NYC Angels: Heiress’s Baby Scandal. Janice Lynn

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NYC Angels: Heiress’s Baby Scandal - Janice  Lynn

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      NYC Angels:


      Baby Scandal

      Janice Lynn


       To my editor, Lucy Gilmour. Thanks for all you do!

       Dear Reader

      Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m a sucker for a cowboy. I mean, really, there’s just something about a gorgeous man in a cowboy hat that makes my heart go thump-thump-thumpity-thump. Make that man gorgeous, good-hearted and the owner of a sexy Texan drawl and I might just have to turn up the AC. Tyler Donaldson is just such a man. Ty was my first cowboy hero, but I seriously doubt he’ll be my last. I had a lot of fun researching his character. Really, I did. Have I mentioned how much I love my job?

      Ty and Ellie’s story also presented me with another new experience as this was my first continuity series. Working closer with my fellow Medical Romance authors was great, and I loved watching as each of our stories developed. What an amazingly talented group!

      I hope you enjoy Ty and Ellie’s story as much as I enjoyed researching (grin!) and writing their story. Drop me an e-mail at [email protected] to share your thoughts about their romance, cowboys, or just to say hello.

      Happy reading!



      UH-UH. THERE WAS absolutely no way Dr. Eleanor Aston was wearing that itsy-bitsy, teeny-tiny scrap of sparkly spandex her sister had sent for her to wear tonight!

      “Take it back,” she ordered Norma, the darling, elderly woman who’d headed up the Aston household for over twenty years and a woman who was more like family than—well, than Eleanor’s biological family.

      Looking out of place and uncomfortable in the hospital doctors’ lounge where Eleanor had pulled her to talk in private, Norma shook her head. “Sorry, but I can’t do that. Brooke gave me specific instructions. You are to wear that dress and those shoes to the ribbon-cutting ceremony.”

      Right, because she could squeeze her more than generous curves into the dress. Eleanor shuddered just at the mental image.

      “I’m giving you specific instructions, too. Take it back, because even if I could squeeze into that …” She eyed the glitzy red dress and matching stilettos her sister had picked out. “Well, it’s not exactly my style, is it?”

      Staring at Eleanor with her almost-black eyes, Norma shrugged her coat-clad shoulders. “Perhaps your sister thinks your style needs an update.”

      Norma’s tone implied that Brooke wasn’t the only one who thought that.

      Ha. No doubt about it. Media darling Brooke Aston definitely thought her sister’s style as ugly duckling in the midst of a family of swans should change. Mostly because Brooke thought Eleanor’s usual wardrobe of hospital scrubs to be the bottom of fashion’s totem pole.

      Eleanor loved her hospital scrubs.

      For so many reasons. Never had she felt more proud than when she’d donned a pair after she’d completed her training as a pediatrician specializing in neonatology. Plus, shapeless hospital scrubs hid a lot of body flaws.

      “A lot” being the key words. She’d never be a size two like Brooke and she’d quit beating herself up over that years ago.

      She eyed the scrap of fancy material again, crinkled her nose and shook her head. “I’m sorry my sister wasted your time, but you can keep the dress because I’m not going to wear it, or those torture devices my sister calls shoes.” She glanced at her watch. “Sorry to run, but I’ve got to get back to the NICU. My patients need me.”

      Norma winced, but didn’t look surprised by Eleanor’s answer. “Brooke won’t be happy.”

      Was her baby sister ever happy with anything that didn’t involve all the attention being on her? Too bad she’d had an allergic reaction to some new beauty cream that had left her unable to bask in the limelight of Senator Cole Aston’s latest publicity project.

      At least this time Eleanor agreed with how her father was spending his money. Actually, she was quite pleased, which was the only reason she’d agreed to take Brooke’s place at the ribbon-cutting ceremony this evening. He’d donated an exorbitant amount to build a new neonatal wing for premature babies at the Angel Mendez Children’s Hospital where she worked.

      She loved being a part of something as wonderful as Angel’s, New York’s first and finest free children’s hospital. Working with her preemies left her with a feeling inside that no other aspect of her life had ever achieved. She felt needed, whole, as if she made a difference. In her patients’ families’ eyes, she did matter, was the most important person in their tiny baby’s world.

      Her patients didn’t care that she wasn’t glamorous or wearing the latest Paris styles. They didn’t care if her hair was plain black and always clipped tightly to her scalp in a bun. They didn’t care that she never bothered with makeup or taking time to put in her contact lenses so her thick-framed glasses didn’t hide her dark brown eyes.

      Neither did they care that she’d never be beautiful and svelte like her petite sister, not with her bone structure and too-generous curves that no amount of starving herself seemed to cure. So she just maintained a healthy diet and lifestyle and ignored that the media liked to point out the differences between her and her Hollywood-thin, perfectly coiffed sister.

      Pain knotted Eleanor’s gut at the recall of some of the comments that the gossip rags had made about those differences over the years.

      Her sister might love the limelight, but Eleanor detested it, did everything she could to avoid putting herself in the media’s glare. Yet tonight she would be representing her family at a very important event for Angel’s. The press would be there in droves.

      What had she been thinking?

      The sheer impact of what she’d agreed to do hit her, made her hand shake, reminded her that she was being forced to attend a social event. Still, think of all the families the new wing would benefit.

      She took a deep breath, praying a full-blown panic attack didn’t hit. “Brooke isn’t going to be happy anyway, Norma. She’s not the one cutting the ribbon this evening.”

      Having been a constant fixture in their lives and knowing them as well as their own mother did, probably better, a semblance of a smile played on Norma’s twitching lips at Eleanor’s accurate assessment of her sister.

      “Agreed, but you’re going to have to return that dress yourself.” At Eleanor’s frown, she continued, “If I’m going to have one or the other of you upset with me, it’s going to be you over your drama-queen sister.”

      Eleanor took another deep breath and exhaled slowly. Hadn’t it been that way her whole life? Brooke always managed to get her way one way or another, whether it was with their parents, the hired help, the media, or the many enamored people who flocked to be close to such “perfection” as the lovely and superfun Brooke Aston.

      Eleanor had spent a great portion of her life in the shadows. Fortunately, she liked it there.

      She glanced at her watch again. She’d been away from the neonatal unit too long already. “Fine. I’ll deal with this later.”

      Eleanor’s heart squeezed as Rochelle Blackwood’s tiny fingers wrapped around her pinky finger. So precious.

      Even with the tubes and wires attached to the twenty-six-weeks-gestation little girl, nothing was more beautiful or precious to Eleanor than new life.

      Not so many years ago, Rochelle wouldn’t have had any chance

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