Her Ardent Sheikh. KRISTI GOLD

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Her Ardent Sheikh - KRISTI  GOLD

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      “That is not what I need at the moment. I need you to come to the guest room with me.”

      She favored him with a bright smile. “Is someone coming to visit?”

      Alima enjoyed visitors, and lately there had been none, something she had mentioned often to Ben. He considered that as long as Jamie Morris was in his care, she could provide company for the older woman. “Someone is already here. Come.” He gestured her forward and followed her to the room.

      Alima’s mouth dropped open once she saw the young woman lying in the bed in a tangle of sheets. The feminine attributes Ben had tried to avoid viewing were again exposed.

      Ire turned Alima’s eyes darker than moonless midnight. “Hasim! What have you been doing with this bint?”

      “She is not a girl. She is a grown woman.” Even to his own ears, Ben sounded defensive, as if he had engaged in disreputable acts with Jamie Morris. Admittedly, he had imagined a few in the car.

      With a sigh, he turned his attention to Alima. “It is not what you think. She’s been injured. Dr. Webb has examined her, and I am to make sure she is all right until she wakes. I believe she will be more comfortable if you undress her.”

      “It appears, Hasim, that you have already done that.”

      Ben clenched his jaw and spoke through his teeth, his patience now a slender thread on the verge of severing. “I did not undress her. Dr. Webb saw to that for the examination. Find something for her to wear, then put it on her.” He pointed to the door. “ruuHi! Now.”

      Alima left the room, muttering a litany of Arabic curses followed by a prayer for Hasim bin Abbas kadir Jamal Rassad’s wicked soul.

      Jamie flailed about, twisting, turning, trying to escape the terrifying images.

      The plane crash. The fire. Debris. Lady Helena’s cries.

      No. Not the plane.

      A car coming at her. Flying through the air. Falling. Falling.

      A stranger’s arms around her.

      She tried to sit up but couldn’t. Someone held her down.

      Fighting for her life, she balled her fist and struck out at the unknown assailant. An iron grip caught her wrist.

      “Shhh, little one. You are safe now.”

      The voice wasn’t threatening. More like soothing. A lover’s voice.

      Jamie blinked several times to focus and stared into a face that would make Adonis hang his head in shame. A white cloth of some sort, secured by a thin gold band circling his forehead, covered his hair but framed a strong jaw shadowed by whiskers. Mysterious eyes regarded her, the color somewhere between rich earth and molten steel. She saw concern and compassion there, and something familiar. But she’d never met him before. She’d definitely remember that, even though at the moment her memories were nothing more than fragments.

      “Where am I?” she asked, her voice weak.

      He loosened the grip on her wrist but didn’t completely let her go. “You are safe.”

      Jamie tore her gaze away and did a frantic visual search of her surroundings. The room was a kaleidoscope of color and texture, from the rich aqua bedspread covering her to the ornate vases on the nearby black-lacquer end table. Tapestries hung from the bright yellow walls and pillows of every conceivable color rested on a white chair to her right. Sheer mosquito netting flowed beside her from the top of the bed. Practical, she thought, considering the size of the pests in Texas. Was she still in Texas?

      No way. This was an exotic place. Beautiful. Foreign.

      “Miss Morris, there is no need to be afraid.”

      He knew her name.

      She stared at the stranger once again. Was this Payune? Had he had a change of heart and decided to marry her after all?

      Not likely, and she certainly hoped not.

      Payune was reportedly nearing fifty. This man was in his mid thirties at best. And his clothes would indicate that he wasn’t from a small European country. They didn’t wear robes and cover their heads in Asterland, did they? Of course not.

      This dark, handsome stranger was Aladdin in his prime. Valentino reincarnate. A desert knight.

      Oh, Lordy. She’d been sold into slavery.

      A ridiculous concept, Jamie realized. But not as ridiculous as being sold like prime livestock into a marriage to a man she’d never met, arranged by her father for the sake of his failing farm. Had she been kidnapped by this stranger? Did he expect her to do his bidding, too?

      Why not? He was practically lying on top of her, all hard, muscled male. Every inch of him, from his solid chest pressing into her breasts to his muscular thigh braced between her legs. Not to mention all points in between, some that were way too obvious not to notice.

      Whoever he was, she intended to let him know up front that she didn’t like being manhandled by strangers who had designs on her body.

      Still pinned beneath his substantial frame, his face only inches from hers, Jamie struggled to squirm out from under him. The more she squirmed, the tighter his grasp on her wrists, the more aware she became of his strength…and his undeniable maleness.

      “Be still, Miss Morris,” he said, his warm breath drifting across her face, his low voice strained. “You will hurt yourself.”

      At the moment, she wanted to hurt him. Sort of.

      Clenching her jaw tight, she spoke through her teeth. “I don’t know what you’re thinking, buddy, but if you expect me to be your love slave, then think again.”

      He looked altogether confused. “I am here to protect you. I need your promise you will not attempt to run away. Only then will I let you go and explain.”

      Whether or not she tried to run away would depend on his explanation. Still, she thought it best to agree. Considering how her luck had gone lately, she was prepared for anything. “Okay. You can get up now. I’ll stay put like a good girl.”

      With a guarded expression, he unclasped her wrists and sat up but remained seated on the edge of the bed, leaving little distance between them. “I am Sheikh Hasim bin Abbas kadir Jamal Rassad, Prince of Amythra, currently residing in the city of Royal, in the state of Texas. You may call me Ben.”

      Thank heavens. No way could she remember all those names in her current state of mind. But now she remembered him. Or at least remembered hearing about him. The gossip mill claimed he was filthy rich. A mystery man relatively new to Royal, who kept to himself. A member of the exclusive Texas Cattleman’s Club. But no one had bothered to mention his good looks. If you went for the tall, dark, exotic type.

      “So tell me, Prince Ben, where am I?” she asked.

      “You are in my house.”

      “And how, pray tell, did I get here?”

      He rubbed his chin. “You do not remember the car?”

      She searched her brain, an effort in pain thanks to her throbbing head. “I remember I’d just picked up the dress.” Her mother’s dress. She tried not to panic. “Where is the dress now? I have to know.”

      He laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. “It’s hanging in the closet over there.” He indicated two double doors across the room. “It is safe.”

      She felt somewhat better. At least the dress had survived. And so had she, for now. “I remember someone pushing me. Then falling.”

      “I’m afraid I was the one who pushed you to the ground. That is how you struck your head.”

      That explained her mother of all headaches. “Why?”

      “To avoid the car coming at you.” His face turned suddenly serious. “You are

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