The Tycoon’s Secret Affair / Defiant Mistress, Ruthless Millionaire: The Tycoon’s Secret Affair. Yvonne Lindsay

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The Tycoon’s Secret Affair / Defiant Mistress, Ruthless Millionaire: The Tycoon’s Secret Affair - Yvonne Lindsay

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her door, he found it slightly ajar and issued a soft knock. Not hearing any summons, he pushed the door open and quietly walked in.

      She was barely more than a rumpled pile of sheets on the bed, her head propped haphazardly on her pillow. Her eyelashes rested on her cheeks, and her soft, even breathing signaled her sleep.

      Even in rest, she looked worried, her face drawn, her brow wrinkled. Her fingers were clutched bloodlessly at the sheet gathered at her chest. And yet she was as beautiful as he remembered, and unfortunately for him, he’d been haunted by her beauty for the last five months.

      He removed his suit coat and tossed it over the chair beside her bed and then settled himself down to sit and wait for her to wake. The slight movement alerted her, and her eyes flew open.

      Shock registered as soon as she saw him. Her eyes widened in what looked to be panic. Her hands moved immediately to her stomach in a protective gesture he’d be blind to miss.

      Then he saw what it was she was protecting. There was an unmistakable swell, a taut mound that shielded a baby!

      “You’re pregnant!”

      Her eyes narrowed. “Well, you needn’t sound so accusing. I hardly got that way by myself.”

      For a moment he was too stunned to realize her implication, and then when it came, it trickled like ice down his spine. Old memories came back in a wave, and hot anger quickly melted away the cold in his veins.

      “Are you saying it’s mine?” he demanded. Already his mind was moving in a whir. He wouldn’t be trapped again by a conniving woman.

      “She,” Jewel corrected. “At least refer to your daughter as a human being.”

      Damn her. She knew that by personalizing the vague entity she shielded that he’d be inhuman not to react.

      “A daughter?”

      Against his will, his voice softened, and he found himself examining her belly closer. He impatiently brushed aside her cupped hands and then snatched his own hand back when her belly rippled and jumped beneath his fingers.

      “Theos! Is that her?”

      Jewel smiled and nodded. “She’s active this morning.”

      Piers shook his head in an attempt to brush away the spell. A daughter. Suddenly he envisioned a tiny little girl, a replica of Jewel but with his dark eyes. Damn her for making him dream again.

      His expression hardened, and he once again focused his attention on Jewel. “Is she mine?”

      Jewel met his steady gaze and nodded.

      He swore softly. “We used protection. I used protection.”

      She shrugged. “She’s yours.”

      “You expect me to accept that? Just like that?”

      She struggled to sit up against her pillows, her fingers clenched into tight balls at her sides. “I haven’t slept with another man in two years. She’s yours.”

      He wasn’t the gullible fool he’d been so many years ago. “Then you won’t object to paternity testing.”

      She closed her eyes wearily and sank back into the covers. Hurt flickered in her eyes when she reopened them, but she shook her head. “No, Piers. I have nothing to hide.”

      “What is wrong with you? Why are you here in the hospital?” he asked, finally coming around to the matter at hand. He’d been completely blindsided by the discovery that the child she was pregnant with was…could be his.

      “I’ve been ill,” she said in a tired voice. “Elevated blood pressure. Fatigue. My doctor said my job had a lot to do with it, and he wants me to quit. He says I must quit, that I don’t have a choice.”

      “What the devil have you been doing?” he demanded.

      She lifted one shoulder. “Waitressing. It was all I could find on such short notice. I needed the money before I could move somewhere else. Somewhere warmer. Somewhere I could make more money. It’s very expensive here in San Francisco.”

      “Then why did you come here from the island? You could have gone anywhere.”

      She cast him a bitter glance. “I have an apartment here. One that is paid for. After I was fired, I had little choice in where to go. I had to have a place to sleep. I intended to save enough money and then go somewhere else.”

      He flinched as guilt consumed him. Damn, but this was a mess. Not only had he had her fired, but he’d sent a pregnant woman into a bad situation.

      “Look, Jewel, about your firing…”

      She held up a hand, her expression fierce. “I don’t want to discuss it. You’re a coward and a bastard of the first order. I wouldn’t have ever spoken to you again if our daughter didn’t need you, if I didn’t need your help.”

      “That’s just it. I never intended for you to be fired,” he said patiently.

      She glared at him. “That’s hardly comforting given that I was fired and that I was escorted out of your hotel.”

      He sighed. Now wasn’t the time to try and reason with her. She was growing more upset by the minute. If she chose to believe the worst in him, and it was obvious she did, he was hardly going to change five months worth of anger and resentment in five minutes.

      “So what is it that you need from me?” he asked. “I’ll help in any way I can.”

      She stared at him, suspicion burning brightly in her ocean eyes. Maybe he was wrong to want his daughter to have his eyes. No, she should definitely have Jewel’s eyes. Dark-haired like him, but with her mother’s sea-green eyes. Or were they blue? He could never tell from one moment to the next.

      Then her shoulders sank, and she closed her eyes. “My physician won’t discharge me until he’s certain I have someone to care for me.”

      She said the latter with a measure of distaste, as if it pained her to be dependent on anyone.

      “I’ll be on bed rest until my surgery.”

      Piers sat forward. “Surgery? Why do you need surgery? I thought you said you were only ill. Blood pressure.” He knew enough about that from his sister-in-law’s pregnancy to know that the prescribed treatment for stress or elevated blood pressure was merely rest and to be off one’s feet. “You can’t have surgery while you’re pregnant. What about the baby?”

      She stared back at him patiently. “That’s just it. When they did a sonogram to check on the baby, they found a large cyst on one of my ovaries. Instead of shrinking, as a lot of cysts do during the course of the pregnancy, this one has gotten larger, and now it’s pressing on the uterus. They have no choice but to remove it so that it won’t interfere with the pregnancy or possibly even harm the baby.”

      Piers cursed. “This operation, is it dangerous? Will it harm the baby?”

      “The doctor doesn’t think so, but it has to be done soon.”

      He cursed again, though he didn’t allow the words past his lips. He didn’t want to be ensnared in another situation where he stood to lose everything. Once a fool, but never again. This time things would be done on his terms.

      “You’re going to marry me,” he announced baldly.

      Chapter Five

      “You’re out of your mind,” Jewel burst out.

      Piers’s eyes narrowed. “I’d hardly say my speaking of marriage constitutes an unsound mind.”

      “Crazy. Certifiable.”

      He bristled and let out an irritated growl. “I am not crazy.”

      “You’re serious!”


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