The Rake to Reveal Her. Julia Justiss

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The Rake to Reveal Her - Julia Justiss

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      * * *

      A few moments later, Theo and Aunt Amelia entered the parlour. The warmth of Ransleigh’s smile as he rose to acknowledge them sent an immediate surge of response through her. Trying to curb it—and her dismay at how strong and involuntary a reaction it was—Theo made the necessary introductions.

      ‘Delighted to meet you, Lady Coghlane,’ Ransleigh said.

      ‘As I am to meet you, Mr Ransleigh. And may I add my thanks for your gallant service with the Dragoons? I can’t tell you how much better we all sleep, knowing that Napoleon is vanquished for good!’

      Ransleigh inclined his head. ‘Doing my duty, as so many others did. My condolences on the loss of your brother, by the way. Too many good men fell at Waterloo.’

      Her aunt’s eyes misted over. ‘Richard’s life was the army, but it’s been...difficult. Enough of that, now. By the way, I knew your late mother well—we came out together. A lovely, sweet girl, who became an elegant and much-admired lady. The carriage accident which claimed your parents’ lives was a sad day for all of us. Though it’s been years, you have my deepest sympathy. It’s not a loss from which one recovers easily.’

      Ransleigh nodded. ‘I was fortunate to have my cousins and their families to help me bear it. So my mother was said to be elegant?’ He laughed and shook his head. ‘I remember her in a worn riding habit, mud on her boots and her windblown hair escaping from her bonnet. She was as hunting-mad as my father, at a time when ladies weren’t supposed to hunt.’

      ‘I seldom leave London, so I didn’t see her often after the family relocated to Upton Park. Which happened so long ago, as I told Theo, I’d forgotten Bildenstone was your primary estate. How are you finding it?’

      ‘After being away with the army for so many years, I’m just reacquainting myself with it. My grandfather did accumulate a superb library, which I’m enjoying.’

      ‘I understand my niece wishes to rent one of your buildings for her project. Though I applaud the tender feelings which inspire her, I have to admit, I have tried to talk her out of it. Such a weighty responsibility for someone so young, do you not agree?’

      Theo threw her aunt an indignant look, to which that lady returned a bland smile. ‘Really, Aunt Amelia, delighted as I am that you journeyed here to welcome me back to England, I’ll not be so happy if you induce Mr Ransleigh to have second thoughts about allowing me to use his building!’

      ‘I, too, think establishing the school a laudable aim—if a bit unusual an undertaking for a gently born lady,’ Ransleigh said. ‘However, from my brief acquaintance with your niece, Lady Coghlane, I don’t think she’s likely to be dissuaded.’

      Her aunt sighed. ‘She takes after her father in that—once she’s fixed a project in her head, there’s no dislodging it.’

      ‘Will you be staying to help her begin the school?’

      ‘Heavens, no! I have neither training nor inclination. As Theo said, I came only to welcome her to England. I’m too fond of London’s comforts to tarry long in the country. I have been trying to persuade her to visit me, perhaps for the rest of the Season.’ She gave Theo an arch look. ‘There are, after all, other laudable goals for a young lady to accomplish.’

      ‘If you’re hinting at marriage, Aunt, I’ve no intention of accomplishing that goal, as you well know,’ Theo said, irritated. ‘I’m happy in the country, and I fully expect the children to occupy all my time. That is—’ she looked over at Ransleigh as the dismaying thought suddenly occurred ‘—assuming you didn’t come here to tell me you intend to withdraw your permission to rent your building.’

      ‘No, I have not,’ Ransleigh replied. ‘Although I hope that won’t put me in your black books, Lady Coghlane.’

      ‘For the fondness I bore your mother, I shall try to forgive you,’ she said with a twinkle.

      ‘I am relieved! I should hate to offend my mother’s good friend. As for why I appeared on your doorstep, it’s such a fine morning for a drive, I decided to take your good advice, Miss Branwell, and get some fresh air. While pondering where I might drive, I recalled your invitation and thought perhaps I might meet the orphans whose school building I’ve agreed to lease to you.’

      Surprised—and impressed, for how many young men would trouble to acquaint themselves with a group of children—and orphaned commoners at that?—Theo said, ‘I’m sure they would be delighted to meet you. Especially Jemmie, the oldest, who will have to be restrained from monopolising you, once he discovers you’re a soldier. I’ve already ordered a farm wagon brought up so I might drive them over to the building this morning. They’ve walked so often in the van of the supply wagons; the opportunity to ride in one is quite a treat. If you don’t mind including in your drive a stop at the stone barn, may I wait to introduce them until after we arrive? They will be much more attentive once the ride takes the edge off their exuberance.’

      ‘Of course. I brought my tilbury, Lady Coghlane. May I offer you a ride?’

      ‘That’s kind, Mr Ransleigh, but I will not be going. The prospect of a gaggle of children running about, shrieking at each other at the top of their lungs, does not appeal. As for the barn, Theo tells me it is presently unoccupied, needing a good deal of work before it will be fit for her purposes.’ Lady Coghlane shuddered. ‘Not a task I’d willingly undertake! I prefer my rooms already cleaned, polished, heated and well furnished before I enter them—preferably to find a comfortable couch upon which to sit, and a butler at the ready to bring refreshments.’

      Theo laughed. ‘It’s good that Papa didn’t ask his sister to follow the drum, then. Shall you feel neglected if I leave you for a time?’

      ‘Certainly not, my dear. I have letters to write.’

      ‘I’ll bid you goodbye, then,’ Ransleigh said, making her a bow. ‘Once again, it was a pleasure to meet such a charming lady, and doubly so to meet a friend of my mother’s.’

      ‘Goodbye, Mr Ransleigh. Do call if you find yourself in town. I would be pleased to receive you in that comfortable parlour and offer some excellent refreshments!’

      Ransleigh laughed. ‘I will certainly avail myself of your hospitality when I’m next in London.’ Turning to Theo, he said, ‘Shall I meet you and your charges at the barn, Miss Branwell?’

      ‘Yes. I’ll go collect them at once. Until later, Aunt Amelia. Let me escort you out, Mr Ransleigh.’

      * * *

      While they walked towards the entry door, Theo said, ‘As she told you, my aunt has been trying to dissuade me from establishing the school. Failing that, I suppose she hopes I’ll set it up and then turn it over to some good vicar to run, resuming my place as a proper English maiden.’

      Her attraction to him, doubtless evident to a man of Ransleigh’s experience, made it even more important to her that Ransleigh understand her views on marriage. So, despite the embarrassment of discussing such a topic with an eligible bachelor, she forced herself to say, ‘Having no daughter of her own, Aunt Amelia always hoped Papa would ship me back to England so she might launch me into society and find me a husband. Neither Papa nor I were ever interested in accepting her kind offer, and with the school to establish, I certainly am not now.’

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