Cowboy to the Rescue. Stella Bagwell

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Cowboy to the Rescue - Stella  Bagwell

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to explain what that was all about.”

      With a forefinger beneath her chin, he closed her mouth, then traced the curve of her upper lip. “You might not be looking for a man, Christina, but I’m looking for a woman. And I’m trying to figure out if the woman I’m looking for is you.”

       Chapter Four

      Confusion swirled inside Christina. She couldn’t deny it was flattering to have a sexy man like Lex attracted to her. Yet she realized the foolishness of taking him seriously. He could have most any woman he crooked his finger at. Besides, her work was her life now, she reminded herself. Mike had cured her of trusting another man with her happiness.

      “I’m sorry, but I’m not for the taking,” she said quietly.

      The disappointment that flashed in his eyes was at complete odds with the teasing curve to his lips. “Who says?”

      She’d already heard through the ranch’s rumor mill that he was every bit as much a playboy as his flirtatious manner implied. And she supposed some women would find him an exciting challenge. But Christina had learned the hard way that changing a man’s fundamental values was impossible.

      “I do. I didn’t come here for your entertainment.”

      Shaking his head with dismay, he said, “I wasn’t thinking of you as my entertainment, Christina.”

      His kiss had been like a violent earthquake to her. But not for anything would she let him know the upheaval going on inside her. It was too embarrassing.

      “Really? I got the impression you think I hand kisses out like chocolate drops,” she said dully. Then, turning away from him, she pushed through the kitchen doors.

      He was quick to follow, and she tried her best to ignore his giant presence as she walked over to their waiting supper, which was laid out on the long pine table.

      “Christina, I suppose I should apologize to you. But I wanted that kiss. I snatched it. And it felt too damn good to feel sorry about. I do apologize if I upset you.”

      She was making too much of an issue out of the kiss, she told herself. The best way to deal with it and him was to keep things light. But how could she do that when the taste of his lips had woken some sort of latent hunger inside her? Now, each time she glanced at his face, all she could think about was kissing him. “At least you’re honest—I appreciate that.”

      He eased down in the space across from her. Then, after studying her for long, tense moments, he released a heavy breath. “Do you think I’m a bad guy or something?”

      Christina reached for her napkin and hated the fact that her fingers were still trembling. She didn’t want to be vulnerable to any man. Especially a devil-may-care guy like Lex Saddler.

      Keeping her eyes averted from his, she smoothed the piece of white linen across her lap. “No. I’ve heard rumors about you, but I don’t deal in rumors. I make up my own mind about people.”

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