Collins Junior Illustrated Dictionary. Collins Dictionaries

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      ascending ADJECTIVE

      When things are arranged in ascending order, each thing is higher than the one before it. The numbers 21, 37 and 49 are in ascending order.

      ash ashes

      NOUN 1 Ash is the dust left after a fire.

      NOUN 2 An ash is a large tree.

      ashamed ADJECTIVE

      If you are ashamed, you feel sorry about something you have done.

      ask asks, asking, asked

      VERB 1 If you ask someone a question, you are trying to find something out.

      VERB 2 If you ask someone for something, you want them to give it to you.

      asleep ADJECTIVE

      If you are asleep, your eyes are closed and your body is resting.

      aspirin aspirins NOUN

      Aspirin is a drug which you take to help you if you have a pain, fever or cold. An aspirin is a tablet of this drug.

      ass asses NOUN

      An ass is an animal like a horse but smaller and with longer ears.


      assemble assembles, assembling, assembled

      VERB 1 If you assemble something, you fit the parts of it together.

      VERB 2 When people assemble, they come together in a group.

      assembly assemblies NOUN

      Assembly is a gathering of all the teachers and pupils in a school.

      assistant assistants

      NOUN 1 A person’s assistant is someone whose job is to help them.

      NOUN 2 A shop assistant is a person who works in a shop selling things.

      asthma NOUN

      Asthma is a disease of the chest. It causes wheezing and makes it difficult for you to breathe properly.

      astonish astonishes, astonishing, astonished VERB

      If you are astonished by something or someone, you are very surprised.

      astronaut astronauts NOUN

      An astronaut is a person who travels in space.

      astronomer astronomers NOUN

      An astronomer is a scientist who studies the stars and planets.


      PREPOSITION 1 You use at to say where someone or something is. Rajeev waited for me at the bus stop.

      PREPOSITION 2 You use at to show the direction something is going in. I threw the snowball at my brother.

      PREPOSITION 3 You use at to say when something happens. The party starts at six o’clock.

      ate VERB

      Ate is the past tense of eat.

      atlas atlases NOUN

      An atlas is a book of maps.


      atmosphere atmospheres

      NOUN 1 A planet’s atmosphere is the layer of air or other gas around it.

      NOUN 2 You can use atmosphere to talk about the general mood of a place. In the classroom the atmosphere was relaxed.

      atom atoms NOUN

      An atom is the smallest part of any substance.

      attach attaches, attaching, attached VERB

      When you attach something to an object, you join the two things together.

      attachment attachments NOUN

      An attachment is a computer file that is attached to an e-mail or text message.

      attack attacks, attacking, attacked VERB

      If a person attacks somebody, they try to hurt them.

      attempt attempts, attempting, attempted VERB

      If you attempt something difficult, you try to do it.

      attend attends, attending, attended VERB

      If someone attends something like a meeting, they are present at it.


      NOUN 1 If something attracts your attention, you notice it suddenly.

      NOUN 2 If you pay attention to someone, you listen carefully to them.

      attic attics NOUN

      An attic is a room at the top of a house, just under the roof.

      attract attracts, attracting, attracted

      VERB 1 If something or somebody attracts you, you find them interesting. Joe was attracted to the display by the flashing lights.

      VERB 2 If something like a magnet attracts an object, it makes it move towards it.

      attractive ADJECTIVE

      If something is attractive, it is nice to look at.

      audience audiences NOUN

      An audience is a group of people watching or listening to something like a play, film, talk or piece of music.

      August NOUN

      August is the eighth month of the year. It has 31 days.

      aunt aunts NOUN

      Your aunt is the sister of one of your parents, or the wife of your uncle.

      author authors NOUN

      The author of a book is the person who wrote it.


      authority authorities

      NOUN 1 Authority is a quality that someone has that makes people take notice of what they say.

      NOUN 2 The authorities are people like the police who have a lot of power.

      autograph autographs NOUN

      An autograph is the signature of a famous person.

      automatic ADJECTIVE

      An automatic machine is one that can do things on its own.

      automatically ADVERB

      autumn autumns NOUN

      Autumn is the season between summer and winter. The weather cools and many trees lose their leaves.

      available ADJECTIVE

      If something is available, you can get it. Tickets are available now.

      avalanche avalanches NOUN

      An avalanche is a huge mass of snow and ice that falls down a mountain.

      avenue avenues NOUN

      An avenue is a wide road with trees on either side.


      average averages

      NOUN 1 An average is a result obtained by adding several amounts together and then dividing the total by the number of different amounts. If four children have a total of 36 sweets, the average is nine sweets per child.

      ADJECTIVE 2 If something is average, it is the standard or usual thing.

      avoid avoids, avoiding, avoided VERB

      If you avoid someone or something, you keep away from them.

      awake ADJECTIVE


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