Taken by the Boss: His Very Personal Assistant / In the Banker's Bed / The Takeover Bid. Leigh Michaels

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Taken by the Boss: His Very Personal Assistant / In the Banker's Bed / The Takeover Bid - Leigh  Michaels

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swallowed hard, at the same time forcing herself not to take a step backwards, determined not to let him see the effect his closeness was having on her. ‘But we both know that it is,’ she persisted.

      ‘Do we?’

      ‘Yes,’ she said firmly, her eyes meeting his steadily. ‘You said as much when we arrived here and you mentioned not making a scene.’

      ‘What makes you think I was referring to Andrea…?’

      Well, he certainly couldn’t have been referring to her because of the friendly way Mike Reynolds had talked to her—could he…?

      Marcus continued to look at her for several long seconds, finally taking a step backwards. ‘How about we discuss this again in the morning?’

      ‘How about we don’t?’ she came back heavily.

      To her surprise, Marcus grinned, a completely humorous grin that warmed his eyes and curved his lips over even white teeth.

      ‘It certainly is different being away on business with you rather than Lewis!’

      Kit’s own mouth quirked, relieved that the tension between them seemed to have broken. Although that didn’t change her resolve to put as much distance tomorrow between herself and Desmond Hayes’s house as was possible. As much distance between herself and Catherine Grainger as was possible…

      ‘I would think it would be,’ she conceded dryly.

      Marcus chuckled now, his bad humour obviously dissipated. ‘No borrowing his aftershave when I forget my own, for one thing,’ he teased.

      ‘Or socks and underwear,’ Kit came back playfully.

      ‘I draw the line at the underwear!’ Marcus assured her dryly. ‘The socks at a pinch, maybe, but—’

      ‘Please go back downstairs and join the party!’ Kit cut the conversation short.

      Marcus sobered, looking at her intently now. ‘You’ll be okay up here on your own?’

      ‘Of course,’ she assured him easily.

      A few more hours and she might be able to get away from here completely.

      Away from the possibility of finding herself alone with Catherine Grainger again…!


      THERE was someone in her bedroom!

      Kit wasn’t sure what had woken her: an unexpected noise, a sixth sense? But something had certainly disturbed her sleep and now she was aware of another person in the room with her—even though she couldn’t see them in the dark shadows of the room, she could hear the soft sound of their breathing.

      ‘Marcus?’ she called tentatively.

      She had no idea what he would be doing creeping about her bedroom during the early hours of the morning. But there again, he certainly hadn’t seemed to have too much hesitation about walking into her bedroom unannounced yesterday evening!

      The fact that she received no answer to her query convinced her that she was right in thinking it wasn’t him…

      ‘Who is it?’ she said sharply, sitting up as she desperately tried to see into the shadows. ‘Who’s there?’ she demanded as anger started to replace her apprehension.

      If someone was trying to frighten her, then they were succeeding, and if they were trying to frighten her, then they deserved her anger!

      ‘I said—’ She broke off abruptly, her wrist grasped between tight fingers as she reached out to turn on the bedside light.

      ‘I heard you, Kit,’ came the unmistakable voice of Mike Reynolds.

      ‘What are you doing in my bedroom?’ Kit gasped disbelievingly, moving frantically across to one side of the bed as she felt him sit on the other side of it. ‘How dare you—?’

      ‘Be quiet, Kit,’ he rasped, maintaining that steely grasp of her wrist. ‘And don’t be naïve; you know exactly why I’m here.’

      ‘No, I—’

      ‘Yes,’ he cut in forcefully. ‘To be honest, I couldn’t quite believe my luck, when, instead of coming in here to join you when he came up to bed half an hour ago, I saw Maitland go into the room next door.’

      Kit’s eyes widened as she once again tried to see Mike’s face in the darkness. ‘You’ve been outside watching my bedroom?’ Somehow just the thought of that made her skin crawl.

      Mike gave a disgusted snort. ‘What else did I have to do with my time after Maitland’s threatening behaviour earlier?’

      ‘Marcus didn’t threaten you,’ she defended, wishing now that Marcus had actually hit Mike—the verbal warning alone obviously hadn’t worked!

      ‘I thought your delicate sensibilities might prefer that description to the arrogant bastard he really is!’ Mike said contemptuously.

      ‘Isn’t it a little late for you to be thinking of my delicate sensibilities?’ she suggested, her vision having finally adjusted to the dim moonlight. She was able to see Mike’s face now, if not his actual features. ‘You have to leave, Mike,’ she told him.

      ‘And if I don’t choose to?’

      ‘Then I’ll scream,’ she informed him determinedly. ‘Marcus is in the bedroom next door,’ she added as a deterrent, knowing that Mike was a coward at heart.

      He gave a humourless laugh. ‘Poor little Kit,’ he taunted. ‘So naïve. So trusting. Your boyfriend is no longer in his room next door!’ he informed her with hard satisfaction. ‘Maitland only stayed a couple of minutes before leaving again. And he hasn’t come back. Now, I don’t know about you, but considering how thick he and Andrea Revel have been the last few months, I would say it’s pretty easy to guess exactly whose bed he’s in right now! Wouldn’t you?’

      Yes, she would, Kit accepted heavily, angry with Marcus for putting her in such an embarrassing position, but even more upset that he had left her an easy target for Mike Reynolds!

      ‘Will you just leave?’ she said stiffly. ‘Before you do something we’re both going to regret,’ she added warningly.

      ‘Oh, come on, Kit,’ Mike cajoled. ‘For goodness’ sake, lighten up, will you? After all, we’re old friends.’ His tone was persuasive as his hand moved caressingly up her arm.

      ‘Are you totally thick, or just plain stupid?’ she challenged, annoyance easily overcoming her fear. ‘I do not find you attractive. I have no intention of becoming involved with you. In fact, I’m sure I’ve made it perfectly plain that I don’t even like you!’ she finished frustratedly.

      ‘Do you realise your boyfriend has persuaded Desmond to throw me out of here first thing in the morning?’ The cajoling tone had turned to fury, and his hand tightened about her arm.

      ‘Not soon enough, as far as I’m concerned!’ Kit came back heatedly.

      ‘Now just—’

      ‘Or me!’ rasped an authoritative voice that Kit easily knew belonged to Marcus. At the same time she felt Mike’s hand release her arm as Marcus landed a punch on his jaw, which threw him off the bed.

      ‘Get your things together now, Reynolds, and just leave!’ Marcus was standing gloweringly over Mike as Kit at last managed to reach the switch for the bedside light. ‘And I would advise you not to show your face anywhere near me in the next decade!’

      Mike got slowly to his feet, the slight discolouration on his jaw already visible. And, despite her earlier protests about physical violence, Kit knew that she felt no regret at Marcus’s action. In fact, she felt like hitting Mike herself!

      ‘Playing musical beds, Maitland?’ Mike sneered. ‘One woman won’t play, so you’ve come back to try the one in reserve?’


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