Easy Learning French Conversation. Collins Dictionaries

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Easy Learning French Conversation - Collins  Dictionaries

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à prendre un verre.I intend to ask her out for a drink.J’ai l’intention d’aller les voir cet été.I intend to go and see them this summer.On a l’intention de l’inviter pendant les vacances.We intend to invite him during the holidays.Je compte régler ce problème le plus vite possible.I intend to sort out this problem as quickly as possible.

      Do you intend to…?

Est-ce que tu as l’intention d’aller au mariage d’Yves et Julie?Do you intend to go to Yves and Julie’s wedding?
Est-ce que vous avez l’intention de les contacter?Do you intend to get in touch with them?
Qu’est-ce que vous avez l’intention de dire?What do you intend to say?
Tu comptes rester dans la région?Do you intend to stay in this area?
Comment est-ce que tu comptes lui annoncer la nouvelle?How do you intend to tell him the news?

      When making arrangements with someone, use Est-ce que ça vous va si…? or Est-ce que ça te va si…? to ask someone if something suits them. va comes from the verb aller. For more information on aller, see here.

      Will it suit you if…?

Est-ce que ça te va si on dîne à neuf heures?Does it suit you if we have dinner at nine?
Est-ce que ça vous va si je vous appelle la semaine prochaine?Will it suit you if I phone you next week?
Ça t’irait comme arrangement?Would this arrangement suit you?

      To ask somebody if they would prefer something, use Est-ce que tu préférerais que…? or Est-ce que vous préféreriez que…? (Would you prefer it if…?), which comes from the verb préférer in the conditional. The conditional is very useful to make polite requests or offers. You can find out more about it here. For more information on -er verbs like préférer, see here.

      Would you prefer it if…?

Est-ce que tu préférerais qu’on se donne rendez-vous en ville?Would you prefer it if we met in town?
Est-ce que vous préféreriez qu’on se retrouve au restaurant?Would you prefer it if we met at the restaurant?
Tu préférerais que je passe te chercher?Would you prefer it if I came to collect you?

      Is it better to…?

Est-ce qu’il vaut mieux inviter aussi les conjoints?Is it better to invite partners as well?
Est-ce qu’il vaut mieux t’appeler le soir?Is it better to ring you in the evening?
Est-ce qu’il vaut mieux vous prévenir avant de passer?Is it better to let you know before we call in?

      If you want to confirm an arrangement with somebody, you can use Est-ce qu’on est d’accord sur…? (Are we agreed on…?).

      Are we agreed on…?

Est-ce qu’on est d’accord sur la date?Are we agreed on the date?
Est-ce qu’on est d’accord sur le lieu du rendez-vous?Are we agreed on where to meet?
Tu es d’accord?Do you agree?

       BON À SAVOIR!

      D’accord is used to accept offers or to agree: On y va ensemble? – D’accord! (Shall we go together? – OK!).

      When you want to say that you have to do something in French, you use il faut que (I have to) followed by the subjunctive. For more information on the subjunctive, see here.

      I have to…

Il faut que je passe un coup de fil.I have to make a phone call.
Il faut que je reste chez moi ce soir.I have to stay in tonight.
Il faut qu’on y soit à huit heures pile.We have to be there at eight o’ clock sharp.
Je suis obligé de sortir dîner avec mes collègues.I have to go out to dinner with my colleagues.
Tu n’es pas obligé de loger à l’hôtel.You don’t have to stay at the hotel.

       BON À SAVOIR!

      To say that you don’t have to do something, use je ne suis pas obligé de, not il ne faut pas que je which means I mustn’t.

      To say what you have to do, you can also use je dois (I must) and then the verb in the infinitive. dois comes from devoir which you can find out about here.

      I must…

Je dois finir avant cet après-midi.I must finish before this afternoon.
Je dois les prévenir.I must warn them.
Je dois le rembourser cette semaine.I must pay him back this week.
Tu ne dois pas oublier de signer le contrat.You mustn’t forget to sign the contract.
Vous ne devez en parler à personne.You mustn’t tell anyone.

      When you want to say that you should or ought to do something, use il faudrait que (I should) and then the verb in the subjunctive. Like faut, faudrait comes from the verb falloir, but faudrait is the conditional. To find out more about the conditional and the subjunctive, see here.

      I should…

Il faudrait que j’appelle Anne.I should call Anne.
Il faudrait que tu nous rendes visite.You should come and visit us.
Il faudrait que je te donne mon numéro de portable.I should give you my mobile number.

      To ask what someone has to do or when, how, why or where they have to do it, put qu’ (what), quand (when), comment (how),

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