The Urantia Book. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book - Urantia Foundation

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(253.2) On the mansion worlds I have often seen these dignified officers of the high courts of the superuniverse look so longingly and appealingly at even the recent arrivals from the evolutionary worlds of space that one could not help realizing that these possessors of nonexperiential trinitization really envied their supposedly less fortunate brethren who ascend the universal path by steps of bona fide experience and actual living. Notwithstanding their handicaps and limitations they are a wonderfully useful and ever-willing corps of workers when it comes to the execution of the complex administrative plans of the superuniverse governments.

      22:10.1 (253.3) The High Son Assistants are the superior group of the retrinitized trinitized sons of glorified ascendant beings of the Mortal Corps of the Finality and of their eternal associates, the Paradise-Havona personalities. They are assigned to the superuniverse service and function as personal aids to the high sons of the governments of the Ancients of Days. They might fittingly be denominated private secretaries. They act, from time to time, as clerks for special commissions and other group associations of the high sons. They serve Perfectors of Wisdom, Divine Counselors, Universal Censors, Mighty Messengers, Those High in Authority, and Those without Name and Number.

      22:10.2 (253.4) If, in discussing the Celestial Guardians, I have seemed to call attention to the limitations and handicaps of these twice-trinitized sons, let me now, in all fairness, call attention to their one point of great strength, the attribute which makes them almost invaluable to us. These beings owe their very existence to the fact that they are the personification of a single and supreme concept. They are the personality embodiment of some divine idea, some universal ideal, as it has never before been conceived, expressed, or trinitized. And they have subsequently been Trinity embraced; thus they show forth and actually embody the very wisdom of the divine Trinity as concerns the idea-ideal of their personality existence. As far as that particular concept is revealable to the universes, these personalities embody all of everything that any creature or Creator intelligence could possibly conceive, express, or exemplify. They are that idea personified.

      22:10.3 (253.5) Can you not see that such living concentrations of a single supreme concept of universe reality would be of untold service to those who are intrusted with the administration of the superuniverses?

      22:10.4 (254.1) Not long since I was directed to head a commission of six—one of each of the high sons—assigned to the study of three problems pertaining to a group of new universes in the south parts of Orvonton. I was made acutely aware of the value of the High Son Assistants when I made requisition on the chief of their order on Uversa for temporary assignment of such secretaries to my commission. The first of our ideas was represented by a High Son Assistant on Uversa, who was forthwith attached to our group. Our second problem was embodied in a High Son Assistant assigned to superuniverse number three. We secured much help from this source through the central universe clearinghouse for the co-ordination and dissemination of essential knowledge, but nothing comparable to the assistance afforded by the actual presence of a personality who is a concept creature-trinitized in supremacy and Deity-trinitized in finality. Concerning our third problem, the records of Paradise disclosed that such an idea had never been creature trinitized.

      22:10.5 (254.2) High Son Assistants are unique and original personalizations of tremendous concepts and stupendous ideals. And as such they are able to impart inexpressible illumination to our deliberations from time to time. When I am acting on some remote assignment out in the universes of space, think what it means, by way of assistance, if I am so fortunate as to have attached to my mission a High Son Assistant who is the fullness of divine concept regarding the very problem I have been sent to attack and solve; and I have repeatedly had this very experience. The only difficulty with this plan is that no superuniverse can have a complete edition of these trinitized ideas; we only get one seventh of these beings; so it is only about one time in seven that we enjoy the personal association of these beings even when the records indicate that the idea has been trinitized.

      22:10.6 (254.3) We could use to great advantage much larger numbers of these beings on Uversa. Because of their value to the superuniverse administrations, we, in every way possible, encourage the pilgrims of space and also the residents of Paradise to attempt trinitization after they have contributed to one another those experiential realities which are essential to the enactment of such creative adventures.

      22:10.7 (254.4) We now have in our superuniverse about one and a quarter million High Son Assistants, and they serve on both the major and minor sectors, even as they function on Uversa. They very often accompany us on our assignments to the remote universes. High Son Assistants are not permanently assigned to any Son or to any commission. They are in constant circulation, serving where the idea or ideal which they are can best further the eternal purposes of the Paradise Trinity, whose sons they have become.

      22:10.8 (254.5) They are touchingly affectionate, superbly loyal, exquisitely intelligent, supremely wise—regarding a single idea—and transcendently humble. While they can impart to you the lore of the universe concerning their one idea or ideal, it is well-nigh pathetic to observe them seeking knowledge and information on hosts of other subjects, even from the ascending mortals.

      22:10.9 (254.6) And this is the narrative of the origin, nature, and functioning of certain of those who are called the Trinitized Sons of God, more particularly of those who have passed through the divine embrace of the Paradise Trinity, and who have then been assigned to the services of the superuniverses, there to give wise and understanding co-operation with the administrators of the Ancients of Days in their untiring efforts to facilitate the inward progress of the ascending mortals of time toward their immediate Havona destination and their eventual Paradise goal.

      22:10.10 (255.1) [Narrated by a Mighty Messenger of the revelatory corps of Orvonton.]

      The Urantia Book

      << Paper 22 | Titles | Content | Paper 24 >>

      Paper 23

      23:0.1 (256.1) SOLITARY Messengers are the personal and universal corps of the Conjoint Creator; they are the first and senior order of the Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit. They represent the initial creative action of the Infinite Spirit in solitary function for the purpose of bringing into existence solitary personality spirits. Neither the Father nor the Son directly participated in this stupendous spiritualization.

      23:0.2 (256.2) These spirit messengers were personalized in a single creative episode, and their number is stationary. Although I have one of these extraordinary beings associated with me on this present mission, I do not know how many such personalities exist in the universe of universes. I only know, from time to time, how many are of registry-record as functioning for the time being within the jurisdiction of our superuniverse. From the last Uversa report I observe that there were almost 7,690 trillion Solitary Messengers then operating within the boundaries of Orvonton; and I conjecture that this is considerably less than one seventh of their total number.

      23:1.1 (256.3) Immediately following the creation of the Seven Spirits of the Havona Circuits the Infinite Spirit brought into being the vast corps of Solitary Messengers. There is no part of the universal creation which is pre-existent to the Solitary Messengers except Paradise and the Havona circuits; they have functioned throughout the grand universe from near eternity. They are fundamental to the divine technique of the Infinite Spirit for self-revelation to, and personal contact with, the far-flung creations of

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