Maverick / The Playboy's Passionate Pursuit: Maverick / The Playboy's Passionate Pursuit. Emilie Rose

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Maverick / The Playboy's Passionate Pursuit: Maverick / The Playboy's Passionate Pursuit - Emilie Rose

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      “To Hawk’s place.” He shot a flashing glance at her frown. “What? You expected Hawk to be living smack-dab in the middle of a superhighway?"

      Bri’s frown turned into a scowl. “No, of course not,” she said, one hand gripping the edge of the seat, the other clinging to the dash in an attempt to keep from being flung back and forth within the confines of the seat belt like a rag doll.

      “Just hang on,” Tanner said, his grip solid on the steering wheel. “It’s gonna get worse before it gets better.”

      “I…d-didn’t…think it c-could get any worse,” she finished in a rush.

      “Ah, honey, you’re in for a bouncy surprise.”

      She sighed, ignored the cramping in her fingers and glared at him. “I told you not to call me ‘honey.” ’

      Tanner laughed all the way down the track to the valley that spread away from it at the bottom. Tucked on the leeward side of the mountain was a one-story ranch house much like the ones seen in Western movies.

      Hawk’s place was hardly the small, run-down outfit Bri had been expecting to find. In the waning afternoon light she could see several rail-fenced corrals, all containing horses, their coats gleaming in the slanted sunlight. But the ranch was the least of the surprises in store for her.

      Bri was so distracted by looking around the property she never noticed Hawk McKenna standing in the shadows of the wraparound porch until he stepped out into the light. At his side stood the biggest dog she had ever seen. More like a pony.

      Her startled gaze watched man and animal as they sauntered toward the vehicle Tanner pulled to a stop.

      Hawk was not quite as tall as Tanner, but slimmer, rangier. Though older, McKenna was every bit as handsome as Tanner, if in a different, somewhat rougher way.

      Where the younger man’s appearance was sculpted, Hawk’s features had a harshly rough-hewn look. His hair was even longer but as clean and well kept as Tanner’s. Most startling of all, it was the same shade of brown and, in the golden glow of slanting sun rays, shot with streaks as dark-red as Bri’s own.

      Tanner got out of the truck and the two men hugged like long-lost brothers. The dog, not barking or whining, just stood beside his master as if waiting for his turn to greet the company.

      As soon as the men were done hugging and slapping each other on the back, the animal moved to Tanner. When he greeted the dog, it jumped up, front paws on his shoulders, standing almost as tall as Tanner.

      “Hey, Boyo. No kisses, not on my face,” Tanner said, laughing as he twisted his head to avoid the excited dog’s eager reception. “Yeah, the hand’s okay.” Still laughing, he ruffled the dog’s coat.

      Boyo, Bri thought. What kind of name was that for such a large dog? He was massive, formidable, his silvery-gray coat marked by small streaks of black. Fortunately the dog appeared friendly or she wouldn’t have considered stepping foot from the safety of the SUV.

      Tanner’s sudden appearance at her door broke into her concentration on the animal.

      “Brianna, are you getting out?” He grinned, pulled her door open. “Or are your fingers locked on the seat and dash?”

      Startled from her inspection of the dog, Bri gave him a dry look and a blatant lie. “I’m afraid to move, since I feel as if every bone in my body was disjointed during the ride down here.”

      “I thought maybe you were terrified by the sight of Boyo.”

      “That, too,” she admitted. “But I see he’s friendly.” She frowned. “What kind of name is Boyo for an animal his size?”

      “It’s Irish for boy,” he explained, laughing again. “Come on, Hawk will protect you.”

      Lord, Bri loved the sound of his laughter. Steeling herself against her feelings, she took the hand he held out to her.

      His hand wasn’t soft, his nails weren’t manicured as were the hands of her father and most of the other men she knew. His broad, long fingers were used to work, hardened and rough.

      An image flashed before her with sudden clarity. His rough hands caressing her body, gripping her bottom to draw him closer as he crushed his mouth to hers.

      A tremor shot through her.

      “Are you cold, Brianna?” Tanner frowned, placing the other hand at her waist to steady her as she jumped to the ground.

      “No…” Bri took a quick breath, stalling for time to come up with a reasonable excuse. “I’m hungry.” Was that reasonable enough? “It’s been a long time since lunch, don’t forget. Aren’t you hungry?” She stretched and took a few steps, easing the stiffness in her back from sitting so long and being jarred on the drive into the valley.

      “Plenty to eat in the house,” Hawk said.

      “Come on, Bri. Come meet Hawk.” Tanner gently took her by the arm to lead her around the SUV toward his friend. “And Boyo.”

      Hawk McKenna had a solid handshake and a winning smile. For some inexplicable reason, she instantly both liked and trusted him. Something inside told her this was a good man. Something about him reminded her of Tanner.

      Wait a minute. Tanner…good? Trustworthy? She had to admit her mental jury was still out on that verdict.

      Boyo stood by his master, his long, black-tipped tail swishing back and forth, his body trembling in eagerness to greet her.

      Bri tentatively reached out a hand to the animal to sniff.

      “You may touch him,” Hawk said, his deep voice edged with amusement. “He won’t bite you.”

      She touched the dog’s muzzle and was promptly rewarded by a swipe of his tongue. Laughing, Bri caressed his head, scratched him under his wide jaw and ran her hand over his back. The rough, wiry feel of his coat against her palm surprised her; he had looked so sleek and smooth.

      “You have a nice spread here, Mr. McKenna,” she said, glancing up at him, her compliment sincere.

      “Thank you.” He smiled at her before sweeping the property with an appreciative look. “It’s home.”

      He led them to the house, Boyo in step on the far side of him.

      “Welcome,” Hawk said as he pushed the door open, stepping back and sweeping his arm in invitation.

      Boyo trotted into the kitchen, and within moments they could hear him lapping up water.

      “Thank you.” Bri smiled at him as she stepped into what was obviously the living room. She glanced around her at the sparse yet homey decor.

      “This is very nice,” she said, turning to smile at Hawk. “Navajo?” she asked, indicating a beautifully woven blanket hanging on one wall.

      “Yeah,” Hawk answered. “A gift from a friend.”

      “It’s lovely.” Bri smiled, moving forward for a closer look. “You have nice friends. That blanket must be worth a small fortune.”

      “It is. And I do.” Hawk nodded and glanced at Tanner. “And Wolfe, there, is the friend.” He smiled, slow and easy. “Wanna tell Ms. Stewart what you paid for the blanket, Tanner?”

      “No.” Tanner shook his head but smiled back. “He earned it, Brianna,” he explained. “He helped me track a man, a real badass, two years ago. The jerk was a multiple killer with a big bounty on his head.” He shot a dry look at Hawk. “I wanted to share the bounty with him. He said no but that he’d accept a particular blanket. You see—”

      “Wolfe,” Hawk said, a warning in his tone.

      “You don’t scare me, ole son, so save your breath.” Tanner grinned at him.

      Hawk narrowed his eyes. Tanner’s grin widened.


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