A Game of Thrones: The Story Continues Books 1-4: A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows. Джордж Р. Р. Мартин

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A Game of Thrones: The Story Continues Books 1-4: A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows - Джордж Р. Р. Мартин

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hers as they had never been Drogo’s.

      As Daenerys Targaryen rose to her feet, her black hissed, pale smoke venting from its mouth and nostrils. The other two pulled away from her breasts and added their voices to the call, translucent wings unfolding and stirring the air, and for the first time in hundreds of years, the night came alive with the music of dragons.

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      The youngest of the Great Houses, born during the Wars of Conquest. Its founder, Orys Baratheon, was rumored to be Aegon the Dragon’s bastard brother. Orys rose through the ranks to become one of Aegon’s fiercest commanders. When he defeated and slew Argilac the Arrogant, the last Storm King, Aegon rewarded him with Argilac’s castle, lands, and daughter. Orys took the girl to bride, and adopted the banner, honors, and words of her line. The Baratheon sigil is a crowned stag, black, on a golden field. Their words are Ours is the Fury.

      KING ROBERT BARATHEON, the First of His Name,

      —his wife, QUEEN CERSEI, of House Lannister,

      —their children:

      —PRINCE JOFFREY, heir to the Iron Throne, twelve,

      —PRINCESS MYRCELLA, a girl of eight,

      —PRINCE TOMMEN, a boy of seven,

      —his brothers:

      —STANNIS BARATHEON, Lord of Dragonstone,

      —his wife, LADY SELYSE of House Florent,

      —their daughter, SHIREEN, a girl of nine,

      —RENLY BARATHEON, Lord of Storm’s End,

      —his small council:


      —LORD PETYR BAELISH, called LITTLEFINGER, master of coin,

      —LORD STANNIS BARATHEON, master of ships,

      —LORD RENLY BARATHEON, master of laws,

      —SER BARRISTAN SELMY, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard,

      —VARYS, a eunuch, called the Spider, master of whisperers,

      —his court and retainers:

      —SER ILYN PAYNE, the King’s Justice, a headsman,

      —SANDOR CLEGANE, called the Hound, sworn shield to Prince Joffrey,

      —JANOS SLYNT, a commoner, commander of the City Watch of King’s Landing,

      —JALABHAR XHO, an exile prince from the Summer Isles,

      —MOON BOY, a jester and fool,

      —LANCEL and TYREK LANNISTER, squires to the king, the queen’s cousins,

      —SER ARON SANTAGAR, master-at-arms,

      —his Kingsguard:

      —SER BARRISTAN SELMY, Lord Commander,

      —SER JAIME LANNISTER, called the Kingslayer,






      The principal houses sworn to Storm’s End are Selmy, Wylde, Trant, Penrose, Errol, Estermont, Tarth, Swann, Dondarrion, Caron.

      The principal houses sworn to Dragonstone are Celtigar, Velaryon, Seaworth, Bar Emmon, and Sunglass.

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      The Starks trace their descent from Brandon the Builder and the ancient Kings of Winter. For thousands of years, they ruled from Winterfell as Kings in the North, until Torrhen Stark, the King Who Knelt, chose to swear fealty to Aegon the Dragon rather than give battle. Their blazon is a grey direwolf on an ice-white field. The Stark words are Winter Is Coming.

      EDDARD STARK, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North,

      —his wife, LADY CATELYN, of House Tully,

      —their children:

      —ROBB, the heir to Winterfell, fourteen years of age,

      —SANSA, the eldest daughter, eleven,

      —ARYA, the younger daughter, a girl of nine,

      —BRANDON, called Bran, seven,

      —RICKON, a boy of three,

      —his bastard son, JON SNOW, a boy of fourteen,

      —his ward, THEON GREYJOY, heir to the Iron Islands,

      —his siblings:

      —[BRANDON], his elder brother, murdered by the command of Aerys II Targaryen,

      —[LYANNA], his younger sister, died in the mountains of Dorne,

      —BENJEN, his younger brother, a man of the Night’s Watch,

      —his household:

      —MAESTER LUWIN, counselor, healer, and tutor,

      —VAYON POOLE, steward of Winterfell,

      —JEYNE, his daughter, Sansa’s closest friend,

      —JORY CASSEL, captain, of the guard,


      —SER RODRIK CASSEL, master-at-arms, Jory’s uncle,

      —BETH, his young daughter,

      —SEPTA MORDANE, tutor to Lord Eddard’s daughters,

      —SEPTON CHAYLE, keeper of the castle sept and library,

      —HULLEN, master of horse,

      —his son, HARWIN, a guardsman,

      —JOSETH, a stableman and horse trainer,

      —FARLEN, kennelmaster,

      —OLD NAN, storyteller, once a wet nurse,

      —HODOR, her great-grandson, a simpleminded stableboy,

      —GAGE, the cook,

      —MIKKEN, smith and armorer,

      —his principal lords bannermen:


      —RICKARD KARSTARK, Lord of Karhold,

      —ROOSE BOLTON, Lord of the Dreadfort,

      —JON UMBER, called the Greatjon,


      —WYMAN MANDERLY, Lord of White Harbor,

      —MAEGE MORMONT, the Lady of Bear Island.

      The principal houses sworn to Winterfell are Karstark, Umber, Flint, Mormont, Hornwood, Cerwyn, Reed, Manderly, Glover, Tallhart, Bolton.

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      Fair-haired, tall, and handsome,

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