The Greek's Ready-Made Wife. Jennifer Faye

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The Greek's Ready-Made Wife - Jennifer  Faye

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his gaze that had her staring back, unable to turn away. Her pulse raced and her heart tumbled in her chest.

      When his gaze dipped to her mouth, the breath caught in her throat. He was going to kiss her. His hands lifted and cupped her face. Their lips were just inches apart.

      She should pull back. Turn away. Instead, she stood there anxiously waiting for his touch. Would it be gentle and teasing? Or would it be swift and demanding?

      “You complete me.” Those softly spoken words shattered her last bit of reality. She gave in to the fantasy. He was her Prince Charming and for tonight she was his Cinderella.

      The pounding in her chest grew stronger. She needed him to kiss her. She needed to see if his lips felt as good against hers as they’d felt on her hand.

      “How did I get so lucky?” His voice crooned. Yet his voice was so soft that it would be impossible for anyone to hear—but her.

      If he expected her to speak, he’d be waiting a long time. This whole evening had spiraled beyond anything she ever could have imagined. She was truly speechless, and that didn’t happen often.

      His head dipped. This was it. He was really going to do it. And she was really going to let him. Her body swayed against his. Her soft curves nestled against his muscular planes.

      She lifted on her tiptoes, meeting him halfway. Her eyelids fluttered closed. His smooth lips pressed to hers. At first, neither of them moved. It was as though they were both afraid of where this might lead. But then the chemistry between them swelled, mixed and bubbled up in needy anticipation.

      Kyra’s arms slid up over his broad shoulders and wrapped around his neck. Her fingers worked their way through the soft, silky strands of his hair. This wasn’t so bad. In fact, it was...amazing. Her lips moved of their own accord, opening and welcoming him.

      He was delicious, tasting sweet like the bottle of bubbly he’d insisted on ordering. She’d thought it’d just been to celebrate their business arrangement. She had no idea it was part of this seductive proposal. This man was as dangerous to her common sense as he was delicious enough to kiss all night long.

      When applause and whistles filled the restaurant, it shattered the illusion. Kyra crashed back to earth and reluctantly pulled back. Her gaze met his passion-filled eyes. He wanted her. That part couldn’t be faked. So that kiss had been more than a means to prove to the world that their relationship was real. The kiss had been the heart-pounding, soul-stirring genuine article.

      Her shaky fingers moved to her lips. They still tingled. Realizing she was acting like someone who hadn’t been kissed before, she moved her hand. Her gaze landed upon her hand and the jaw-dropping rock Cristo had placed there. The large circular diamond had to be at least four, no make that five, carats. It was surrounded by a ring of smaller diamonds. The band was a beautiful rose gold with tiny diamonds adorning the band. She was in love—with the ring, of course.

      “Do you like it?” Cristo moved beside her and gazed down at the ring.

      “It’s simply stunning. But it’s far too much.”

      Cristo leaned over and whispered, “The ring quite suits you even if it can’t compare to your beauty. How about we take our cupcake upstairs?”

      KYRA’S HEART BEAT out a rapid tap-tap-tap.

      Why was Cristo staring at her as though she was the dessert?

      He leaned close and spoke softly. “You’re enjoying the evening, aren’t you?”

      The wispy feel of his hot breath on her neck sent a wave of goose bumps cascading down her arms. “I...I am. It’s magical.”

      “Good. It’s not over yet.”

      This evening had been so romantic that she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d almost gotten caught up in the show. Would he kiss her again? Her gaze shifted to his most tempting lips. Did she want him to?

      He extended his arm to her and she accepted the gesture. Before they exited the restaurant, she glanced back at the table to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. “What about the cupcake?”

      “It’ll be delivered to our suite along with another bottle of champagne.” He turned to the waiter to make the arrangements.

      Our suite. It sounded so strange. She wasn’t sure how she felt about being intimately linked with Cristo—even if it was all a show.

      On their way to the elevator, people stopped to congratulate them. Kyra smiled and thanked them, but inside she felt like such a fraud. A liar. Once again her life had become full of lies and innuendos, but this time instead of being a casual observer of her mother’s charade, Kyra was the prime star. She didn’t like it...but then again, she glanced at Cristo, there were some wonderful benefits. Not that she was confusing fiction with fact, but there was this tiny moment of what-if that came over her.

      Once inside the elevator, it was just the two of them. He pressed the button for the top floor and swiped his keycard. She knew this was the end of her fairy-tale evening. She needed to get control of her meandering thoughts. It’d help if he wasn’t touching her, making her pulse do frantic things. When she tried to withdraw her hand, he placed his other hand over hers.

      What in the world?

      She turned a questioning glance his way only to find desire reflected in his eyes. Her heart slammed into her chest. Had he forgotten the show was over? They were alone now. But he continued to gaze deep into her eyes, turning her knees to gelatin.

      Was it possible he intended to follow up that kiss in the restaurant with another one? Blood pounded in her ears. Was it wrong that she wanted him to do it—to press his mouth to hers? The breath caught in her lungs. She tilted her chin higher. Do it. I dare you.

      He turned and faced forward. Wait. What happened? Had she misread him? She inwardly groaned. This arrangement was going to be so much harder than she ever imagined.

      The elevator doors slid open. Another couple waited outside. The young woman was wrapped in her lover’s arms. They were kissing and oblivious to everything around them. Caught up in their own world, the elevator doors closed without them noticing. Now, that was love.

      It definitely wasn’t what had been going on between her and Cristo. That had been—what—lust? Curiosity? Whatever it was, it wasn’t real. And now it was over.

      Cristo grew increasingly quiet as he escorted her to their suite. He opened the door for her—forever the gentleman. It’d be so much easier to keep her distance from him if he’d just act like one of the self-centered, self-important jerks that her mother insisted on setting her up with because they had a little bit of money and prestige. Her mother never understood those things weren’t important to Kyra.

      She stopped next to one of the couches and turned back to him. “Thank you for such a wonderful evening.” Before she forgot, she slipped the diamond ring from her finger and held it out to him. “Here. You’d better take this. I don’t want anything to happen to it.”

      He shook his head. “No. It’s yours.”

      “But I can’t keep it. It’s much too valuable.” And held far too many innuendos of love and forever. Things that didn’t apply to them.

      Cristo frowned. “Now, how would it look if my fiancée went around without a ring on her finger?”

      “You’re serious? You really want me to wear this? What if something happens to it?”

      “Yes, I’m serious. And nothing will happen to it. Besides, I like the way it looks on your hand.” He slipped his phone from his pocket and started to flip through messages. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some business to attend to.”

      “Now? But it’s getting late.”

      His forehead wrinkled as though

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