Seducing The Enemy: The Wayward Son. Yvonne Lindsay

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Seducing The Enemy: The Wayward Son - Yvonne Lindsay

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on the now-inky dark water that ran alongside the hotel.

      “He’s more than that, though. Isn’t he?”

      She sighed. “Yes, he is. He’s always been there for me, and for my mother while she was alive. Without him, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I owe him a huge debt of gratitude.”

      He couldn’t quite get a handle on it. It was clear by the tone of her voice, and her actions with his old man, that she loved him. But just where did that love lead?

      “He’s quite a guy,” Judd commented, a little of his frustration creeping into his tone.

      “The way you say that …” She shook her head. “You don’t know him. Not really.”

      “And whose fault was that?” he said pointedly. “Look, let’s not talk about my father, okay? Let’s talk about something else.”

      She stifled a yawn. “I’m sorry, I think I need to turn in. I haven’t been sleeping well lately, and we have an early start for the day tomorrow.”

      “Sure,” he said.

      She did look tired, he admitted to himself as he rose from the table and walked with her back to the connecting door. But even with the dark rings under her eyes she was intensely appealing. He’d enjoyed sharing dinner with her—her keen insights into the wines had been valuable, and her company had been surprisingly soothing while they ate. But his enjoyment of her companionship hadn’t dampened his desire for the evening to end on a far more sensual note. His body tightened as he considered his plans for this time away together, and as she turned to say good-night, he reached out and caught a few strands of her hair between his fingers, twirling them over and over.

      Her mouth parted, as if in protest, but the objection never came. He leaned a little closer.

      “Don’t you ever wonder?” he asked, pitching his voice low and watching her pupils almost consume the hazel irises of her eyes.

      “Wonder what?” she asked, her voice that husky whisper that did crazy things to him and sent a heated jolt of need straight to his groin.

      Her eyes had fixed on his lips as he spoke. He moved closer still, until there was no more than a hand width separating their faces.

      “What it will be like when we kiss again.”

      “Who said we’ll kiss again?”

      “Oh, we will. Don’t you want to know if what happened the first time will happen again? Whether we could be that good again?”

      She blinked and drew in a breath, the word no beginning to form on her lips. The sound never made it, as he closed the short distance between them, caressing her lips with his—at first gently and then, when she didn’t pull away, with more pressure. His fingers tunneled through her hair to cup the back of her head.

      The sensation that shuddered through his body was intense. Even more potent than the last time. He stepped closer, aligning his body with hers and wrapping his free arm around her waist, drawing her against him—feeling the heat of her, the softness, and letting her know in no uncertain terms of the strength of his arousal for her. Slow seduction be damned. The contrast between their bodies incited him to want more, to want it all, to want it now.

      His tongue traced the seam of her lips, and as she parted them, he stroked it across the tender inner membrane before tasting her deeper. She met his assault with a parry of her own, her hands now clutched in the fabric of his T-shirt, clinging to him, her hips pressed tight against his own. He flexed his pelvis, gently grinding his hardness against her mound. A moan vibrated from deep in her throat and he captured the sound with his mouth.

      Her nipples were hardened points against his chest and he knew without a doubt that one kiss would never be enough. His need to possess her overwhelmed everything else—every need, every thought, other than one. He wanted Anna Garrick like he’d never wanted anything in his life before.

      Anna fought to clear the fog of desire that clouded her mind but failed miserably. Hot, hungry need clawed through her as Judd kissed her deeply and she kissed him back just as hard. She knew she should pull back, call a stop to this before they went past the point of no return, but somewhere deep inside she acknowledged that they’d passed that point long ago. What would happen now was inevitable. Nothing—not even the vow she’d made to herself for so many years to never have an intimate relationship with her boss—could stop her from giving in. She wondered whether she would still be able to walk away with some pride, with her heart intact, but her feelings for Judd had crossed some unseen line. Even back in Adelaide, she’d been drawn to him in a way she’d never experienced before. She wanted to take this further—to know him better, to know him in every meaning of the word.

      There was no reason left that was strong enough to convince her that she shouldn’t reach out and take what he was offering. No reason at all. And in return she could give in to him. Anna loosened the fists of her hands and skimmed her palms over his muscled chest and down toward the waistband of his jeans. She yanked the cotton fabric of his shirt loose and shoved her hands underneath, desperate now to feel his skin against hers. But it wasn’t enough. His skin burned beneath her touch, igniting her to want even more.

      The taut coil of desire deep in her womb tightened even more, and between her thighs she felt herself grow swollen and wet with need. Judd loosened his grip on her, using both hands to push aside her sweater. They broke apart momentarily as he swept the garment up and off her body, exposing her to his gaze. He groaned and bent his head to her neck, nuzzling the tender skin behind her ear and leaving a heated trail of kisses along the way to the hollow of her throat.

      One hand cupped her breast, his thumb flicking a distended nipple through the sheer lace of her bra. Her legs threatened to buckle beneath her as his mouth traced a beeline for the tightly beaded nub. He tugged the edge of her demi-cup bra down, exposing her to his hungry mouth and sending a sizzle of pure fire to her core. She clutched at his waist, anchoring herself to him, and arched her back, easing his access to her as he alternately laved and suckled her.

      “You taste so good,” he said against her sensitive skin. “But it’s not enough.”

      “Not enough?” She could barely manage to get the words past her lips.

      “No, I want to taste all of you.”

      Judd straightened and gently pulled her hands out from under his T-shirt before he led her back into his room and to his bed. As she watched in silence, he stripped off his shirt and kicked off his shoes. She reached for him and unbuttoned the top buttons of his fly, her knuckles brushing against the unmistakably swollen ridge of his penis. He grabbed her hands with his.

      “That’s more than I can handle right now,” he groaned, pressing one of her palms against his erection. “Can’t you feel what you do to me?”

      Words failed her. Her entire body was on fire, liquid molten heat that slowly consumed her inside and out. Judd skimmed his hands up to her shoulders and slid the straps of her bra down before reaching behind her and unsnapping the hooks. The garment fell away from her. He stared at her for so long she began to feel self-conscious, but then he lifted his gaze to hers, his eyes glittering.

      “You are so beautiful,” he said, reaching out one finger and tracing the pink areola that contracted even tighter under his gentle touch.

      He unfastened her pants and pushed them down her legs, the black fabric swiftly followed by her panties. He knelt before her, helping her to step out of the wisp of fabric, then let his fingers glide up her legs, over her trembling thighs and pausing for a second to let his fingers brush the moisture that gathered at their apex.

      “You feel so hot, so ready for me,” he murmured before pressing his lips where his fingers had been.

      His tongue darted against her most sensitive spot, teasing and tasting as if she were some decadent dessert to be slowly savored. Anna clutched his shoulders as he increased the pressure of his tongue, as his lips closed over that sweet bundle of nerve endings, as she was hit with a sudden sharp

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