Men of Honour: Ready, Set, Jett / When You Dare / Trace of Fever / Savor the Danger / A Perfect Storm / What Chris Wants / Bare It All. Lori Foster

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Men of Honour: Ready, Set, Jett / When You Dare / Trace of Fever / Savor the Danger / A Perfect Storm / What Chris Wants / Bare It All - Lori Foster

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different locations. All the while, Jett talked to him, rubbed his ear or scratched his back.

      By the time Buddy finished and Jett had the gas tank refilled, his own situation was critical. His jeans now snow-covered up to his knees, his ears and nose red from the cold, Jett again pulled up in front of the gas station.

      Natalie had her arms laden with hot dogs, chips and colas. While he stowed the food on the floor of the front seat, she crawled over the seat into the back to dig out food and water for Buddy. The dog hadn’t yet learned manners and he made a mess, and a racket, refilling his belly.

      Shaking his head, Jett told her, “Be right back.”

      He left the SUV running to keep her warm but locked the doors on his way out. After he finished inside, he asked the cashier about weather reports. Unfortunately, it sounded as if road crews couldn’t keep up with the downfall and shops were closing early so workers could avoid being stranded.

      When Jett got back out to the SUV, he found Natalie looking dazed. He used the remote to unlock his door and got behind the wheel, relieved that she’d forgotten all about taking a turn driving. No way in hell would he let her behind the wheel. He did trust her driving ability, but she was far jumpier than him.

      He frowned at her expression. “What is it, honey? You okay?”

      She had her fingertips pressed to her temples and her eyes closed. Jett touched her chin to bring her face around to his.

      “Natalie? What is it?”

      She groaned as if in pain then covered her face. “I feel like such an idiot.”

      He had no idea why but said, “Not even close.” Catching her wrists, he pulled down her hands. “Why do you say that?”

      Avoiding his gaze, she let out a long shaky breath. “I don’t have my suitcase.”

      Jett pulled back. “How?” He’d carried out everything she had by the door—and it was plenty. “I know I put all your stuff in the back. I even double-checked to make sure I didn’t leave anything behind.”

      “You didn’t.” She flicked a look at him. “Last night I’d carried my suitcase back into my bedroom to switch out a few things.”

      “What things?”

      “Pajamas that were…nicer.” She rolled her eyes. “Since you were coming along with me.”

      Ah. He opened his hand on the side of her face then bent to see her eyes. “Nicer, as in sexier?”


      Well, damn. Sorry that he’d miss it, Jett stroked her cheek with his thumb. So damn soft. “You left it in your bedroom?”

      She nodded miserably.

      He tried not to smile at her woebegone expression. “Honey, when you’re sleeping with me, you won’t need pajamas of any kind, I promise.”

      “I get cold at night—” She held up a hand, anticipating his claim that he’d keep her warm. “Seriously, Jett. I’m not at all comfortable with the idea of sleeping in the…”

      “Raw?” Hell, just talking about it was stirring him. Again.

      Her shoulders drooped. “The only clothes I have with me are the ones I’m wearing.”

      “Doesn’t sound like a major problem from my end.” He pulled her closer. “I wouldn’t mind keeping you naked for the entire vacation. In fact, that sounds like one hell of a plan to me.”

      She groaned. “I’m serious, Jett.”

      “All right, sorry.” He could understand why she was upset, especially after the grueling day fighting the weather. “We’ll stop somewhere and you can pick up some stuff.”

      “Of course we won’t.” She shook her head in resignation. “It’s already getting dark and the roads are terrible. If we finally make it to the stupid cabin, the last thing I’ll expect to do is shop.”

      Trying to bite back his smile, Jett said, “I have extra boxers you can borrow.”

      She swatted at him. “It’s not funny.”

      “Funny, no. But I promise, you being naked will definitely be fun—for both of us.”

      “You’re incorrigible.” She swatted him again. “I can’t spend all my time naked—and no, don’t insist that I can.”

      He caught her hands and pulled her close for a kiss that made him forget all about the stupid weather. “Until the weather clears enough for us to shop, you can sleep in one of my shirts. It’ll fit you like a nightgown anyway.”

      “That’ll help, thank you.” She rubbed at her forehead. “But God, this entire trip has been snakebit from the start.”

      Including his companionship? He let out a breath and touched her downy cheek. He loved the feel of her skin, so warm and fundamentally female. “Why don’t you think of it as an adventure?” He went one further, saying without much thought, “Years from now, we’ll be laughing about it.”

      The minute the words left his mouth, she stared at him. Jett stared back. Hell, he hadn’t actually meant to say that—but yeah, he could see them on a couch together, reminiscing about the trip from hell.

      Even as they sat there, both of them uncertain what to say next, the gas station lights went off. Drawn from profound introspection, Jett turned his head and watched as the lone cashier locked up the place then went to a truck and carefully pulled out of the lot.

      “Looks like we got refueled just in time.”

      Buddy hung his head over the seat, his nose almost touching Natalie’s ear. His dour mood reflected hers. Every so often his ears lifted as if he hoped to hear something encouraging.

      Natalie’s big brown eyes held a lot of uncertainty. And then her phone beeped. She jerked as if pulled from a daze. Scrambling, she located it in her purse and opened it.

      “Getting reception now?”

      She shook her head. “No, but I did get a message. I guess they can come through even when the calls won’t.”

      “From your sister?” That would cheer her up.

      “No.” She bit her bottom lip then groaned with dread. “It’s from the manager at the cabin rental.”

      Now what? Jett wondered. He watched her face as she perused the message, seeing her dejection grow. “Let me guess. We can’t get to the cabin.”

      “He says the roads are impassable. The best we can do is try to find a hotel for the night and hope things are better tomorrow.” She looked out the window. “But how can they be? The roads to the cabin aren’t paved, they’re gravel, winding through the woods, up and down hills. That’s why I chose the place—because it’s remote and private.”

      Damn it, Jett would not let her trip be ruined. He patted her thigh. “I guess we better look for a hotel room, then.”

      “He said he’ll reimburse me the down payment on the cabin.” She chewed her bottom lip and finally looked at him. “Jett, I am so sorry you got stuck on this wasted trip.”

      Stuck? His irritation sharpened because that wasn’t how he saw it. Sure, the travel was tense, Natalie more so. But they were together, and for him, that had made it more than worthwhile.

      Now, he needed Natalie to admit the same.


      JETT SAT BACK IN HIS SEAT and gave her a remote look. “Do you honestly think I’d have been happier sitting at home, knowing you were out here alone in this fucking mess?”

      At his coarse language, her eyes widened and her jaw loosened. “Jett.”

      He ignored her chastising tone. “You were

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