His Best Mistake. KRISTI GOLD

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His Best Mistake - KRISTI  GOLD

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rolled her eyes, indicating he’d lost his ability to entice her. “Temptation got us into this situation in the first place.”

      He couldn’t argue that point. He did intend to argue his case for cohabitation. “You wouldn’t have to be around me unless it involved Carly. In fact, you’ll be gone most of the day, which leaves only a few hours at night when you’d have to tolerate my presence.”

      “True, but frankly, I’m not sure I trust you even for five minutes.”

      He battled a bite of anger, even knowing he’d done nothing to earn her trust to this point. “Look, Leah, you’re going to be moving in August. That gives me less than two months to get to know my baby before you take her out of state. I can’t do that when she’s in a day care all day.”

      “You can still see her before I leave and after I move to Mississippi, provided that’s what you want.”

      “You mean every other weekend? Maybe a holiday or two? That’s not a hell of a lot of time for us to build a relationship.”

      She sighed. “We’ll work it out later. Right now your daughter needs to sleep.”

      Your daughter. That alone fueled Kevin’s determination. He’d give Leah some space and in the meantime, he’d prepare for the best-case scenario—having Leah and Carly in his home—even though he wouldn’t be stunned if she refused him. “Okay,” he said as he backed toward the bedroom door. “I’ll be in touch in a few days. Call me if you change your mind before then.”

      “I’m not going to change my mind, Kevin.”

      THE MINUTE her roommate breezed through the front door, Leah could no longer maintain her silence. “You’re not going to believe what Kevin did.”

      Macy laid a hand across her forehead with all the polish of a practiced drama queen. “With a baby on the premises? Has he no shame?”

      Leah blew out a frustrated breath. “He asked me to move in with him.”

      Macy dropped down on the sofa and leaned her head back against the cushion. “Please tell me you didn’t agree, Leah.”

      “Of course not.” Although admittedly, she’d thought of nothing else but Kevin’s proposition for most of the day.

      “Good. For a minute there, I thought you’d lost your mind,” Macy said as she toed out of her clogs.

      Leah took the chair opposite Macy and propped her heels on the coffee table. “He says it would only be temporary. Just until I move back to Mississippi in August.”

      Macy frowned. “If you’re not going to do it, then why are you telling me this?”

      Leah didn’t understand why revealing the details to Macy seemed so important, but it did. “I only want you to realize that it’s not what you think. Kevin wants to get to know Carly, and I can’t very well keep him from her now that I’ve involved him in her life.”

      “Her life,” Macy added. “Those are the key words. That doesn’t mean you have to shack up with him. He can have her for a few hours during the weekend.”

      That sounded logical, yet Leah acknowledged why that might not seem adequate to Kevin. “He also offered to watch her during the day while I’m at work.”

      Macy smirked. “You must not think too highly of your kid, leaving her in the hands of a monument to bad influence.”

      Leah regretted telling her roommate all the unflattering details of Kevin’s past. “He’s not an ogre, Macy.”

      “No, he’s a player who probably has a revolving door in his bachelor boudoir.”

      Leah fell silent a few moments before she continued. “He owns a house with four bedrooms, four baths and a pool.”

      Macy perked up like a puppy awaiting a treat. “A pool? Wading or in-ground?”

      “In-ground. With a waterfall and a hot tub.”

      “Well, heck, you stay here with the baby and I’ll move in with him.”

      Leah was astounded at the sudden spear of jealousy hurling through her over that thought. “He’s not your type, Macy.”

      “Yeah, I know. He’s much too pretty for me. I prefer a less refined guy. Someone who’s good with his hands.”

      “Kevin’s definitely good with his hands.” Among other things.

      Macy leaned forward and nailed Leah with a serious stare. “I honestly believe you’re considering his proposition.”

      “Absolutely not.” Realizing the sheer defensiveness in her voice, Leah tempered her tone. “You’re right. Pool or no pool, it wouldn’t work.”

      Macy tugged the band from her hair, sending a blond crop of curls cascading down her shoulders. “Maybe you’re worried it would work. Maybe you’re afraid you’ll get reeled in again. But hey, nothing wrong with convenience sex, as long as you don’t let all that emotional garbage enter into it. And as long as you double up on the condoms.”

      “I’m not in the mood for any kind of sex.” Not exactly a lie. She hadn’t even thought about sex for months…much. “Besides, I’ve told him I’m seeing someone.”

      Macy’s mouth hung open a few moments before she snapped it shut. “When do you have time to see anyone?”

      “I don’t and I’m not. I only want him to believe that I’m off the market.”

      “What are you going to tell him if he asks for details about this mystery man?” Macy asked.

      “I’ve already covered that. I’ll pretend my new lover is J.W., my friend from Mississippi.”

      Macy snorted. “You mean that mechanic who called here one night and told me he had a really big toolbox then asked if I wanted to check it out?”

      Good old J.W. “Yes, but don’t worry about him. He’s all hat and no cattle.”


      “He’s all talk and no action.”

      “I’ll take your word for it.” Macy slapped her hands against her thighs and stood. “I have to hit the shower now because I am in the mood for a little lovin’. I have a date with some prime beef tonight and he’s picking me up in less than an hour.”

      Leah experienced some unwarranted and unwanted envy. “I’ll vacuum so he doesn’t injure his knuckles when they drag the floor.”

      Macy rolled her eyes. “You do that, Leah. And just one more question. Did you make it clear to Kevin that you’re not interested in playing the happy-family game with him?”

      “I tried, but knowing Kevin, he’s not going to let it go easily.” In fact, Leah wouldn’t put anything past him.

      “I NEED to borrow one of your kids.”

      After the declaration spewed out of Kevin’s mouth, he’d give a month’s pay for a camera to capture the confused look on his brother-in-law’s face.

      “What in the hell are you talking about, Kevin?”

      “If you’ll let me in the house, Whit, I’ll tell you.” He didn’t relish the thought of explaining the situation to his sister, Mallory, but desperation had sent him across Houston during rush-hour traffic for some much-needed assistance.

      After a moment’s hesitation, Whit held open the door and muttered, “Come in.”

      Kevin entered the living room to find Mallory seated on the edge of the sofa wearing a pink silk robe. A bottle of champagne and two glasses were set out on a hideous, hairy rug covering the hardwood floor. A cozy scene indicating an intimate celebration. His timing royally sucked.

      “Is something wrong with

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