Twin Temptation: Twin Temptation. Cara Summers

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Twin Temptation: Twin Temptation - Cara  Summers

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tightened around her heart. “I didn’t know Eva worked with turquoise.”

      “Sorry,” Jase said. “I don’t have much information on that. I knew about the display windows because Jordan vented about it for several months.”

      Maddie pressed her fingers against the glass, wanting very much to touch the pendant. “It’s a little like some of the pieces I’ve designed—except I don’t use diamonds or gold. I’d like to know how she developed that hammering technique.”

      “We should go in. That’s the kind of question your cousin Adam should be able to answer.”

      Yes. She turned to look at him and saw that he was leaning against the white marble wall, regarding her steadily.

      She cocked her head to the side and regarded him right back. “You’re thinking that I’m stalling. And I have to admit, my window-shopping started out that way. And then I just got caught up in out-and-out gawking. I’ve been in awe of Eva Ware’s jewelry ever since I started to dream of designing some myself.”

      Straightening her shoulders, she moved past him and around the corner. “And you’ve made your point. I didn’t come here as a besotted fan. I came to get some answers.”

      She pulled the front door open, then paused and shot him a look over her shoulder. “When I talk to Adam about Eva’s techniques, I can ask him other questions too.”

      Before she could enter the store, Jase took her hand.

      Maddie tried to tug it free and failed. “I thought we agreed to postpone our…personal situation until later.”

      “Our personal situation?” Jase grinned. “Yeah, we’ll deal with that later.” Thoroughly, he thought. “This is work related. Remember my cover?”

      When he leaned down to kiss her nose, Maddie froze. She was aware that two people in the store had turned to watch them—a sturdily built, well-dressed woman at one of the display cases and a very distinguished-looking man who must be the manager.

      “You’re making a scene,” she breathed.

      “That’s the plan. The first time I spotted you, I fell hard. Haven’t been able to think straight since. As long as we’re in the store, I’m your besotted boy toy. If everyone buys in to that, I won’t come off as any kind of a threat.”

      Boy toy? That much she could see. But even with the windblown hair and wearing jeans and a blazer, it was hard for Maddie to imagine Jase Campbell not coming across as a threat.

      ONCE THEY were inside the store, Jase released Maddie’s hand. Touching her in any way clouded his thoughts, and he needed a clear head. The rather flip description of the role he intended to play as her besotted admirer was a bit too close to the truth to suit his liking.

      But he’d worked enough special ops and cases to know that it was sometimes essential to make use of the cards you were dealt. He kept the two occupants of the store in his peripheral vision. The man in the pin-striped gray suit and ruthlessly knotted tie was staring at Maddie now.

      Jase searched his memory. Jordan had introduced him as the store manager at a party she’d dragged him to at her mother’s apartment. What was his name? Arnold? Albert? His face was tanned, his graying blond hair carefully styled, and he still reminded Jase of Sean Connery.

      Arnold Bartlett. That was it. Jase noted that the portly woman who favored the kind of outfits Queen Elizabeth wore, right down to a pink pillbox hat, had turned her attention back to the display case.

      Three steps in front of him Maddie twirled in a circle. A kid in a candy store didn’t quite do justice to the expression on her face. It was such a mix of wonder, excitement, pride—and jealousy?

      He could understand all of those. Jewelry was a business to Jordan, but it was clearly Maddie’s passion. This was her mother’s world. What must it feel like to have been cut out of Eva’s life? To have been denied the experience of growing up beside her sister? And now, she would never have the chance to talk to Eva about it.

      He thought of his relationship with his own family—his sister Darcy, his mom, his brother D.C. What would his life be like, what would he be like now if he’d been denied a relationship with them?

      Maddie moved back to him. “It’s so lovely.”

      Once more she let her gaze sweep the room, drinking in every detail. He’d only been in the store once before, after hours, when he’d come to check out the security system his firm had installed. He’d been impressed. The floor was white marble, the walls a creamy color broken every five feet or so with raised carvings of Greek columns. Potted plants and vases of fresh flowers were scattered throughout the room.

      Even here the jewelry was displayed discreetly—just a few pieces in each of the five display cases. That too had been Jordan’s idea. Since so much of the store’s business consisted of special orders, she’d argued that the display cases as well as the windows should have the purpose of giving their customers ideas.

      Scattered throughout the main salon, antique couches and chairs were grouped in conversation areas. On an intricately carved sideboard near the front of the store sat silver urns offering coffee and tea. Another sideboard offered chilled sparkling water.

      Over Maddie’s shoulder, Jase saw Arnold Bartlett pick up a phone.

      “I’m so out of my league,” Maddie said.

      His eyes cut to Maddie’s as anger moved through him. It wasn’t directed at Maddie, but at the two people who’d put her in this situation—her parents. He grabbed her shoulders. “You’re not. You belong here every bit as much as Jordan does. You remember that.” Then he pulled her close for a quick hard kiss.

      Maddie tried to keep her focus as her brain clouded and her knees went weak. He was playing a role, she reminded herself. And she had to do her part. Plus, she had to keep her mind on her goals.

      A deep masculine voice said, “Ms. Farrell.”

      When Maddie turned toward him, the dignified-looking man smiled and extended his hand. “Arnold Bartlett—store manager. I want to welcome you to Eva Ware Designs.”

      Beaming a smile at him, Maddie shook his hand. “Thank you, Mr. Bartlett.”

      “Call me Arnold. Your sister does.” He studied her for a moment. “Even though Jordan told us about you, I…The resemblance is striking. When you first walked in, I was sure you were Jordan. She sometimes wears her hair pulled back.”

      Still smiling, he shot a look of polite inquiry at Jase.

      Jase threw a friendly arm around Maddie and pulled her possessively close. “Jase Campbell. I’m an old pal of Jordan’s.”

      “Ah, yes. But I assumed Maddie would be coming here alone.”

      Jase gave Maddie a little squeeze. “Since she’s only going to be here three weeks, I just can’t bring myself to let her out of my sight. I’m sure you can understand why.”

      “Yes, well…”


      Maddie’s gaze shifted to Adam Ware who was striding purposefully toward them.

      “Adam told me to notify him the moment you arrived,” Arnold Bartlett explained. “He wants to give you a personal tour.”

      Maddie stifled a surge of nerves as her cousin approached. He was even more classically handsome than she recalled. Today he wore a pale gray suit and a silk shirt and tie in varying hues of the same color. His longish chestnut-brown hair was shoved behind his ears revealing a single diamond in his right earlobe. His features were chiseled, his skin tanned and his profile might easily have graced some ancient coin.

      Adam reminded Maddie a bit of the real estate agent, Daniel Pearson, who’d been so intent on getting her to let him list and sell her ranch. Both had a sheen of smooth sophistication.

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