Her Cowboy Hero. Tanya Michaels

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Her Cowboy Hero - Tanya  Michaels

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was a pause as Gideon digested her pointed words, and though Colin kept his eyes on what he was doing, he could feel the man’s hostile gaze prickling the back of his neck like sunburn. “Wasn’t any trouble. You’ve only been in Bingham Pass a few months, but we’re neighborly around here. You’ll come to realize there are a lot of benefits to that.”

      In Colin’s experience, there were also benefits to being left the hell alone.

      All Hannah said was, “Careful going down the stairs.” She waited on the porch as Gideon climbed into his truck, expelling a frustrated breath as he pulled away from the house. “I swear, that man...”

      When she didn’t finish the thought, Colin turned toward her. She stood with her hands on her hips and her jaw tight.

      “First my boss back in Colorado Springs didn’t want to take no for an answer, and now Gideon with his macho I-know-best act. What is it about me that draws these yahoos? It’s because I’m short, isn’t it? Makes me look like an easy target.”

      His gaze slid down her body then back to her face, flushed with spirited indignation that made her hazel eyes sparkle like gemstones. “It’s a lot more than your height that attracts men.” What the devil was he thinking, saying that out loud? He’d spoken the truth, but there were too many wrong ways she could take his comment. She might lump him in with the inappropriate men she’d already been criticizing. Or, worse, she could take it as flirtation.

      Colin didn’t flirt. He left that to Justin, the glib charmer who’d set Cielo Peak dating records before asking Elisabeth to marry him.

      Hannah looked momentarily startled by his words, but then nodded. “You’re right, of course. Gideon’s attracted to my ranch. I think his family looks at this property as the opportunity to expand their outfit. But I’ve got my own plans, which don’t include the Loomises.”

      Right, her idea to remake the ranch as a B and B. In theory, he could picture her as the proprietor of a bed-and-breakfast. She seemed outgoing enough to make guests feel welcome and, though he’d yet to try her food, there was evidence suggesting her meals would keep tourists happy. But a friendly personality and impressive menu wouldn’t be enough. For starters, she needed front steps that weren’t lawsuits waiting to happen. Also, he was having difficulty imagining that abandoned bunkhouse as a guest cottage people would actually pay money to inhabit.

      She grinned suddenly, exposing her dimples. “I can’t tell if you’re a really good listener, or if you’re ignoring me in the hopes that I’ll go away.” She reached for the handle on the screen door. “I’ll leave you alone so you can work, but thank you. Two rescues in two days—you’re quite the hero.”

      Her praise slithered unpleasantly over him. The waitress in town had used that same word when talking about Hannah’s late husband, a hero to his country. Colin was nobody’s hero.

      “You exaggerate my usefulness,” he objected. “If I hadn’t come along yesterday, you could have changed that tire without me. And as for today...” He recalled how close Gideon had been standing to her, looming. How bad was the man’s temper? Was he the type to lash out at a woman? “Do you think Gideon’s a big enough problem that you needed rescuing?”

      “You misunderstand. Today, he’s the one you rescued.” Hannah stepped inside, tossing one last beatific smile over her shoulder. “Another ten minutes with that blowhard crowding me, I might have Tasered his ass.”

      Chapter Four

      Evan sat at the dinner table, rolling peas around his plate with his fork—as if his mom wouldn’t notice he wasn’t eating them as long as they stayed in motion.

      “No peas, no dessert,” Hannah reminded him gently. Rising, she carried her own plate to the sink.

      Through the kitchen window, she could see Colin still working even though the sun had faded to an orange-gold memory stretched across the darkening horizon. She’d stepped outside nearly an hour ago to ask if he wanted to join them for dinner. It hadn’t come as a surprise when he’d declined, asking only for a glass of water and for her to turn on the porch lights for more illumination. Granted, she didn’t know him, but he seemed easiest in his own skin when he had a job to perform. So wouldn’t it benefit them both if he stayed? Lord knew there was plenty to do around here.

      Behind her, Evan heaved a martyrlike sigh. “Is this enough peas gone, Mommy?”

      She grinned at his put-upon expression and the four remaining peas he was refusing to eat on principle. “I suppose so.”

      The town librarian had hired Hannah to bake some apple tarts for a fund-raising party, and she’d made extras to keep at home. She warmed one up and served it to Evan with a dollop of vanilla ice cream. Afterward, she settled him on the couch with Scarlett and “Trainket,” his beloved green train blanket. Having been washed hundreds of times, the fleecy material was no longer quite as soft as it had originally been, and the appliqué train was missing a car.

      “I have to go down to the stable,” she said, handing him a walkie-talkie so they could stay in communication. Its match was clipped to her belt. Evan enjoyed feeling like a secret agent, and she couldn’t imagine leaving sight of the house without being able to keep in contact. “You can watch cartoons until I get back. Then, bath time.”

      The first time she’d gone to the stable without Henry, Kitty or Annette to keep an eye on Evan, she’d been nervous. She didn’t even like working in the garden without him, and that was within easy view of the house. They’d made a game of how he was a pirate and the sofa was his ship, and the carpet was shark-infested waters. But, truthfully, she allowed him so little television time that when she did, he was transfixed.

      Before leaving the house, she stopped by the kitchen and sliced off a piece of the roast beef they’d had for dinner. She stuck it between two pieces of homemade bread, along with romaine, tomato and a dab of horseradish. Then she wrapped it in a napkin and stepped onto the porch—where Colin was swearing in a creatively mixed string of words that reminded Hannah of a long-ago foster brother. Their foster mother had tried washing his mouth out a number of times, but then stopped, figuring that much soap wasn’t good for a kid.

      “Problem?” Hannah asked.

      He turned to her, shoving a hand through his hair. She tried not to notice how lifting his arm like that tightened the white T-shirt against the muscular contours of his chest.

      “I’m replacing some of the top boards on the porch so no one crashes through them like you did that step this morning, but it’s not just the surface wood that needs fixing. Some of the supporting joists and piers are starting to give out, too. I’ll need to make another supply run tomorrow.”

      Damn. Her budget was already strained, and porch repairs had not been on her priority list. That was the kind of thing she’d hoped to take care of once the bunkhouse was ready for guests and she’d had a chance to generate some revenue. Bright side, Hannah. If the scope of the job was greater than Colin had expected, then he’d be here longer, wouldn’t he? That gave her a stronger chance of convincing him to help make her vision a reality.

      With that in mind, she conjured a friendly smile and held out the sandwich. “I brought you some food.”

      He reached for it eagerly, but his eyes were wary. “What, just one course?”

      Maybe now wasn’t the time to mention the six different dessert options inside if he was still hungry later. “I can do understated,” she said. “I told you this morning, the kind of spread I laid out for breakfast is indicative of special occasions. Not a daily occurrence.”

      He scowled, looking uncomfortable at being classified with “special occasions,” but then he took a bite of the sandwich. For a second, his features relaxed into an expression of utter satisfaction, and everything female in her clenched at the sight.

      Partly out of self-preservation and partly in strategic retreat, she grabbed the now-empty glass of water and went back inside to get

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