The Ghost House. Helen Phifer

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The Ghost House - Helen  Phifer

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around to the back door because the kitchen light was on, the door ajar and the handle was covered in blood. He peered through the crack and had been shocked to see Annie’s lifeless figure lying on the floor.

      The next thing she recalled was waking up to the smells and the sounds of the Accident and Emergency Department. There is nothing like twenty-six staples and multiple bruises to make you realise that your marriage is over: Annie wanted nothing more to do with Mike.

      She thought about Ben and how he would be mortified if he knew what had happened. She remembered how he had asked her to dog-sit and made it seem as if she was helping him when really it was the complete opposite: he had been offering her a chance to escape, which was a good thing because now she needed it. There was no going back.

      The worst thing about it all had been the fact that her secret was now public knowledge and the shame was burning inside of her chest adding to the pain and nausea she already felt. When she saw Jake heading towards her cubicle she had squeezed her eyes shut. He was followed in by the doctor.

      ‘She’s all right, Doc, isn’t she? I mean she’s not brain-damaged or anything?’

      If Annie could have moved she would have squirmed. Jake watched far too much television. Next he would be asking if she was going to live, thankfully he hadn’t. She had lain there waiting for them all to leave her alone.

      At some point Kav had joined the party because she heard his deep voice whisper to Jake, ‘I can’t believe she was married to such a bloody wanker.’ His boots squeaked on the highly polished floor as he stepped closer. ‘Annie, can you hear me? Don’t ignore me. We need to talk.’

      She had whispered, ‘Yes, Sarge.’

      ‘You can drop the “Sarge” shit. How are you doing, kid?’ Jake was hovering in the background and Kav turned to him. ‘Can you go and find something useful to do, Jake? Mine’s a tea with two sugars.’

      Annie knew Jake would be insulted but he turned to go and find somewhere to get a brew: he knew better than to argue with Kav.

      When Jake was out of earshot Kav lowered his voice. ‘I need you to tell me exactly what happened. I won’t gossip like our friend Jake but I want to know everything from start to finish.’

      She had smiled at him, which, in turn, made her wince with pain. ‘What is there to say. You know those women who stay with their partners even though they get battered senseless for no good reason, the ones we all berate saying how foolish they are and they’ll end up dead? Well, that’s me, the real Annie Graham is a stupid idiot who should know better.’ She watched as his huge fists clenched into tight balls.

      ‘I’m so sorry, Annie, I had no idea. I better get to be the arresting officer because I intend to treat him with the respect that he deserves.’

      ‘Thanks. I hope you do but I did manage to smack him one myself this time. I think I may have broken his nose.’

      Kav laughed so loud the whole department turned to look their way. It was so inappropriate it made them both laugh even more.

      ‘That’s my girl. Now is there anyone you want me to contact for you?’

      Annie declined his offer, not wanting anyone outside of work to know about what had happened. In fact, she would rather no one at work knew about it. Kav nodded and wrapped his hand gently around her left hand, which wasn’t swollen, and squeezed it.

      Jake rounded the corner carrying two plastic cups filled with steaming liquid. ‘Bleeding hell I’m going to need that bed in a minute; I’ve got third-degree burns.’

      Kav peered into the plastic cup. ‘What’s that shit? Don’t tell me it’s tea.’ He took it from Jake, blew into the cup then sipped. ‘I’ll let you off, Constable. It tastes better than it looks.’

      Jake offered the other cup to Annie. ‘Hot chocolate?’

      A passing nurse paused outside the cubicle then pulled the curtain to one side. ‘Sorry, pet, she’s nil by mouth until the consultant decides if he needs to operate on her hand.’

      Both men looked at each other and Jake whispered, ‘I’m glad it’s not me you punched.’

      A trio of doctors walked in and Kav stood up. ‘You know where I am if you need me or want anything.’ He stooped down and kissed the one spot on her forehead that wasn’t coated with dried blood. He turned to Jake. ‘Come on, let’s go and assist in the hunt for Barrow’s most wanted. He needs a lesson in extreme etiquette.’

      Jake clapped like a big kid. ‘Now you’re talking, Sarge.’ He blew Annie a kiss. ‘I love you loads but I am not kissing you with all that dried blood and brain juice splattered all over.’

      Kav’s hand shot through the curtain and dragged Jake out by the shoulder. Annie shut her eyes as the doctor picked up her hand to begin to examine it again.

      An outbreak of obscenities shattered her daydream and she walked straight into Jake, who was rubbing his hand vigorously.

      He looked at her. ‘These sodding nettles are everywhere. Oh look at you, Miss Nosey Parker, could you not take the suspense or are you just missing me already? I can’t believe it doesn’t freak you out living up here on your own. I’m scared and it’s daytime.’

      ‘Just remind me why you wanted to be a copper? Stop rubbing your hand and look for a dock leaf; it will take away the sting.’

      ‘I told you why: I wanted a pair of handcuffs and I can’t resist a man in a uniform. Look, I’m really sorry for embarrassing you before. I never meant to. It was such a shock seeing how bad the back of your head was. I had no idea.’ He hugged her and she squeezed him back. ‘Oh and I noticed the way you looked at Will. You were weighing him up, weren’t you? How many marks out of ten would you give him? I’d give him a seven, possibly an eight? The only person I’ve ever given more than an eight to was that special constable with the bleached blonde hair that joined last year. I was gutted he only lasted a month. Not that I’d ever cheat on Alex but it’s nice to have something other than a bunch of hairy, sweaty coppers to look at.’

      ‘You’re awful, Jake. I wasn’t weighing him up. Well, maybe a little. Anyway, I know he only fancies supermodel type girls and this, I’m afraid, is no supermodel.’

      ‘You’re wrong, Annie. Why do you have to be so down on yourself? If I wasn’t into muscular rich men I’d shag you, even though you do look really scary with half of your hair shaved off and that massive scar. I suppose it would be a bit like shagging the bride of Frankenstein.’

      She choked. ‘Why thanks, Jake, that’s good to know. It makes me feel so much better.’

      Will walked up behind them and Annie pulled away from Jake. Glaring at him then punched him in the arm.


      ‘There is nothing here apart from these nettles. No sign of anyone being around here, Will.’

      Annie began walking away. ‘I’ll see you later. If you want a coffee or somewhere to take a breather you are more than welcome to come back to the house. I promise I’ll actually let you in this time.’

      ‘Thanks. I might have to take you up on that offer. I’m getting the shakes through a distinct lack of caffeine.’

      Jake rolled his eyes at her and mouthed, ‘flirt’. Annie stuck her tongue out then turned and left them to it.

       Chapter 5

      He couldn’t stop thinking about the girl. He kept replaying it over and over in his head. Had he really taken her to the big house and slit her throat? It felt as if it was all a dream and he was finding it hard to distinguish between his fantasy life and his real one. How had he turned into a stone cold killer?

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