The Eternity Cure. Julie Kagawa

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The Eternity Cure - Julie Kagawa

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to remember where I was. A glance at the door revealed that it was still locked and barricaded, untouched. The pitcher sat empty on the end table, so no one had disturbed me while I slept—no servant, anyway.

      As I sheathed my weapon, the previous night’s conversation came back to me, making me frown. Jackal was here. My ruthless, murdering blood brother. I should leave. Better yet, I should kill him. We had a clear night sky and an empty lawn perfect for it. He’d kicked my ass the last time we’d fought, nearly killed me, but I was stronger now. If it came down to blows, this time I’d give him a hell of a fight.

      But, if he was telling the truth, if the cure to Rabidism lay somewhere beneath our feet, no cost would be too high to find it. Much as I hated to admit it, Jackal was right. Charging in blind after Kanin wouldn’t help him; I needed a plan if I was going to face Sarren. The help of another strong vampire was too great an opportunity to pass up.

      Still, the thought of working with Jackal made my blood boil. I hadn’t forgotten what he’d done to our group. He was cruel and vicious, and saw humans only as food or the means to an end. He killed without a second thought. He’d killed people I knew, people I considered friends.

      Zeke would never consider letting him live.

      I was still trying to decide what to do when a servant knocked timidly on the door, informing me that Master Azura and Master Jackal were waiting for me in the living room and to follow him please. After returning the dresser to its proper place, I followed the well-dressed human down the many hallways and up a flight of stairs before he paused outside a doorway and motioned me inside.

      Azura and Jackal were there, of course, Azura sitting on a sofa with her long legs crossed, a wineglass of blood dangling between her fingers. Jackal slouched against the fireplace mantel, despite the flames flickering in the hearth, and the light cast his features in an eerie red glow. How he could stand being so close to the flames was baffling; I would never consider tempting fate like that. But then Jackal shot me a grin, smug and challenging, and I realized he was playing me. He knew the effect it would have on a vampire and was making sure I knew that he was not afraid.

      “Oh, hey, the queen finally makes her appearance.” Jackal raised his glass in a mocking salute before tossing the whole thing back in one swig. Azura gave him a disdainful look and sipped her drink. “So, little sister, are you ready to get this project underway?”

      “I still haven’t agreed to help you,” I said, making Jackal sigh with impatience. “Why is that so surprising? As if I would agree to work with the guy who slaughtered my friends, who will probably stick a knife in my back as soon as I turn around.”

      “Don’t think of it as helping me,” Jackal said in a reasonable voice. He didn’t, I noticed, deny either accusation. “Think of it as helping Kanin. I, at least, will take any advantage I can get if I’m going to be facing Sarren.”

      I turned to Azura. “What do you think of all this?”

      “Me?” Azura raised a thin eyebrow. “I don’t care one way or the other. I’m just here to make sure you two don’t turn my house inside out.”

      “Come on, sister,” Jackal implored. “Let’s not have a repeat of last night. You know this is the best way to help Kanin. And, admit it, you’re just as curious as I am.”

      I glared at him. “Let’s say I do agree to this, for now.” His smirk grew wider, and I ignored it. “You said Sarren was searching for the lab, as well. Where do you think it could be?”

      Azura uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, setting her glass on the low table in front of the couch. “I had my people track down some old maps of the city and its subway systems,” she said, smoothing a large sheet of paper over the wood. “They don’t tell us exactly where to find a supersecret government lab, but I have a few good guesses.”

      Jackal remained where he was, but I crossed the room to the other side of the table, looking down at the paper on the surface. I’d never seen a map before and had no idea how to read one; it was a tangle of lines and scribbles that merged together into a chaotic mess. But Azura placed one dark red fingernail on a random line, tracing it across the page.

      “The rabids,” she began in her throaty voice, “keep to the subway tunnels in the daytime. At night, they emerge to hunt and stalk for prey, but usually return to the underground stations at dawn. Except for those few that cannot seem to leave my fence alone, at least. No one in this city ventures down into the tunnels, for any reason, at any time. It is not known exactly how many rabids are down there, but there are likely thousands of them. And this,” she added, circling a place on the map with her finger, “is where we think the main nest is located.” Withdrawing her hand, she glanced up at me. “That’s where you’re going to want to look for the lab.”

      “Why is that?”

      “If this laboratory unleashed the rabid virus, it would have spread quickly. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of people would have been infected around that area. There would be a very high rabid population starting from that point and spreading outward.”

      “Wait a second.” I frowned, thinking back to what Kanin had told me. “I thought the laboratory in New Covington was responsible for creating the rabids—they escaped, and that’s how the rabid plague started.”

      “Is that what Kanin said?” Jackal snorted. “That’s part of the story, but not the whole of it.” He pushed himself off the wall and sauntered to an end table, grabbing a pitcher half-full of red and refilling his glass. Sitting comfortably in one of the armchairs, he took a large swallow from the glass and smiled at me.

      “Have a seat, sister. Let me tell you exactly what happened, so you can fully appreciate the role our sire had in this whole fubar’ed situation.” Jackal took another long, leisurely sip, waiting for me to sit down. I perched cautiously on the opposite chair.

      “You know that Kanin captured vampires and handed them over to the scientists to experiment on,” Jackal began, pleased now that he had an audience. It reminded me of his speech in the arena, standing in front of his army, the raiders cheering his name … right before he’d thrown Darren into the arena with a rabid for their entertainment. I could still hear Darren’s screams as the rabid tore him apart. Rage flared, and I swallowed the growl rising to my throat, trying to concentrate on what the raider king was saying now.

      “It was all in the interest of curing Red Lung,” Jackal continued, oblivious to my sudden anger, “or that’s what Kanin probably told himself while he was selling out his own kind. He would track down a likely target, stake them to send them into hibernation, then deliver them to the laboratories, where the scientists would do all the happy things scientists do to their hapless subjects.”

      I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, disturbed to think of Kanin that way, even though I already knew about it. Or had thought I did, anyway.

      “Thing was,” Jackal continued, putting his boots up on the low, polished table, ignoring the glare from Azura, “New Covington wasn’t the only lab searching for a cure. True, they were the one with the vampire patients, but they also shared their research with the other labs. And something happened here in D.C. to cause a massive rabid outbreak. Hundreds of people Turned within a matter of hours. We know the New Covington lab burned down and all the research was either taken or destroyed, but we don’t know anything about the lab below this city. Is it still standing? Does it have the research from decades ago? What’s been left behind, I wonder? The cure? Hopefully. But, what about the other things, the research on the plague and the virus and how Rabidism came to be?” Jackal’s gold gaze narrowed, and something in that intense look made my skin crawl. “If any of that research is left behind, who is the very last person we’d want to stumble upon it? Sarren is brilliant and crazy and more than a little unstable. Think of all the nasty things he could do if he got his hands on that kind of information.”

      I shivered and felt the last of my protests dissolve. If Sarren was planning something, he had to be stopped. And if there was a cure to Rabidism, we had to find it. For better or worse, it appeared I would be working with my blood brother.

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