The Urantia Book. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book - Urantia Foundation

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      15:9.9 (177.8) 6. The broadcasts of Paradise, the space reports of Havona.

      15:9.10 (177.9) 7. The energy circuits of the power centers and the physical controllers.

      15:9.11 (177.10) The Local Universe Circuits:

      15:9.12 (177.11) 1. The bestowal spirit of the Paradise Sons, the Comforter of the bestowal worlds. The Spirit of Truth, the spirit of Michael on Urantia.

      15:9.13 (177.12) 2. The circuit of the Divine Ministers, the local universe Mother Spirits, the Holy Spirit of your world.

      15:9.14 (177.13) 3. The intelligence-ministry circuit of a local universe, including the diversely functioning presence of the adjutant mind-spirits.

      15:9.15 (177.14) When there develops such a spiritual harmony in a local universe that its individual and combined circuits become indistinguishable from those of the superuniverse, when such identity of function and oneness of ministry actually prevail, then does the local universe immediately swing into the settled circuits of light and life, becoming at once eligible for admission into the spiritual confederation of the perfected union of the supercreation. The requisites for admission to the councils of the Ancients of Days, membership in the superuniverse confederation, are:

      15:9.16 (177.15) 1. Physical Stability. The stars and planets of a local universe must be in equilibrium; the periods of immediate stellar metamorphosis must be over. The universe must be proceeding on a clear track; its orbit must be safely and finally settled.

      15:9.17 (177.16) 2. Spiritual Loyalty. There must exist a state of universal recognition of, and loyalty to, the Sovereign Son of God who presides over the affairs of such a local universe. There must have come into being a state of harmonious co-operation between the individual planets, systems, and constellations of the entire local universe.

      15:9.18 (177.17) Your local universe is not even reckoned as belonging to the settled physical order of the superuniverse, much less as holding membership in the recognized spiritual family of the supergovernment. Although Nebadon does not yet have representation on Uversa, we of the superuniverse government are dispatched to its worlds on special missions from time to time, even as I have come to Urantia directly from Uversa. We lend every possible assistance to your directors and rulers in the solution of their difficult problems; we are desirous of seeing your universe qualified for full admission into the associated creations of the superuniverse family.

      15:10.1 (178.1) The headquarters of the superuniverses are the seats of the high spiritual government of the time-space domains. The executive branch of the supergovernment, taking origin in the Councils of the Trinity, is immediately directed by one of the Seven Master Spirits of supreme supervision, beings who sit upon seats of Paradise authority and administer the superuniverses through the Seven Supreme Executives stationed on the seven special worlds of the Infinite Spirit, the outermost satellites of Paradise.

      15:10.2 (178.2) The superuniverse headquarters are the abiding places of the Reflective Spirits and the Reflective Image Aids. From this midway position these marvelous beings conduct their tremendous reflectivity operations, thus ministering to the central universe above and to the local universes below.

      15:10.3 (178.3) Each superuniverse is presided over by three Ancients of Days, the joint chief executives of the supergovernment. In its executive branch the personnel of the superuniverse government consists of seven different groups:

      15:10.4 (178.4) 1. Ancients of Days.

      15:10.5 (178.5) 2. Perfectors of Wisdom.

      15:10.6 (178.6) 3. Divine Counselors.

      15:10.7 (178.7) 4. Universal Censors.

      15:10.8 (178.8) 5. Mighty Messengers.

      15:10.9 (178.9) 6. Those High in Authority.

      15:10.10 (178.10) 7. Those without Name and Number.

      15:10.11 (178.11) The three Ancients of Days are immediately assisted by a corps of one billion Perfectors of Wisdom, with whom are associated three billion Divine Counselors. One billion Universal Censors are attached to each superuniverse administration. These three groups are Co-ordinate Trinity Personalities, taking origin directly and divinely in the Paradise Trinity.

      15:10.12 (178.12) The remaining three orders, Mighty Messengers, Those High in Authority, and Those without Name and Number, are glorified ascendant mortals. The first of these orders came up through the ascendant regime and passed through Havona in the days of Grandfanda. Having attained Paradise, they were mustered into the Corps of the Finality, embraced by the Paradise Trinity, and subsequently assigned to the supernal service of the Ancients of Days. As a class, these three orders are known as Trinitized Sons of Attainment, being of dual origin but now of Trinity service. Thus was the executive branch of the superuniverse government enlarged to include the glorified and perfected children of the evolutionary worlds.

      15:10.13 (178.13) The co-ordinate council of the superuniverse is composed of the seven executive groups previously named and the following sector rulers and other regional overseers:

      15:10.14 (179.1) 1. Perfections of Days—the rulers of the superuniverse major sectors.

      15:10.15 (179.2) 2. Recents of Days—the directors of the superuniverse minor sectors.

      15:10.16 (179.3) 3. Unions of Days—the Paradise advisers to the rulers of the local universes.

      15:10.17 (179.4) 4. Faithfuls of Days—the Paradise counselors to the Most High rulers of the constellation governments.

      15:10.18 (179.5) 5. Trinity Teacher Sons who may chance to be on duty at superuniverse headquarters.

      15:10.19 (179.6) 6. Eternals of Days who may happen to be present at superuniverse headquarters.

      15:10.20 (179.7) 7. The seven Reflective Image Aids—the spokesmen of the seven Reflective Spirits and through them representatives of the Seven Master Spirits of Paradise.

      15:10.21 (179.8) The Reflective Image Aids also function as the representatives of numerous groups of beings who are influential in the superuniverse governments, but who are not, at present, for various reasons, fully active in their individual capacities. Embraced within this group are: the evolving superuniverse personality manifestation of the Supreme Being, the Unqualified Supervisors of the Supreme, the Qualified Vicegerents of the Ultimate, the unnamed liaison reflectivators of Majeston, and the superpersonal spirit representatives of the Eternal Son.

      15:10.22 (179.9) At almost all times it is possible to find representatives of all groups of created beings on the headquarters worlds of the superuniverses. The routine ministering work of the superuniverses is performed by the mighty seconaphim and by other members of the vast family of the Infinite Spirit. In the work of these marvelous centers of superuniverse administration, control, ministry, and executive judgment, the intelligences of every sphere of universal life are mingled in effective service, wise administration, loving ministry, and just judgment.

      15:10.23 (179.10) The superuniverses do not maintain any sort of ambassadorial representation; they are completely isolated from each other. They know of mutual affairs only through the Paradise clearinghouse maintained by the Seven Master Spirits. Their rulers work in the councils of divine wisdom for the welfare of their own superuniverses regardless of what may be transpiring in other sections of the universal creation. This isolation of the superuniverses will persist until such time as their co-ordination is achieved by the more complete factualization of the personality-sovereignty of the evolving experiential Supreme Being.

      15:11.1 (179.11) It is on such worlds as Uversa that the beings representative of the autocracy of perfection and the democracy of evolution meet face to face. The executive branch of the supergovernment originates in the realms of perfection; the legislative branch springs from the flowering of the evolutionary universes.

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