The Sheikh's Son. KRISTI GOLD

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The Sheikh's Son - KRISTI  GOLD

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desires. A gentle, caring man. Grounded. Settled...

      “I am officially moving to Antarctica.”

      After the declaration, Adan strode past Piper and disappeared into the nearby corridor adjacent to the towering staircase. Again. Granted, she enjoyed holding baby Sam, but she hadn’t signed on to be the royal nursemaid. And apparently the sheikh hadn’t signed up for fatherhood, either.

      A few moments passed before Adan returned with a petite, attractive older woman wearing an impeccable navy tailored blazer and skirt, her salt-and-pepper hair styled in a neat bob. Yet when she caught sight of Piper and the baby, her pleasant demeanor melted into obvious confusion. “May I help you, miss?”

      “This is Piper McAdams,” Adan said. “She has accompanied the survey crew, and while she’s here, she will be my guest. Piper, this is Elena Battelli, my former governess who now governs the entire household.”

      Piper came to her feet and smiled. “It’s very nice to meet you.”

      “And I, you.” Elena leaned over and studied the baby. “What a lovely child you have. Boy or girl?”

      “He’s Talia’s child,” Adan interjected before Piper had a chance to respond.

      Elena’s initial shock melted into an acid look. “Is that dreadful woman here?”

      “She has departed for now,” Adan said. “And she left this infant in my charge before she left the premises.”

      Now the governess appeared completely appalled. “She expects you to care for her child?”

      The sheikh looked somewhat contrite before he regained his commanding demeanor. “He is mine, Elena.”

      Piper really wanted to take the baby and bail before the verbal fireworks began. “If you two would like some privacy—”

      “You have no reason to leave,” Adan said. “You have already witnessed the worst of the situation.”

      Elena’s features turned as stern as a practiced headmistress. “How long have you known about this child, cara? And how can you be certain that woman is being truthful?”

      Adan streaked a palm over his neck. “I didn’t know until today, and she provided the test results that prove I am his father. Now, before you begin the lecture, I have a few things I need you to do.”

      The woman straightened her shoulders and stared at him. “This is your bed, Adan Mehdi, and you will lie in it. So if you expect me to raise your son—”

      “I do not expect that at all,” Adan replied. “In fact, I intend to take complete control over his care until his mother returns.”

      Provided the missing model did come back, Piper’s major concern. But at the moment, she had a more pressing issue that needed to be addressed. “Do you think you might like to hold your son first, Your Highness?”

      Uncertainty called out from Adan’s brown eyes as he slowly approached her. “I suppose that would be the most logical next step.”

      Piper turned the baby around and placed him in his father’s arms. “I promise he’s not going to break,” she added when she noted his slight look of concern.

      While the sheikh held his son for the first time, the former governess stood next to him, one hand resting on Adan’s shoulder. “He looks exactly like you did at his age, cara,” she said in a reverent tone. “Such a bella baby. Does he have a name?”

      “Sam,” Piper chimed in without thought. “Actually, Samuel, but I think he looks more like a Sam. Or maybe Sammy.” When she noticed Adan’s disapproving glance, she amended that decision. “Sammy definitely doesn’t work. Of course, what you call him is solely up to you.”

      “He will eventually be renamed in accordance with tradition,” Adan said, sounding very authoritative and princely. “Right now I must see to his comfort, including finding him a suitable crib.”

      “The nursery is still in order,” Elena said. “And since your brother and Madison are currently residing at their home in the States, you may use it. We still have several bottles in the pantry, and a few items in the cupboard in the nursery, but I’m afraid we have no diapers or formula since the twins have moved past that stage. But the cribs are still there and fully equipped with blankets and such.”

      Adan appeared somewhat perplexed. “The nursery is down the hall from my quarters. I will not be able to hear him if he needs me during the night.”

      The governess took the baby without permission, and without protest, from the fledgling father, a sure sign of her close bond with the youngest Mehdi son. “There is something known as a baby monitor, cara. You will be able to see and hear him at any time when you are in your suite.”

      “Have the monitor set up in my room,” he said. “I will see to the supplies tomorrow. You mentioned Zain is in Los Angeles, but you have not said anything about Rafiq.”

      Rafiq Mehdi, the reigning king of Bajul, and reportedly a hard case, according to her grandfather. Piper would buy tickets to see his reaction to the current scandal. Then again, maybe not. She’d had enough drama for one day.

      Elena continued to stare at the baby with the reverence of a grandmother. “Rafiq has been with his wife at the resort for the past week. They will not be returning for two more days.”

      Adan shrugged out of his jacket and hung it on an ornately carved coat tree in the vestibule before returning to them. “Make certain Rafiq knows nothing about this until I have the opportunity to speak with him.”

      When she recognized a serious problem with that request, Piper decided to add her two cents. “Can you trust the household staff to keep this quiet?”

      “The staff knows to exercise complete confidentially,” Elena said.

      “Or suffer the consequences,” Adan added gruffly before turning to the governess. “Please have Abdul deliver the monitor and our bags to our rooms, and watch him while I show Ms. McAdams to her quarters.”

      Elena kissed the baby’s forehead. “I have no reason to watch Abdul, cara. I trust he’ll do as he’s told.”

      After Adan muttered something in Arabic that didn’t sound exactly pleasant, Piper stifled a laugh and considered an offer. “I have no problem watching the baby while you settle in, Your Highness.”

      “That will not be necessary, Ms. McAdams,” Elena said as she handed the baby back to Adan. “If you are bent on being a good father to your son, then you should begin immediately.”

      Adan looked slightly panicked. “But—”

      “No buts, Adan Mehdi.” The governess snatched the empty bottle from the bench before addressing Piper again. “Ms. McAdams, it was certainly a pleasure to meet you, even under such unusual circumstances. I shall go instruct Abdul while the royal pilot becomes accustomed to paternity. Please let me know if you need any assistance with the boy.”

      Piper returned her smile. “Luckily I babysat quite a few times in my youth, so we’ll be fine.”

      “Actually, I was referring to my former charge, the prince.”

      The two women shared a laugh before Elena walked away, leaving Piper alone with Adan and his son.

      “She treats me as if I still wear knickers,” he said, frustration evident in his tone.

      Piper moved to his side and peeked at the still sleeping infant. “Evidently the two of you are very close, and I honestly believe she has your best interests at heart.”

      He released a rough sigh. “I suppose she does, at that. Now, if you’re ready, I shall escort you to your room before I settle the baby into the nursery.”

      Piper almost insisted on returning to the inn, yet when she saw a trace of doubt in Adan’s eyes, the touch of awkwardness as he held his child, the sympathy bug

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