The Urantia Book. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book - Urantia Foundation

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      25:0.6 (273.6) 5. Celestial Recorders.

      25:0.7 (273.7) 6. Morontia Companions.

      25:0.8 (273.8) 7. Paradise Companions.

      25:0.9 (273.9) Of the seven groups enumerated, only three—servitals, conciliators, and Morontia Companions—are created as such; the remaining four represent attainment levels of the angelic orders. In accordance with inherent nature and attained status, the messenger hosts variously serve in the universe of universes but always subject to the direction of those who rule the realms of their assignment.

      25:1.1 (273.10) Though denominated servitals, these “midway creatures” of the central universe are not servants in any menial sense of the word. In the spiritual world there is no such thing as menial work; all service is sacred and exhilarating; neither do the higher orders of beings look down upon the lower orders of existence.

      25:1.2 (273.11) The Havona Servitals are the joint creative work of the Seven Master Spirits and their associates, the Seven Supreme Power Directors. This creative collaboration comes the nearest to being the pattern for the long list of reproductions of the dual order in the evolutionary universes, extending from the creation of a Bright and Morning Star by a Creator Son-Creative Spirit liaison down to sex procreation on worlds like Urantia.

      25:1.3 (273.12) The number of servitals is prodigious, and more are being created all the time. They appear in groups of one thousand on the third moment following the assembly of the Master Spirits and the Supreme Power Directors at their joint area in the far northerly sector of Paradise. Every fourth servital is more physical in type than the others; that is, out of each thousand, seven hundred and fifty are apparently true to spirit type, but two hundred and fifty are semiphysical in nature. These fourth creatures are somewhat on the order of material beings (material in the Havona sense), resembling the physical power directors more than the Master Spirits.

      25:1.4 (274.1) In personality relationships the spiritual is dominant over the material, even though it does not now so appear on Urantia; and in the production of Havona Servitals the law of spirit dominance prevails; the established ratio yields three spiritual beings to one semiphysical.

      25:1.5 (274.2) The newly created servitals, together with newly appearing Graduate Guides, all pass through the courses of training which the senior guides continuously conduct on each of the seven Havona circuits. Servitals are then assigned to the activities for which they are best adapted, and since they are of two types—spiritual and semiphysical—there are few limits to the range of work these versatile beings can do. The higher or spirit groups are assigned selectively to the services of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, and to the work of the Seven Master Spirits. In large numbers they are dispatched, from time to time, to serve on the study worlds encircling the headquarters spheres of the seven superuniverses, the worlds devoted to the final training and spiritual culture of the ascending souls of time who are preparing for advancement to the circuits of Havona. Both spirit servitals and their more physical fellows are also designated assistants and associates of the Graduate Guides in helping and instructing the various orders of ascending creatures who have attained Havona, and who seek to attain Paradise.

      25:1.6 (274.3) The Havona Servitals and the Graduate Guides manifest a transcendent devotion to their work and a touching affection for one another, an affection which, while spiritual, you could only understand by comparison with the phenomenon of human love. There is divine pathos in the separation of the servitals from the guides, as so often occurs when the servitals are dispatched on missions beyond the limits of the central universe; but they go with joy and not with sorrow. The satisfying joy of high duty is the eclipsing emotion of spiritual beings. Sorrow cannot exist in the face of the consciousness of divine duty faithfully performed. And when man’s ascending soul stands before the Supreme Judge, the decision of eternal import will not be determined by material successes or quantitative achievements; the verdict reverberating through the high courts declares: “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few essentials; you shall be made ruler over universe realities.”

      25:1.7 (274.4) On superuniverse service the Havona Servitals are always assigned to that domain presided over by the Master Spirit whom they most resemble in general and special spirit prerogatives. They serve only on the educational worlds surrounding the capitals of the seven superuniverses, and the last report of Uversa indicates that almost 138 billion servitals were ministering on its 490 satellites. They engage in an endless variety of activities in connection with the work of these educational worlds comprising the superuniversities of the superuniverse of Orvonton. Here they are your companions; they have come down from your next career to study you and to inspire you with the reality and certainty of your eventual graduation from the universes of time to the realms of eternity. And in these contacts the servitals gain that preliminary experience of ministering to the ascending creatures of time which is so helpful in their subsequent work on the Havona circuits as associates of the Graduate Guides or—as translated servitals—as Graduate Guides themselves.

      25:2.1 (275.1) For every Havona Servital created, seven Universal Conciliators are brought into being, one in each superuniverse. This creative enactment involves a definite superuniverse technique of reflective response to transactions taking place on Paradise.

      25:2.2 (275.2) On the headquarters worlds of the seven superuniverses there function the seven reflections of the Seven Master Spirits. It is difficult to undertake to portray the natures of these Reflective Spirits to material minds. They are true personalities; still each member of a superuniverse group is perfectly reflective of just one of the Seven Master Spirits. And every time the Master Spirits associate themselves with the power directors for the purpose of creating a group of Havona Servitals, there is a simultaneous focalization upon one of the Reflective Spirits in each of the superuniverse groups, and forthwith and full-fledgedly an equal number of Universal Conciliators appear on the headquarters worlds of the supercreations. If, in the creation of servitals, Master Spirit Number Seven should take the initiative, none but the Reflective Spirits of the seventh order would become pregnant with conciliators; and concurrently with the creation of one thousand Orvontonlike servitals, one thousand of the seventh-order conciliators would appear on each superuniverse capital. Out of these episodes, reflecting the sevenfold nature of the Master Spirits, arise the seven created orders of conciliators serving in each superuniverse.

      25:2.3 (275.3) Conciliators of pre-Paradise status do not serve interchangeably between superuniverses, being restricted to their native segments of creation. Every superuniverse corps, embracing one seventh of each created order, therefore spends a very long time under the influence of one of the Master Spirits to the exclusion of the others, for, while all seven are reflected on the superuniverse capitals, only one is dominant in each supercreation.

      25:2.4 (275.4) Each of the seven supercreations is actually pervaded by that one of the Master Spirits who presides over its destinies. Each superuniverse thus becomes like a gigantic mirror reflecting the nature and character of the supervising Master Spirit, and all of this is further continued in every subsidiary local universe by the presence and function of the Creative Mother Spirits. The effect of such an environment upon evolutionary growth is so profound that in their postsuperuniverse careers the conciliators collectively manifest forty-nine experiential viewpoints, or insights, each angular—hence incomplete—but all mutually compensatory and together tending to encompass the circle of Supremacy.

      25:2.5 (275.5) In each superuniverse the Universal Conciliators find themselves strangely and innately segregated into groups of four, associations in which they continue to serve. In each group, three are spirit personalities, and one, like the fourth creatures of the servitals, is a semimaterial being. This quartet constitutes a conciliating commission and is made up as follows:

      25:2.6 (275.6) 1. The Judge-Arbiter. The one unanimously designated by the other three as the most competent and best qualified to act as judicial head of the group.

      25:2.7 (275.7) 2. The

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