Her Baby Wish. Patricia Thayer
Читать онлайн книгу.Once she got her child would she turn her attention back to them? Either way he couldn’t deny her.
“I’ll be around Monday.”
Those big brown eyes widened. “Really? Oh, Trace.”
She jumped out of her chair, threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. Trace reached for her, gripping her by the waist so they both wouldn’t topple over.
Kira ended up on his lap and when she pulled back there were tears in her eyes. “Thank you,” she whispered.
He couldn’t resist, and brushed away a tear off her cheek. Seeing her rich brown eyes staring back at his caused his blood to stir. It always had, but he couldn’t let it happen, not after all the pain they’d caused each other.
He stood her on her feet. He got up, too, then backed away but ran into the counter. “You don’t have to thank me. We’d always planned on children. I haven’t agree to everything.”
She refused to look away. “Under the circumstances…and reasons you’ve agreed to do this, I still thank you.”
The hard ache in his body told him he was crazy to be this close to Kira. “Like you said it’s a long waiting list.” He drew a breath and inhaled that soft, womanly scent that was only her.
“Well, you’ve made me very happy.” She leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on his mouth. He sucked in a breath as another jolt of desire shot through him. “And I promise I’ll give you what you want.”
“That’d be a first time in a long time,” he murmured, trying to guard against his weakness for her.
“You know what I mean,” she added. “You’re doing this for me, I promise when it’s over, I won’t contest anything.”
What had happened to them? At one time, he’d wanted to give her everything. They’d planned a lifetime together. Now, she wanted nothing from him, especially not his love.
“I should go,” he told her, not wanting the conversation to go sour if they brought up any more of the past hurt. “I need to go check on that bad section of fence. I don’t want Rocky to wander off,” he rambled on. He stole another look at her and his pulse accelerated, weighing down each step he took.
“We still have things to talk about,” Kira called to him. “Maybe after I’m home from school tomorrow.”
Trace nodded, then headed for the back door, praying she wouldn’t stop him. He worked to remember the misery they’d caused each other during their last months together. He hurried out into the cool night, and it felt good against his heated skin, but even jumping into a pool of ice water wouldn’t cool off his need for Kira. He doubted anything would, ever. That still didn’t give him any hope that they were meant to be together.
The next morning, Kira had renewed hope that things were going to work out. She knew she needed to take things slow with Trace. He never rushed into anything.
She walked into her office to find Jody waiting for her. When Kira had driven the girl to her job yesterday, there wasn’t much time to talk about anything except plans for the senior roundup. That was why Kira had set up this morning’s meeting.
Jody stood. “Hello, Mrs. McKane.”
“Good morning, Jody.” Kira unlocked her office, went inside and set her things on her desk. After putting her purse in the bottom drawer, she motioned to Jody to take a seat, then she did the same.
“Okay, Jody, there are no distractions now.” She worked up a smile. “It’s just you and me.” She took the file from her in-box and opened it. “I’ve talked with your teachers, Mr. Franklin and Miss Meehan, who informed me your grades have dropped considerably as of late. Jody, is there something going on, has something happened?”
The young girl looked pale, almost sickly. Her blond hair was long, but it looked unkempt today. She wasn’t wearing any makeup, not even lip gloss. So different from the impeccably groomed girl Kira had known. Jody looked tired, no exhausted. Then it started adding up, the bad grades, and the sudden breakup with her boyfriend. Could Jody be pregnant?
Kira’s heart sank as she worked hard not to look down at the girl’s waistline. “I know I’m your guidance counselor, but I hope after our four years together, I’m your friend, too.”
The student glanced away and shrugged. “I know you’ve helped me so much.” She hesitated. “It’s just…it’s hard to talk about.”
Jody Campbell lived with her single mother, and money was always tight. With Jody’s high grade point average, Kira had been working tirelessly to help her get scholarships and financial aid for college.
“Jody, two months ago you were excited about going away to college. Has something changed that?”
She drew an unsteady breath and nodded. “Ben and I broke up.” Tears filled her eyes. “He signed up to go into the Army.”
“I’m sorry, Jody.” Ben Kerrigan was another senior. The two had been dating for the past few months. She could see the girl’s heartbreak. “When does he have to leave?”
A tear rolled down the girl’s cheek. “The end of June. He said he won’t have time for me, and doesn’t even want to write me, or anything. He said it’s better this way.” The girl broke down and sobbed.
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