Читать онлайн книгу.we are.” Stopping in front of a door marked with a large number seven, Ginger unlocked it and pushed it open.
Wearily, Blythe trudged past her, still carrying her exhausted daughter. The room was small, but looked clean. There was a double bed, a nightstand, one chair and a dresser. She placed Hailey, who had nearly drifted back to sleep, on the bed and turned to inspect the rest of it. There wasn’t much more. A doorway led to an equally spartan bathroom.
“There you go,” Ginger said brightly. “You’ll find a supply of clothing and undergarments in the dresser, as well as pajamas.”
Blythe frowned. While Jacob had said they didn’t need to bring anything, she’d anticipated making a stop along the way to purchase a few clothing items.
Taking a step forward, she opened the top drawer. Inside, she found several neatly folded T-shirts and pairs of jeans, all in her size. In the drawer below were similar things for Hailey, again in the right size.
“Everything you need,” Ginger said.
“How’d you know the size?” Blythe blurted out, not sure whether to be amazed or creeped out.
Ginger shrugged. “Mr. Gideon is a good guesser.”
Stifling a yawn, Ginger ratcheted her smile up a notch. “If you don’t mind, Jacob would like to meet with you before you rest for the night.” She glanced at Hailey, who, with her sagging eyelids and drowsy expression, was clearly exhausted. “I’d be happy to stay here with your daughter if you’d like.”
Blythe frowned. This was odd, considering she’d just spent several hours with Jacob in the limo. After a moment of hesitation, Blythe tried to stall. “Do you think it can wait until the morning?”
“Oh, I don’t think so.” Her smile was sweet. “We generally don’t refuse Jacob when he asks for something. But don’t worry. He won’t meet with you for long. I promise I’ll take good care of your little one while you’re gone.”
Though no doubt the woman meant well, a shiver of warning skittered across Blythe’s spine. They generally didn’t refuse Jacob when he asked for something? What the heck did that mean?
“No.” Reaching a decision, Blythe spoke in a sweet voice, though firmly. “I’d rather take her with me.”
“Really?” Ginger cocked her head. “That’s hardly fair to her, is it? Look how sleepy that poor baby is.”
“Hailey,” Blythe said, pushing back mild panic and hating the way she felt out of control. “Her name is Hailey.”
Ginger acknowledged the introduction with a shy dip of her chin. “Of course. And I do think it’d be best if we let her rest. Just one moment. I’ll have someone else come and take you to Jacob.”
She removed a walkie-talkie from her belt and spoke a few words into it. “There we are. Savannah will be here shortly.”
Struggling not to let exhaustion claim her, which was no doubt why she’d overreacted, Blythe nodded. “Have you been here long?” she asked.
Immediately, Ginger’s friendly smile vanished. “Excuse me a second,” she said, ducking out into the hallway without answering.
Surprised, Blythe didn’t move. Was there some rule about asking personal questions? That would not only be weird, but more cultlike than she cared for. When this Savannah person arrived, she’d ask her the same thing and see if she got a similar reaction.
A moment later Ginger returned, accompanied by a short, older woman with long, frizzy hair that looked as if she hadn’t combed it in days. She wore no makeup on her lined face and no jewelry. With her stooped shoulders and listless movements, she looked every bit as weary as Blythe felt.
Her faded blue gaze skittered over Blythe as she entered the room. “Come with me, please.”
For a split second, Blythe considered refusing to go. Instead, she swallowed back her questions. She’d committed to this. She trusted Jacob Gideon and, by default, his people. She’d need to learn to deal with her misgivings.
After a final glance at Hailey, she turned to follow the older woman. Ginger stopped her. “Wait just a second.”
She held out some papers on a clipboard. “I need you to sign here, please. This simply states that I’ve delivered you to your room.”
Enough was enough. Who needed to have a room delivery signed? “I don’t make a habit of signing papers without reading them,” Blythe said. “Leave them and I’ll sign them later, after I’ve had time to go over them.”
Ginger’s crestfallen expression didn’t change Blythe’s mind.
“I’m sorry.” Squinting tiredly at her, Blythe accepted the clipboard and tossed it on the bed. “I promise I’ll look at it when I get back.”
“Very well.” Ginger smiled softly. “I’ll wait here and watch over your child. We can go over the paperwork together when you return. I do need to have it signed before I go back to my regular duties.”
Again Blythe found this weird. But then again, what did she know? She’d never been inside a religious compound before.
Once she was out in the hall, Savannah grunted. “Follow me, please,” she said. Trudging along a few steps ahead, she picked up her pace each time Blythe hurried to catch up.
Exhaustion forgotten, Blythe grabbed her arm. “Wait up.”
The other woman rounded on her, her expression panicked. “Don’t touch me,” she yelped, jerking her arm away. Then, shaking her head and muttering under her breath, she took off again.
Stopping short, heart pounding in her chest, Blythe stared at Savannah’s retreating back. Enough was enough. These people were definitely strange, bordering on scary. No way was she going anywhere without Hailey.
She turned, intending to head back to her room.
She’d barely taken a few steps when Savannah came rushing back. “I’m sorry. Please accept my apology,” she said, the words running together without any real trace of contrition. “I’m new here and I’ve had a rough time before all this. I really don’t want to blow it.”
That explained a lot. Still wary, though no longer verging on the edge of panic, Blythe nodded. “Apology accepted. Lead the way.” Following Savannah again, this time she knew better than to speak.
Finally, they reached the end of a long hallway and stopped in front of the last room. Double doors where the others were all single, these were made of some dark wood like mahogany or cherry. No mere knob here, but an elaborate pewter handle, which made for an overall effect of understated luxury. More like a corporate CEO than a preacher, but then what did she know? Most churches, especially the mega ones like Sanctuary, were run like profitable businesses.
“Knock twice and go in when he says to,” Savannah said, her voice once again devoid of inflection. She moved away, heading back up the hall with her head and neck forward, her motions reminiscent of a plow horse struggling against the harness.
Still unsettled, Blythe watched her until she disappeared around a corner. Then, turning and facing the door, she lifted her fist and knocked.
“Come in.”
At his invitation, she turned the handle, wondering at her sudden urge to see him again. He was so kind, so warm and reassuring. Stepping into the room on carpet so plush her feet appeared to sink into quicksand, she moved toward where Jacob waited for her behind a massive cherrywood desk.
“You wanted to see me?” Though she hated the feeling of being summoned before the lord of the manor, she kept her tone and her expression pleasant. After all, this man only wanted to help her precious child.
He stood, indicating two overstuffed chairs near a fireplace. “Please, take a seat.”