Her Rodeo Cowboy. Debra Clopton

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Her Rodeo Cowboy - Debra  Clopton

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arriving with a new load of cattle from Fort Worth. It was a good excuse to keep him from thinking about how pretty Montana had looked that morning. She’d had on a red dress that looked great on her—but he thought she’d look fantastic in anything. What was it about the woman that had his head spinning?

      Jess pulled into the lot about the time it took Luke to change clothes and get to the stock pens. He watched his brother back the big bull wagon cattle trailer up to the chute—bumping the chute in one try. Luke smiled every time he watched Jess do it, remembering the first time his little brother had made it without having to pull forward and back the big trailer up to the chute a second or third time.

      Taller and leaner than Luke, Jess stood at about six-four. Luke and Colt had always called him “the little big brother,” because he surpassed them in height before they’d reached high school. Colt was smaller, more compact at five-ten, and built like the bull rider he was. All three brothers were close because they’d banded together in defense of their drunken father’s treatment. Watching Jess climb down from the truck, Luke felt a sense of brotherly pride. He was proud to call both Colt and Jess brother.

      “Hey, honey, I’m home,” Jess teased, walking up and clapping him on the back. It was a joke they all passed between themselves since all three had issues with settling down.

      Luke chuckled. “I missed you, too.”

      “Yeah, that’s a lie. From what I hear through the grapevine you’ve been fairly busy juggling women to have missed your ole brother.”

      “I should have known you would hear about the tea. You probably almost had a wreck laughing about that one.”

      Jess gave him a sly sideways glance and nodded.

      “That I did.”

      They walked to the back of the hauler. No telling who Jess had heard the story from, but he was sure he’d learn the answer eventually, so he didn’t bother to ask.

      “You should have known that woman wouldn’t take kindly to being dumped.”

      “I didn’t dump anyone. I took her to dinner twice.

      That’s it.”

      “I saw marriage-hunter written all over her the moment I saw her. Why do you think I didn’t ask her out?”

      Luke shook his head and grunted. “She seemed nice, and she told me she wasn’t looking for anything but a date.”

      Jess hiked a brow. “And I’m ready to settle down yesterday.”

      “I know that’s a lie.”

      Jess chuckled as he slid back the trailer latch and they pulled the gate open.

      “Erica’s just aggravated her plans didn’t work out. She tossed that tea on you because she thought she’d have you wrapped around her finger by the second date, and y’all would be on your way to the altar by the third date.”

      Surely she hadn’t thought that.

      “You gotta watch out for some of these gals. They can be conniving when it comes to getting what they want. At first they can put on a show, but down the line they start showing you who they really are. I’m just sayin’ you need to watch a little closer, bro, or you might wake up married to—”

      “Okay, okay, I get the picture, Jess.”

      Jess propped a boot on the corral and gave him a skeptical glance.

      There was one thing the Holden brothers understood loud and clear—marriage didn’t always mean happy or better. Luke was beginning to worry if Jess had backed off completely from the idea of marriage.

      “They look good,” Luke said, changing the subject back to the yearling heifers moving from the trailer.

      “They should, for the price we paid.” Jess grinned.

      “But they’re worth it.”

      “How was Okeechobee?”

      “Still deep in the heart of Florida, and one long drive home.”

      Luke laughed. “You’re the one who likes to drive.”

      “Uh-huh. That I do. Gives a man breathing room. So tell me about this Montana Brown I’ve heard about.”

      “Are you sure you’ve been gone? Not hiding out in the back of my truck?”

      Jess cocked a brow and gave a dog-faced grin. “Hey, man, I’ve got my sources. Sooo? You like her?”

      “She’s interesting,” Luke said.

      “I hear you’ve drawn the attention of the posse.” Jess stopped smiling. “You might be in trouble if you aren’t careful.”

      Luke closed the trailer and slapped the lock lever down with a clank. “I’m not worried about those three.”

      “Maybe you should be. Maybe you need to back off before they latch on tighter.”

      “They have this rodeo and festival to occupy their time. They won’t be concentrating on me for about two weeks. There’ll be so much going on then that they’ll forget all about me.”

      Jess laughed as he strode to the freight liner and climbed up into the seat. “Yeah, you go on and keep that lazy attitude. I figure you’ll be married by fall.”

      “Hardly.” Luke scowled as he headed toward his own truck. Montana intrigued him, it was true. But being pushed into marriage by the loveable matchmakers wasn’t happening, and his brother good-and-well knew it.

       Chapter Six

      Luke dropped off some extra panels they’d need to hold the excess stock. Montana was in the barn racing like lightning when Luke went by the arena. Her braid slapped against her back as she and Murdock raced by. She wore a blue-green T-shirt that matched her eyes. Eyes that were completely focused on the barrels. It was not something that had to be done immediately, but it was a good excuse to stop.

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