The Overlord's Bride. Margaret Moore

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The Overlord's Bride - Margaret  Moore

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was rich. If he begrudged her drinking it, perhaps he was a miser, too. Maybe that was what her uncle had been about to tell her. That would also explain why there was no music, or minstrel, or troubadour telling tales for their entertainment.

      She pushed the mazer away.

      “Eat,” he commanded, eyeing the food still left in her trencher.

      “I would like to, but my stomach may burst,” she said with genuine regret. “It is not used to such varied and rich fare, and I would not like to have indigestion tonight.”

      His brows lifted as if she had said a scandalous thing, and she blushed as the image of him taking her in his arms burst into her head.

      She rose unsteadily. “I believe, my lord, if there is no entertainment, I shall retire.”

      “The evening is young.”

      “It has been a long and tiring day. Please stay with your men. Rual can help me.”

      His brow lowered a fraction and the hall grew quiet, except for her uncle, snoring, with his head on the table.

      She didn’t know what more to say or do; all she wanted was to be alone a little, away from his piercing eyes and the visions he inspired, to gather her thoughts and prepare for…what was to come.

      She turned and the room seemed to shift. She grabbed the back of the chair to steady herself—and just as before, she felt his arms about her.

      Only this time, he swept her right off her feet and into his arms.

      “My lord!”

      He said nothing, and his face betrayed nothing as he marched toward the tower steps. Shocked and giddy, she looked over his shoulder. His dog was right behind.

      “Good night!” she called out, feeling a need to make some sort of farewell.

      Lord Kirkheathe said not a word.

      What must they be thinking in the hall? If he thought her kiss and her drinking undignified, what was this?


      Emboldened by that hope, she wound her arms about his neck as he carried her up the stairs. “When I was a little girl,” she confessed, “I used to dream of being swept off my feet. I didn’t think it would really happen, though, and if you had described this to me a fortnight ago, I would have said you were mad.”

      Her husband didn’t reply.

      “I think we both forgot our manners today.”

      Still no response. He just marched stoically upward.

      “You could have let me go with Rual.”

      “You might have fallen.”

      “I’m not drunk,” she protested.


      “Absolutely not. I told you, it was the rich food.” She leaned her head against his broad chest, the wool slightly rough against her cheek. “And perhaps the wine—a little. Don’t be angry with me, please, my lord. I promise I will do better tomorrow. It has been a very strange day.”

      Was he laughing?

      She drew back and studied him. No, she must have been mistaken.

      They reached the bedchamber and he pushed open the door with his foot, then waited as Cadmus trotted into the room.

      “Does he sleep here, too?”

      Her husband nodded. “Guards the door.”

      “Can he not do that from outside?”

      “He looks for intruders.”

      Elizabeth struggled out of his arms. “You have intruders?”

      “I am cautious,” he said. He steadied her as her feet touched the ground.

      “Oh.” The tower seemed very cold when she was not in his arms.

      Cadmus appeared at the door, panting.

      “I suppose that means it is safe?”


      “Well, that is a relief, I must say. Although I think a man would have to be mad to try to attack you in your own castle.”

      “A man might be,” he agreed as he walked into the room ahead of her.

      She followed him, noting that now a candleholder bearing several beeswax candles illuminated the room. The sight of his back and the realization he was undoing his wide leather belt made her hesitate on the threshold.

      He glanced back at her over his shoulder. “He won’t bite.”

      “I hope not.”

      His lips twitched. “I will not, either.”

      She smiled, albeit warily, as she sidled farther into the room. To avoid the big dog on her right, she would have to go toward the bed. Or toward her husband, who was even now tossing his belt on the chest near the narrow window. What a choice!

      She shouldn’t have insisted on getting married today. Tomorrow would have done just as well, and given her more time to get used to the idea….

      What in the name of the saints was wrong with her? she thought, suddenly annoyed with herself. One more day wouldn’t have made a difference in her feelings, and another day might have seen her sent back to the convent.

      God’s rood, this marriage was the best thing that had happened to her. What kind of silly little fool was she becoming, to be so coy and shy? Even if this man was a stranger to her, he was a very thrilling stranger.

      With new determination, she briskly untied the lacing at the sides of the beautiful gown and drew it off. She boldly marched past her husband, and with care, laid the garment on the chest beside his belt. Then, clad in her thin shift, she climbed into the bed.

      And watched the groom disrobe.

       Chapter Five

       E lizabeth Perronet was undoubtedly the strangest woman he had ever met, Raymond decided as he purposefully ignored her. It was as if she had no idea of what she was doing, or how her actions might be interpreted by those around her.

      More importantly, it was as if she had no concept of dignity and the respect due to him, her lord and her husband.

      Kissing him like that, for one thing, he silently grumbled as he tugged off his long tunic and threw it over the chest on top of the velvet gown and his leather belt. He didn’t want her to kiss him, not then and not ever. Tonight he would take her as swiftly as he could, and with as little intimacy as possible.

      She didn’t want people to think she had been forced to marry him? What in the name of God did it matter what his people thought? He was their lord, their governor and protector. That was all they needed to know and remember.

      Then to get nearly drunk! By God, she had just about fallen in the hall. There was no excuse for that. He had to pick her up and carry her away before she disgraced him entirely.

      Half-naked, he washed his face with the cold water in the basin.

      His body had, of course, reacted to the sensation of her body in his arms. It would to any woman in a similar situation. And when she leaned her head against him as if she felt safe with him—

      He didn’t want her to feel safe with him, just as he would never feel safe with her, lest she betray him, too.

      God save him, how could he forget that harsh lesson, even when she spoke so winningly as he held her, her casual observation that it had been a “strange day” actually making him chuckle?

      Then take her and be done, his mind commanded. Consummate the marriage as if it were any other bargain. Why hesitate? Why not simply go to bed?

      He whirled around—to find Elizabeth unabashedly staring at him as

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