where it suits me to go.”

      After Bahir strolled away, it occurred to Henry that their conversation had been civil.

      * * * *

      Alya placed her hand upon Henry’s arm. Hewn muscle flexed beneath her fingers as he led her through the port. He and Bahir had come up with the idea that she may as well practice being amongst her father’s kind while they waited for Newt to return.

      Tired of being stuck belowdecks, she readily agreed.

      “Raise your chin,” Henry murmured.

      All very well for him to say. He did not walk with yards of fabric tangled in his feet. “I will fall if I do not watch my skirts.”

      “Then I will catch you.” Henry touched her hand. “You are a lady born and will be expected to carry yourself as such.”

      Behind them, Bahir lurked like a large moving pillar.

      Without her veil, she felt ridiculously exposed. Men looked at her, unabashed in showing their appreciation. Some even went so far as to smile and wink. A permanent flush heated her cheeks, but at the same time she enjoyed it.

      “Some girls are told to keep their eyes downcast,” Henry said. “It is believed to be modest, but my mother never held with that.”

      “What is she like, your mother?” Alya wanted to know more about Henry. He seemed to hold so many secrets.

      “Beautiful.” His voice warmed and he gazed at something only he could see. “Gracious and serene, but with a backbone of steel. My sister Faye is much like her.”

      “Faye.” Alya tried the strange name out.

      Two young girls, dressed much as she was, walked toward them. One of them looked at Henry and whispered to her friend. They both blushed and giggled, peeking at him from beneath lowered lashes.

      Alya wanted to bang their heads together. Henry escorted her and not them.

      Henry did not appear to notice, but looked about them constantly, alert for any danger.

      Henry and Bahir

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