The Rancher Inherits A Family. Cheryl St.John

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The Rancher Inherits A Family - Cheryl  St.John

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his chest and he gently hugged her with one arm. “I couldn’t wait to see for myself. There were so many injured. Thanks be to the good Lord no one died.” She stepped back and turned her attention to Marigold. “And you must be Miss Brewster.”

      “Yes.” She stood, setting down the poultice, and let the older woman give her a brief embrace, the delicate scent of lilac water drifting to her nostrils.

      “I’m Evelyn. Seth’s mother. I’m so sorry about this difficulty and so relieved you weren’t seriously injured.”

      His mother...of course. He had her dark hair and eyes. “Your son came to our rescue or it might have been much worse.”

      “I don’t want you to worry about anything,” she went on. “I’ve made arrangements for you to stay at White Rock. We have plenty of room, and what with the news that we’ll have three little ones, two in school, it will be convenient to transport you to town in the morning with the children.”

      “White Rock?” she asked.

      “Seth’s ranch,” his mother explained. “You’re coming to stay with us.”

       Chapter Three

      Marigold rolled that announcement around in her mind for a moment. She was going to be staying with the Halloways? She’d had no idea where she’d be staying, except that her room would be at a student’s home and likely change occasionally. But this arrangement had her thoughts spinning. Seth, too, looked every bit as surprised by his mother’s revelation as she felt.

      She had her reservations about going home with this family—especially with the children. She’d been drawn to them, felt compassion for them, offered them care and long as she knew this was a temporary occurrence. After today she’d believed she wouldn’t meet them again until they showed up in her classroom. But now she would be living with them?

      “When did you make this arrangement?” Seth asked, echoing her mental question. Marlys handed him a vial holding a clear liquid and a glass of water. He drank both and gave her a nod.

      “After young James explained the situation and all the upheaval in town. I rode in early this morning and spoke with Will and Daniel,” his mother explained.

      The lady doctor turned to Marigold. “Will Canfield and Daniel Gardner are two of the town founders and formed the city council,” she explained. “They help arrange the bride trains to aid the establishment of Cowboy Creek.”

      “You’ll be able to see Daniel and Leah Gardner’s house from the schoolhouse,” Seth’s mother said. “He owns the stockyards. Leah arrived on a bride train, and she’s a midwife and—” Evelyn Halloway shook her head. “Sorry, I got ahead of myself. You’ll have plenty of time to know everyone in town.” She gave Marigold a smile. “The important thing is, the city council took a quick vote this morning and agreed it was logical for you to stay with us. James located the rest of your belongings and has them loaded. The boys didn’t bring much, I hear?”

      Marigold experienced the sensation of being swept along in a swift-moving current. “No, only two small bags of clothing, and Mr. Johnson already took one, along with mine.”

      Marlys gestured to the window. “Sam took the other last night. He should be bringing the children any minute.”

      “How much do I owe, Dr. Mason?” Seth asked.

      “I’ve been notified that all medical care, food and lodging for anyone involved in the train accident is being picked up by the railroad,” she replied. “I imagine Will Canfield had some pull arranging that.” She turned to Marigold. “Will has aspirations for the Kansas governorship, and has influential friends.”

      Marigold had much to learn and a lot of people to meet.

      “Thank you for tending to me,” Seth told Marlys.

      “It was my pleasure. Do let me know if I can be of any assistance with those boys. There is going to be an adjustment period for them.”

      “I must admit I was taken aback by the news,” Evelyn said. “But now that they’re here, I can’t wait to meet them. Do they look like Tessa?”

      “Like both she and Jessie, I’d say,” Seth answered.

      As though on cue, the bell over the door rang and Sam Mason ushered in all the boys. Little John removed his thumb from his mouth and ran straight for Marigold.

      Seth and his mother looked as surprised as she felt. She kneeled and wrapped an arm around the three-year-old’s sturdy little body. “Did you sleep well last night?”

      Little John nodded. “Da book’s in our bag.”

      Is it wise to be living with these children? The warning echoed in her thoughts, making her stomach feel a little shaky. She smiled at the little boy. “Thank you for taking care of it for me.”

      “We slept in a big bed in Mr. Mason’s upstairs,” Tate told her. “A comfortable one.”

      “Peony and I slept in a bed in Dr. Mason’s back room,” she told him with a smile. “A very comfortable bed, as well.” Pausing over her last words, she released Little John and stood. “Mrs. Halloway, I’ve brought my cat with me. I understand that’s too much of an imposition, and I’m happy to go wherever the council had originally planned.”

      The lovely woman blinked and gave her a smile. “We have cats and dogs at the ranch. I don’t see one more as a problem. Cats keep the mice population down.”

      “Well, Peony is a house cat. I don’t know what she’d do if she got outside unattended. And I doubt she’d know what to do if she encountered a mouse.”

      “I see. Well, I’m sure we can accommodate your Peony. I’m going to be thankful for your help.” She patted Marigold’s hand. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had children around, and what with Seth laid up...well, I’ll appreciate another hand.”

      As reluctant as she was to get any more involved, Marigold couldn’t possibly decline to help. It was because of Peony that Seth had gone back into that debris, rather than immediately getting to safety. It was for her sake he’d been in that position in the first place. But all of this was more of the same—life was still happening to her, even though she was attempting to forge her own path. With a sick feeling in her chest, she resigned herself to going along with this family.

      “It’s the least I can do,” she said and meant it. As soon as Seth was able to tend for himself, do chores and help with the boys, she’d make her excuses and find another place. Her meager salary wouldn’t afford her the luxury of Aunt Mae’s, and she didn’t want to live off her savings, but food and lodging was in her contract.

      “I’ve given Mr. Halloway herbs for pain,” Dr. Mason explained to his mother. She picked up a small canvas bag from a nearby counter and extended it. “Mix a half teaspoon of this powder with water and give it to him with an additional glass of water every six hours.” She cocked an eyebrow at Seth. “If he’ll accept it.”

      “I’ll take the herbs if I need them,” he said.

      “Thank you for all of your help and the good night’s rest,” Marigold told Marlys. She took her crumpled bonnet from her bag, nodded to the boys and led the gathering outside.

      James had their belongings nestled in the back of a buckboard with wood sides, along with what looked like a few purchases Mrs. Halloway must have made. He’d formed a couple of makeshift stairs with crates and stood to the side while Seth made the climb into the rear. After only a few muffled groans he seated himself on another crate, which had a nest of blankets behind. James then ushered Seth’s mother up to the wagon seat, while Marigold and the boys scrambled up.

      “That’s not ours,” Tate said, pointing to their stack of belongings. “That train. It isn’t ours.”


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