Required: Three Outback Brides: Cattle Rancher, Convenient Wife / In the Heart of the Outback... / Single Dad, Outback Wife. Margaret Way

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Required: Three Outback Brides: Cattle Rancher, Convenient Wife / In the Heart of the Outback... / Single Dad, Outback Wife - Margaret Way

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managing to sound shattered, which in a way she was.

      ‘Sorry? Is that the best you can do?’ Valerie was suddenly seeing her daughter very differently.

      Allegra just stood there, her head spinning. ‘Only Dad saw through Mark,’ she said. ‘But Dad unfortunately held back because he thought I loved him.’

      ‘Which you never did.’ Valerie reverted to making Allegra the scapegoat. ‘You just needed a stepping stone.’

      ‘You saw that, did you?’

      Valerie smiled grimly, but didn’t answer.

      ‘Not loving Mark isn’t something I’m proud of, Val. I thought I loved him at the time. In retrospect it’s pathetically clear I really wanted a home of my own. Someone to love me.’

      Valerie turned away to sweep up the fragments of the broken glass. ‘What a swine he was! He seduced my Chloe.’

      ‘Don’t believe it!’ Allegra scoffed. ‘Chloe was right there in the middle of it, ready to take whatever was going. I don’t think I want to talk to you again, Chloe,’ she said. ‘Not after today.’

      ‘Who would care!’ Chloe shouted. ‘All you do is burn people. Now it’s Rory Compton who has to pay for coming into your orbit. You seduced him. I haven’t the slightest doubt of that. You have seduction down to perfection.’

      ‘My dear, I could take lessons off you,’ Allegra said.

      ‘What did happen with Rory Compton,’ Valerie asked. her tone condemnatory.

      Allegra studied her. ‘Nothing as if you have any right to know. Rory came with a second offer, just as I told you. He had no idea you were away. He was enormously helpful shifting the stock to high ground. The creek was running a bumper. It’s still high if you want to take the time to go down and look. He had to stay the night. It was raining far too heavily for him to drive back to Jimboorie.’

      ‘And you lured him into your bed,’ Chloe hit back. ‘That’s unforgivable, Allegra. You’ve always done it. As soon as any guy takes a liking to me you have to take him off me.’

      ‘Haven’t I told you that all along.’ Valerie gave Allegra a venomous look. ‘What are people going to say? Think of the scandal and so soon after your father’s death. Let alone your divorce. But you scarcely care about that. You don’t even know this man. You could destroy him.’

      Allegra lowered her head in resignation. ‘Val, you should have sought help a long time ago. The animosity that’s in you is corrosive to the soul. I’ll go back to Sydney until Naroom is sold. I can’t stay here the situation being what it is. It’s a thirty-day unconditional contract. Rory already has bank approval.’

      ‘I want you to leave tomorrow,’ Valerie said, slamming her two palms flat on the table.

      ‘To hell with you and what you want. You forget yourself, Valerie. I’ll leave when I’m good and ready.’ Allegra’s voice was so authoritative Valerie backed off. ‘I’d be grateful if you could keep a civil tongue in your head until then. I’ve put up with your viciousness until now, but no more!’

      ‘Viciousness?’ Chloe jumped in to champion her mother.

      ‘It’s about time you stopped playing the ingénue, Chloe,’ Allegra said. ‘You’re much too old for it. In your heart you know the situation. Your mother hates me.’

      ‘Mum doesn’t hate anyone,’ Chloe declared, mostly because she needed her mother on side. ‘I know she can be a little sharp tongued from time to time, but she doesn’t hate you, Allegra. I don’t hate you. But you’ve never let me shine. Can you understand what that does to me? I’ve always been overshadowed. You’re the beautiful sister, the clever sister, the one people ask after. They come up to me and say, ‘How’s your beautiful sister?’ I hate it.’ Her blue eyes flashed anger. ‘That’s why I slept with Mark. To get back at you. I hated myself afterwards. I had to pretend it never happened to live. It was only the once anyway.’ That at least was the truth. ‘I didn’t like it. Rory is different. He would have liked me if you hadn’t been around.’

      ‘Wishful thinking, my dear,’ Allegra said disdainfully, and walked away from them without a qualm.

      Allegra shocked a lot of people when she handed in her resignation.

      ‘But you had such a future with us, Allegra,’ Juleanne Spencer, the Editor-in-Chief and something of a national icon, told her, staring in dismay across her magnificent antique desk. Their meeting had already lasted forty minutes but Juleanne, who had great persuasive powers, was distressed she wasn’t about to sway her clever and, she would have thought, highly ambitious Fashion Editor. Allegra Hamilton had real style and an uncanny ability to combine glamour, excitement and

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