An Heir For The Texan. KRISTI GOLD

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An Heir For The Texan - KRISTI  GOLD

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Jenny chimed in. “Mine came in at twelve. That’s when the boys started chasing me like Louisiana mosquitoes.”

      Maria waved a dismissive hand at Jen. “No one wants to know when you reached puberty and how many times you got a love bite.”

      Austin didn’t want to continue this bizarre conversation. Luckily Paris showed up to end the weird exchange. “Dinner will be ready in about five minutes.”

      Jenny turned her attention to Austin. “Maybe you should invite your special friend to dinner.”

      Of all of the stupid ideas—subjecting Georgie to an ongoing conversation about puberty. Then again, he wouldn’t mind sitting across a table from her. He wouldn’t mind her sitting in his lap, either. “It’s late and I’m sure she’s busy.”

      Paris perked up like a hound coming upon a rabbit’s scent. “She? So that’s what you were discussing in my absence.”

      Dallas pushed off the sofa. “Yeah, and boobies and mosquitoes.”

      “Don’t ask, Paris,” Maria stated. “Now you boys wash up while we put the food on the table.”

      No way would he subject himself to more talk about his history with Georgie. “I’m not staying for dinner.”

      “Suit yourself,” Dallas said. “But you’ll be missing out on Jen’s chicken-fried steak.”

      Any other time he would reconsider, but not today. “I’m sure it’ll be great. Before I take off, Dallas, we need to finish our conversation.”

      His brother shrugged. “I’m listening.”

      When Austin noticed the women still hovering, he added, “In private. Outside.”

      Dallas sighed. “Fine. Just make it quick. I’m starving.”

      He had every intention of making it quick while getting his point across.

      After they walked out the door onto the porch, Austin faced his brother. “Look, I would’ve appreciated you consulting all the brothers before you hired Georgie as the ranch vet.”

      Dallas streaked a hand over his jaw. “Actually, I did. Houston doesn’t have a problem with it, and neither does Tyler. Worth doesn’t know about it but he trusts my judgment, unlike you.”

      Austin’s ire returned with the force of a tornado. “You consulted them but you didn’t bother to ask me?”

      “Majority rules, and I figured you weren’t going to be too keen on the idea after the way you two ended it.”

      “What the hell does it matter what happened when we were in high school?”

      “I meant six years ago, after the reading of Dad’s will.”

      “How did you know we hooked up then?”

      “Georgie called me a few months later and asked how she could get in touch with you. By that time you’d already married Abby. When I told her about that, she was upset. In other words, you broke her heart. Again.”

      Yeah, he probably had, and he’d never been proud of it. “It was just one night, Dallas, and I didn’t marry Abby until four months later, so I wasn’t cheating on either Georgie or Abby. Besides, I married Abby on a whim.”

      “A whim involving a woman you barely knew.”

      Only a partial truth. “Not so. I’d known Abby for years. I just didn’t date her on a regular basis.”

      “But you did date Georgie at one time, and she’s not the kind of woman to take sex lightly.”

      He was inclined to agree but decided not to give Dallas the pleasure of knowing he was right. “Georgie and I agreed no promises, no expectations, the last time we were together.”

      “Maybe you didn’t have any expectations, but I suspect she did. She’s always loved you, brother. I wouldn’t be surprised if she still did, although I don’t get why she would after the way you’ve treated her.”

      He didn’t welcome his brother’s counsel or condemnation. “You’re a fine one to talk, Dallas. You left a trail of broken hearts all over the country.”

      “Yeah, but it only took one woman to set me straight.”

      “A woman you married because you wanted to keep control of the ranch.”

      Dallas leaned against the porch railing. “In the beginning, that was true. But it didn’t take me long to realize Paris could put an end to my wicked ways.”

      He’d thought that about Abby, too, but his ex-wife hadn’t been as sure. In the end, they realized they’d had no choice but to go their separate ways after rushing into a marriage that should never have taken place. “I’m glad for your good fortune, Dallas. But I don’t think that woman exists for me.”

      Dallas’s expression turned suddenly serious. “If you open your eyes, you might just see you’ve already found her. In fact, you ran into her today.”

      With that, Dallas went back inside, leaving Austin to ponder his words. True, he’d always had a thing for Georgie, but he’d chalked that up to chemistry. And she’d always been a beautiful woman, even during her tomboy phase. But he couldn’t see himself with her permanently. See himself with anyone for that matter.

      He’d already wrecked one marriage and he wasn’t going to wreck another. He refused to fail again.

      That said, if he and Georgie decided to mutually enjoy each other’s company down the road, he wouldn’t hate it. As long as she understood that he wasn’t in the market for a future.

      When it came to Georgia May Romero—and his ever-present attraction to her—keeping his hands to himself would be easier said than done.

      * * *

      “How’s your first day as the Calloway vet going, Georgie girl?”

      Fine...until he’d walked into the main barn dressed in chambray and denim, looking like every gullible girl’s dream. Yet when she decided to accept Dallas’s job offer, she’d known seeing Austin would be a strong possibility. In fact, that had been part of her reasoning to sign on as the resident veterinarian—to size him up, but only when it came to his life, not his looks. However, she was still a bit shaken over their encounter yesterday, and she was bent on ignoring him today.

      For that reason, and many more, she continued putting away her equipment in the duffel without looking at him. “I was just vaccinating the pregnant mares.”

      “At least we only have four this year, not ten like in years past.”

      “True.” Georgie straightened and patted the bay’s muzzle protruding through the rail. “I remember when this one was born, and that had to be fifteen years ago. We’re both getting on up there in age, aren’t we, Rosie? They should really give you a break from the babies.”

      Georgie sensed Austin moving toward her before he said, “She keeps churning out prime cattle horses, but hopefully Dallas will decide to retire her from the breeding program after this year.”

      “Good, although I’m sure she’ll have no trouble foaling this year. Dallas did ask me to be here when Sunny foals since she’s a maiden mare. I told him I’d try, although horses have given birth without help for centuries. Of course, I expect to have to pull a few calves in the future.”

      When he didn’t respond to her rambling, she faced him and met his grin. “Do you find some sort of warped humor in that?”

      He braced his hand on the wooden frame and leaned into it, leaving little distance between them. “No. It’s just strange to see you doing your animal doctor thing.”

      Boy, did he smell good, like manly soap, as if he’d just walked out of the shower. She imagined him in the shower...with her. Slick, wet bodies and roving hands and... Good grief. “Are you worried

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