Deliver to Dublin...With Care. Aimee Duffy

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Deliver to Dublin...With Care - Aimee  Duffy

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you both,




       To: Ciara Bree, Elle Muir

       From: Gemma Howard

       Subject: Zomifuckinggod!

       Ladies, forget super hormones, even super pheromones. You need to find yourselves a Brian! After dating this fine specimen for over a week, I begged on my hands and knees for him to give me a go on his disco stick and what a go it was! I spent the weekend in his bed and we were late to work on Monday because I couldn’t get enough. I will give you the details later. I’m too knackered to get it right. Oh and the dating isn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, though it does include a LOT of non-naked time which is a shame.

       Cia, that’s great! Did you get the job? Sorry I’ve been MIA.

       Elle, what’s new? You’ve been quiet.

       Love Gem

       (Definitely not in a gay way. I’ll never turn now I’ve had a go of Brian’s dick)



       To: Elle Muir, Gemma Howard

       From: Ciara Bree

       Subject: Re Zomifuckinggod

       SEE? I told you dating wouldn’t be so bad! My retinas could have done without the page long description of his privates, followed by a verse on how talented his tongue is around your body – but I’m so happy that you’ve found someone you gel with, in and out of the bedroom.

       Still, I feel like I know Brian better than I should… ;o)

       I got the job! And the course I’ll teach starts at the end of this month – I can’t wait! Oh and I’ve got two more private students, one who’s struggling with the math part of his uni course in Dublin and another who’s in school. I really think this is my calling, I just hope it sticks.

       I’ve been speaking with my da about the way I get sometimes. He said I should go to the doctor so I’ve made an appointment next week. I know it’s a waste of time, I am who I am and can’t change that but he’s worried about me so I’ll go.

       Elle, I’m sorry for calling all the time. I know you don’t want to talk to me, so I promise I’ll stop. I’m always here if you ever want to talk, or anything. I miss you so much. You’re the glue that put us all together and you taught me everything about being a woman. I fucked up really bad and can’t ever put that right if you don’t let me try.

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