A Passionate Affair: The Passionate Husband / The Italian's Passion / A Latin Passion. Kathryn Ross

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A Passionate Affair: The Passionate Husband / The Italian's Passion / A Latin Passion - Kathryn  Ross

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voice in her head brought her up sharp, and she answered it by sitting up straight.

      ‘All right, love?’

      She became aware of the taxi driver’s eyes on her in his mirror and she nodded quickly. ‘Yes, thank you.’

      ‘Only you look a bit under the weather, if you don’t mind me saying so.’

      ‘I’m fine.’

      ‘Course, there’s a lot of this flu about, you know. The wife went down with it a couple of weeks ago, and two of the kids are off school now. Mind, I reckon the little ’un is playing the wag. Don’t like school, the little ’un.’

      Marsha nodded, trying to be polite but wishing he would just drive the cab.

      He must have got the message, because thankfully the rest of the journey progressed in silence.

      She had rung Jeff at home first thing that morning, explaining that something unexpected had come up and she would like to take a day’s holiday, if that was possible. ‘Problems?’ he had asked, and when she’d merely replied that they were personal ones he’d told her there was no need to use up any holiday time but, depending on how long it took to get things sorted, he would appreciate even an hour or two at the end of the day if she were able.

      She found she was glad of this now. Her job was hectic and demanding, but that was exactly what she needed. The thought of going home to the empty bedsit filled her with dread. She would get to the office just before lunchtime and make sure she did not leave until she was too exhausted to do another minute. That way she might be able to sleep when she got home. Tomorrow was another day and she would think about everything then. For now it was enough to get through with her emotions so lacerated.

      She had been an idiot when Taylor had called this morning. She had underestimated her own strength to resist him, but she wouldn’t make the same mistake again. Her hands bunched together as she remembered their embraces, her cheeks flushing with humiliation at how easily he had beguiled her. From now on he could threaten to wake the whole street and she would not let him in. But it wouldn’t come to that anyway. Tomorrow she would arrange to meet him somewhere anonymous, a wine bar or something similar, and she would make it abundantly clear the divorce was going through come hell or high water.

      She caught her breath as her heart twisted. Behind her closed eyelids she could picture him on the screen of her mind. His long lean tanned body as it had looked that morning, the broad muscled chest, flat stomach and hard powerful thighs, his hands—brown and long-fingered—and his mouth. Oh, his mouth… Sensuous, coaxing, possessing the power to send her delirious with desire. How was she going to manage without him? How would she ever get through the rest of her life, knowing he was in the world—walking, eating, breathing, loving—but not with her?

      Stop it. She opened her eyes with a snap, furious at herself. She had got by the last eighteen months and she would do so again. Taylor Kane was not the be all and end all; she had to remember that. He might be fascinating and sexy and tender and magnetic, but he was also ruthless and arrogant and hard when it suited him. The same qualities that drew her to him drew other women, and she wasn’t about to live her life ruled by jealousy, eaten up by it. This had to be a clean sharp cut which severed any fragile links still hanging between them.

      She turned her head to gaze unseeing out of the window. Of course she would always love him, always carry a thousand regrets for what might have been, but she mustn’t let him know that. She had thought she would grow old with him, loving him and being loved in return, but it wasn’t to be. There would be no babies, no little Taylors with dark hair and tawny eyes…

      Again she jerked herself out of her thoughts by sheer will-power. She must not let her mind stray for one moment. She had to keep absolute control over herself or she would end up a gibbering idiot! She had made the only decision she could eighteen months ago and nothing had changed. She couldn’t spend her life wondering when he would tire of her completely, when one of his other women would capture his heart, mind and soul. Living alone for the rest of her life would be preferable to that.

      The thought mocked her, especially because, having seen him again, she wasn’t sure if it was true. If she thought there was a chance she might hold him she would take it.

      But not at the cost of your own soul. She sat up straighter, her mouth setting in a grim line. And that was what it boiled down to. She wouldn’t let herself become a victim, the sort of woman who put up with intolerable indignities in the name of love.

      ‘Here we are, miss.’

      As the taxi drew up outside the TV building Marsha scrambled out, giving the man a handsome tip to make up for being such an uncommunicative passenger.

      She had made a life for herself and it was a good one. It was. It would have to be enough.


      ‘MARSHA. I didn’t expect you today.’

      Nicki beamed at her as she walked into the office, which was a slight balm to her sore feelings. At least her secretary liked her, she thought with a heavy dose of self-pity which she wasn’t about to apologise for in the slightest. ‘I sorted things out quicker than I expected,’ she said quietly.

      ‘Sorted things out?’ Nicki frowned. ‘Jeff said you’d come back to work yesterday too quickly and weren’t feeling great again today.’

      Bless him. Marsha felt a brief warm glow in the leaden ball of her stomach. People could be so nice on occasion. ‘Well, I’ll stick to that officially, then. Unofficially—’ she bent down closer ‘—I took your advice and went to see Taylor’s sister.’ She wasn’t about to tell even Nicki of the early-morning breakfast scenario.


      ‘Nothing. She was very sweet and very upset, but that’s all. The truth is the truth when all’s said and done.’



      Marsha seated herself at her desk and pulled a wad of papers in front of her. There was nothing more to be said.

      When Nicki brought back half the canteen’s stock of food at lunchtime Marsha ate a rather pitiable-looking ham sandwich and apple at her desk, but she had to force the food down. Jeff had popped his head out just after she had got into the office, declaring himself immensely pleased to see her, after which he had deposited a slim file in front of her, ordering her to stop all other work immediately. Marsha was not fooled by the width of the file. Thinking up ideas for new and interesting programmes was testing enough, but often necessitated a minimum of paperwork. Translating the idea into a programme within a budget, often with the impending broadcasting date just ahead, was the really hard work. After glancing through the paperwork she knew she would be working all over the weekend.

      She had just returned to her desk, after a visit to the studio where the programme would be shot, and was immersed in a wad of possible facts and figures when Nicki leapt in front of her. ‘Could you sign this please?’ she said loudly, adding in a low hiss, ‘Penelope and him are in the corridor outside.’

      Marsha’s stomach curled, but she had the presence of mind to keep her head down as she reached for the blank piece of paper Nicki had thrust on her desk.

      Every nerve-end prickling, she waited for the door to open. She wasn’t disappointed. Penelope sailed in first, in a cloud of cloying perfume, her tone pre-emptive as she said, ‘He’s in, I take it?’ and made for Jeff’s door.

      ‘Just a moment, Miss Pelham.’ Marsha was on her feet and in front of Jeff’s door quicker than a dose of salts. She ignored the dark figure behind the other woman as she said, ‘If you would like to take a seat, I’ll just check Mr North is free.’

      Penelope halted, swirling on her high heels as she said to Taylor, ‘Really!’ But she didn’t press her case, knowing full well it was exactly how she would have expected her second in command to have acted.

      Marsha knocked on

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