The Incorrigible Playboy. Emma Darcy

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The Incorrigible Playboy - Emma  Darcy

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vehement persuasion, she had let herself be seduced by the gorgeous colours.

      ‘I’ve had my hair cut, too. And dyed auburn.’

      ‘Wow! Can’t wait to see that! I’ll be back in Cairns later this morning. I’ll drop in at your office for a peek. Got to go now.’

      The connection clicked off before Elizabeth could say, ‘No, don’t!’

      It was probably silly but she felt uncomfortable about Lucy visiting her at work and had always deterred her from doing it. Because of Michael. As much as she loved her ditzy younger sister, there was no escaping the fact that men seemed irresistibly drawn to her. Her relationships never lasted long. Nothing with Lucy lasted long. There was always another man, another job, another place to go.

      For several moments Elizabeth dithered over calling her sister back, not wanting this day to be spoiled by a possible distraction from herself. Yet, didn’t she need to test Michael’s feelings for her? He should value her worth above Lucy’s honeybee attraction. Besides, he might not even see her sister drop in. The door between her office and his was usually closed.

      She didn’t feel right about putting Lucy off this morning. It was her birthday and her sister was happy and excited about seeing her. They only had each other. Their mother had died of cancer when they were still in their teens, and their father, who had since settled in Mt Isa with another woman, wouldn’t even remember her birthday. He never had.

      In any event, Michael would have to meet Lucy sooner or later if the closer involvement Elizabeth was aiming for came to pass. Accepting this inevitability, she picked up her handbag, slid the mobile phone into its compartment and headed off to work.

      The month of August was a pleasant one in Far North Queensland, not too hot to walk the five blocks from the apartment she and Lucy shared to The Esplanade, where the head office of Finn’s Fisheries was located. Usually she drove her little car, leaving it in the space allocated for her in the underground car park of her boss’s building, but she didn’t want to be tied to driving it home today. Much better to be free to do anything.

      The thought brought another smile to her face as she strolled along. Michael really was the perfect man for her. Finn’s Fisheries was a huge franchise with outlets all around Australia. They not only stocked every possible piece of fishing gear—a lot of it imported—but the kind of clothing that went with it: wetsuits, swimming costumes, shorts, T-shirts, hats. The range of merchandise was fantastic and Michael dealt with all of it. She loved how he never missed a beat, always on top of everything. It was how she liked to be herself. Together they made a great team. He often said so himself.

      If he would just see they should take the next step, Elizabeth was sure they could team up for life and make it a very happy one, sharing everything. He was thirty-five. It was time for both of them to start building a far more personal partnership. She couldn’t believe Michael wanted to remain a bachelor forever.

      In the two years she’d known him his relationships with other women had never lasted long, but Elizabeth reasoned it was because he was a workaholic. It would be different with her. She understood him.

      Despite all this positive thinking, her heart fluttered nervously as she entered her office. The door to Michael’s was open, which meant he was already in, organising the business of the day. It was Monday, the beginning of a new week. The beginning of something new between them, too, Elizabeth fiercely hoped as she took a deep breath to calm herself and walked purposefully to the opened door.

      He was seated at his desk, pen in hand, ticking off items on a sheet of paper, his concentration so total he didn’t sense her presence. For a few moments Elizabeth simply gazed at him, loving the clean-cut perfection of the man; the thick black hair kept short so it was never untidy, the straight black eyebrows that gave slashing emphasis to the keen intelligence of his silver-grey eyes. The straight nose, firm mouth and squarish jaw all combined to complete the look of the alpha male he was.

      As always he wore a top quality white shirt that showed off his flawless olive skin and undoubtedly he would be wearing classy black trousers—his customary work uniform. His black shoes would be shiny and … he was just perfect.

      Elizabeth swallowed hard to clear her throat and willed him to give her the kind of attention she craved.

      ‘Good morning, Michael.’

      ‘Good morn—’ His gaze lifted, his eyes widening in shock. His mouth was left slightly agape, his voice momentarily choked by the unexpected sight of an Elizabeth who was not the same as usual.

      She held her breath. This was the moment when the only-business attitude towards her had to snap. A host of butterflies invaded her stomach. Smile, her mind wildly dictated. Show him the warmth in your heart, the desire heating up your blood.

      She smiled and suddenly he grinned, the silver eyes sparkling with very male appreciation.

      ‘Wow!’ he breathed, and her skin tingled with pleasure.

      ‘Great hair! Fabulous outfit, too!’ he enthused. ‘You’ve done wonders with yourself, Elizabeth. Does this mean there’s some new guy in your life?’

      The high that had soared from his first words came crashing down. Associating her makeover with another man meant the distance he kept between them was not about to be crossed. Although … maybe he was tempted. Maybe he was just checking if the coast was clear for him to step in.

      She rallied, quickly saying, ‘No. I’ve been unattached for a while. I just felt like a change.’

      ‘Super change!’ he warmly approved.

      That was better. Warmth was good. Elizabeth instantly delivered the planned hint for him to make his move.

      ‘I’m glad you like it. The clothes are a gift from my sister. It’s my birthday. She insisted I had to look bold and beautiful today.’

      He laughed. ‘Well, you certainly do. And we should celebrate your birthday, too. How about lunch at The Mariners Bar? We can make time for it if we get through this inventory this morning.’

      Hope soared again. A lunch for two at one of the most expensive restaurants in Cairns, overlooking the marina full of million-dollar yachts … her heart sang with joy. ‘That would be lovely. Thank you, Michael.’

      ‘Book us a table. One o’clock should see us clear.’ He picked up a sheaf of papers, holding it out to her. ‘In the meantime, if you could check this lot …’

      ‘Of course.’

      Business as usual, but there was a rainbow at the end of it today. Elizabeth could barely stop her feet from dancing over to his desk to collect the work that had to be done first.

      ‘Bold and beautiful,’ Michael repeated, grinning at her as he handed over the papers. ‘Your sister must have a lot of pizzazz.’

      It killed the song in her heart. He was supposed to be showing more interest in her, not wondering about Lucy. She shouldn’t have mentioned her sister. But there was no taking it back, so she had to live with it.

      ‘Yes, she has, but she’s terribly ditzy with it. Nothing seems to stay in her head long enough to put any order into her life.’ It was the truth and she wanted Michael to know it. The thought of Lucy being attractive to him in any way was unbearable.

      ‘Not like you,’ he said appreciatively.

      She shrugged. ‘Chalk and cheese. A bit like you and your brother.’

      The words tripped off her tongue before Elizabeth could catch them back. The anxiety about Lucy had caused her control to slip. It wasn’t appropriate for her to make any comment about her boss’s brother. Normally she would keep her mouth firmly shut about him, despite the heartburn Harry Finn invariably gave her with his playboy patter. She hated it when he came into the office. Absolutely hated it.

      Michael leaned back in his chair, his mouth tilted in a musing little smile. ‘Working behind a desk is definitely not Harry’s thing, but I think

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