Perfect Silence. Helen Fields

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Perfect Silence - Helen  Fields

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up and get this down you, Mikey. It’ll make you feel better,’ he said. ‘Does he remember anything at all?’ he asked Ava.

      ‘Not a thing. He dreamed some unspecified animal was biting him. Probably a similar dream to the one I’ll be having about Overbeck tonight, thanks to you. Get a statement from him, just so there’s something on record, then spend as long as it takes persuading him that he needs medical treatment. He doesn’t walk out of here and back onto the streets without having that stitched up. I don’t care how long it takes you, understand?’

      ‘Can one of the uniforms not do that, ma’am? It sounds like rather a waste of MIT time.’

      ‘Your mess, you clean it up,’ she said. ‘Do you have any idea if DI Callanach is back in the building?’

      ‘Tripp just walked back in. I think the DI is in reception dealing with someone. Apparently he’s looking for you, too. You and DI Callanach should probably stop asking after each other, truth be told. People will talk.’

      ‘If I didn’t need you to sort out this man’s face, I’d fire you immediately,’ Ava said, walking out.

      ‘Promises, promises,’ he muttered.

      Callanach was exactly where Lively had said he would be, which was a surprise in itself. He had his back to Ava and was talking intensely to someone just out of sight. Whatever enquiry he was dealing with would have to wait, Ava decided.

      ‘DI Callanach,’ she said. ‘Sorry to interrupt, but can I have a moment?’

      He turned to face her, frowning. When she saw the woman behind him, she understood why. Ava had known Callanach was involved with someone, even if he’d been careful to keep his work and private life separate.

      ‘Yes, ma’am,’ Callanach said. ‘Sorry,’ he told the woman next to him. ‘I’ll call you later, okay?’

      ‘No, finish your conversation, it’s fine,’ Ava said. ‘I’ll see you in my office when you’re ready.’

      The woman stepped forward, extending a hand. ‘DCI Turner,’ she said, her voice husky, with a Spanish accent. ‘I’m Selina Vega. We met briefly at Luc’s once before.’

      Ava remembered. She tried not to look Selina up and down, but there was too much not to see. With long dark hair that gleamed auburn at its ends, melting brown eyes, and legs whose shape were not the least bit hidden by her tailored skirt, Ava figured Selina must be at least five foot nine. She suddenly felt short, underdressed and in need of a hair appointment.

      ‘Selina’s a registrar at the hospital,’ Callanach explained as the two of them shook hands. ‘We met when MIT was investigating a death a few months ago.’

      ‘Of course, good to see you again,’ Ava told her. ‘I didn’t mean to interrupt. This can wait a few minutes.’ She withdrew her hand and stepped back.

      ‘It’s no problem,’ Selina said. ‘Luc has talked about you so much that I feel as if I know you already.’

      ‘Oh,’ Ava said. ‘Well, that must have been very boring for you, so I apologise.’

      ‘Hardly. It’s obvious how much he admires you. I’ve been suggesting for months that we should all go out,’ Selina said.

      ‘Months? Wow, I didn’t realise …’ Ava’s voice trailed away into nothing. ‘Anyway, I’ve left DS Lively trying to change the mind of a man who’s refusing medical assistance in spite of the fact that his face is hanging off, so I ought to get back and check on that.’

      ‘I’ll find you in a couple of minutes,’ Luc said.

      ‘No rush, honestly.’ Ava smiled broadly at Selina. ‘So glad we bumped into one another.’

      ‘Can I help?’ Selina asked. ‘My specialisation is emergency medicine. Perhaps I could take a look at the injury and make an assessment. If he knows I’m a doctor rather than a police officer, he might be more inclined to take advice.’

      ‘No,’ Ava and Luc said simultaneously.

      ‘That’s not fair on you,’ Ava said. ‘You’re off duty and I wouldn’t want to impose. I’ve got it in hand.’

      ‘It’s no problem. I was going to wait until Luc had finished his shift anyway. I have a surprise for him,’ she said, winking.

      ‘You really don’t want to spend the next hour in the cells,’ Luc said. ‘If it’s necessary we’ll call an ambulance.’

      ‘Luc, you know I don’t have an off switch. If there’s a person in the cells who needs help, then it’s my duty to step in.’ She looked at Ava. ‘Luc says he has another hour before he can get away. I’d rather fill my time usefully than sit here and do nothing. Besides, I’d like to get a look around backstage. Hopefully it’ll be the only time I end up in a police cell.’

      She laughed, and Ava noted how beautifully white her teeth were against the tan of her skin, which had somehow not lost any of its native Spanish glow in spite of the cooler Scottish climes. Selina was rolling up her sleeves before Ava could think up an excuse to dissuade her. Not that she wanted to dissuade her, she told herself. It was helpful. She had no idea why she felt suddenly territorial. What better compromise than for Mikey Parsons to have access to a doctor without going through the rigmarole of persuading him to get in an ambulance?

      ‘Great, that’s kind of you,’ Ava said. ‘I’ll have the custody sergeant sign you in. Detective Sergeant Lively will stay with you to make sure you’re safe, although the patient is very passive. He’s a drug addict though, so help yourself to gloves. We keep a stock behind the desk.’

      ‘Thanks,’ Selina said. ‘See you in an hour.’ She leaned across to kiss Luc on the lips as she walked past him. Ava looked away until the doctor had disappeared into the space beyond the doors.

      ‘She’s really lovely,’ Ava declared brightly to Luc.

      ‘It’s casual,’ Luc said. ‘But I guess it’s easier seeing someone who understands shift work and why you’re effectively on call all the time.’

      ‘And you two have the European thing. That must be good for you. Not having to understand the Scottish accent, for a start. So how long have you been seeing each other now?’

      ‘Weeks, in reality,’ Luc said. ‘Not that often either, given our work schedules. What was it you wanted to see me about?’

      ‘Just a catch-up on Zoey Cole. We should talk in my office for confidentiality,’ Ava said, waving her security pass in front of the electronic lock and pushing the door open.

      ‘Sure,’ Luc said.

      ‘You want a coffee or anything?’ she asked as they left the stairs and walked down the corridor.

      ‘Um, no, I’m okay,’ he said. ‘Listen, I didn’t ask Selina to come to the station. She was trying to surprise me. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.’

      ‘Don’t be silly,’ Ava said. ‘I encourage my squad to invest time in their private lives. Happier homes make for happier officers, as far as I’m concerned.’ She looked at him and cringed. ‘God, I’m sorry, I don’t know where that corporate sound bite came from. Listen, Luc, I’m glad you’re involved with someone. I know how hard it’s been for you, and Selina seems great. We absolutely should go out sometime. I could, I don’t know, bring Natasha maybe.’

      As they stepped into her office, Ava tried not to roll her eyes at her own suggestion. Going out for a foursome with Luc and the best-looking female he could have identified north of the border with her lesbian best friend as her plus-one wasn’t exactly an ego boost. Somehow everyone on her squad seemed to have someone to go home to, or go out with, except her.

      ‘I’m not sure Selina and Natasha would …’ Luc said.

      ‘You’re just worried that Natasha would seduce her,’

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