Society's Most Disreputable Gentleman. Julia Justiss

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Society's Most Disreputable Gentleman - Julia Justiss

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work out a better way to separate the girl from the object of her fascination, Amanda would have to intervene.

      The regrettable fact that a little stir of anticipation coursed through her at the idea of spending more time in Mr Anders’s company only made her angrier.

       Chapter Four

      Some ten minutes later, Greville met the ladies in the downstairs hallway before proceeding through the French doors on to the terrace. The pale February sun gave an illusion of warmth and cast a mellow light over the lichen-coated stone ornaments, balustrades, steps and the soft salmon brick of the Georgian wings. Ghostly trees rose out of the mist that still lingered over the lawns, while in the distance a dark wood climbed the hazy outlines of a slope.

      Though the house and grounds had obviously been occupied for centuries, the alterations and additions had been made with care, the medieval tower and Elizabethan galleries flowing seamlessly into the Georgian wings.

      ‘The prospect is delightful,’ Greville said admiringly. ‘The handsome buildings, the broad sweep of terrace, the lawn marching into the hills—all combine to give the impression of timeless serenity.’

      Miss Neville glanced at him sharply, her cerulean-blue eyes narrowed. Apparently deciding he was sincere, for the first time, the carefully neutral expression she’d been maintaining brightened.

      ‘Thank you, Mr Anders,’ she said softly. ‘It was the project of my mother’s life to complete the wings and construct the terrace and gardens to unite the styles of many generations into one elegant whole.’

      ‘She succeeded brilliantly,’ Greville replied, pleased to see her face brighten further at the compliment.

      ‘I find the medieval tower more interesting than the new additions,’ Miss Holton broke in. ‘Almost as fascinating as the remains of the original castle, which was built on a bluff overlooking the river. You must let me show you Neville Tour later, when you’re feeling up to a drive. But now you must see Aunt Lydia’s knot gardens, over there below the end of the terrace. These flagstones can be slippery in the damp. Here, let me assist you,’ she said, reaching out to him. ‘We wouldn’t want you to fall and aggravate your injury!’

      Dutifully offering the girl his arm, Greville suppressed a smile at Miss Holton’s persistence in treating him like an invalid. But when he turned to share that amusement with Miss Neville, he saw the pleasant expression fade from her face as her cousin latched on to his sleeve. Her gaze fixed with obvious displeasure on the spot where Miss Holton’s hand rested, Miss Neville fell into step behind them.

      From whence did that disapproval arise? he wondered. Perhaps, as the reigning beauty of the area, she didn’t take kindly to having her young cousin usurp the escort of the only gentleman present. Surely she couldn’t imagine he had any designs upon Miss Holton, who looked as if she were barely old enough to have escaped the schoolroom.

      ‘Have you visited Holkham, Mr Anders?’ Miss Neville was asking.

      ‘No, Miss Neville.’ Though, having been given charge of an agricultural property, a task about which he’d known next to nothing, he probably should have. ‘Regrettably, I haven’t much knowledge of agriculture. I’ve heard of the yearly Clippings held at Coke of Norfolk’s home, of course. I understand your father is also a skilful manager, which makes me even more eager to tour his estate.’

      Progressing at the dawdling pace Miss Holton seemed to think necessary for a recovering invalid, they were nearing the garden end of the terrace when a groom sprinted towards them. Doffing his hat to the ladies, the man said, ‘Miss Althea, will you be needing your horse? Harry has him saddled and ready.’

      Miss Holton bit her lip, a frown creasing her brow. ‘Oh, bother it, I completely forgot! I usually ride out after nuncheon when the weather allows,’ she informed Greville.

      ‘Should I tell Harry to walk him for you, miss, or …?’ The groom’s voice trailed off.

      When Miss Holton hesitated, obviously torn between the pleasures of riding and her desire to show him around, Greville said, ‘Please, Miss Holton, don’t let me alter your plans. With the day promising clear, a ride should be most refreshing. I can view the gardens another day.’

      ‘Are you sure you won’t mind waiting? Amanda could show you, but I’m sure she needs to return to her many duties. If you prefer to continue now, I can always ride later.’

      The girl obviously didn’t want Miss Neville to take over her place as his escort. Not wishing to be responsible for any increase in the tension he sensed between the two girls, Greville replied, ‘I believe I would prefer to wait. I’m a bit fatigued after walking this far and would just as soon return to the house. I shall count on you, Miss Holton, to show me around another time. You have such p—Ah, enthusiasm,’ he substituted rapidly for ‘passion’, ‘for Ashton Grove, it’s a pleasure to have you as my guide.’

      He’d only intended to deliver a pretty compliment to the girl who seemed to resent her beautiful cousin—but even his milder phrase earned him a sharp look from Miss Neville.

      Could she object to his using the word ‘passion’ with her cousin? Though the thoughts that word immediately conjured up did not feature Miss Holton.

      No, the image erupting in his eager mind was of the infinitely desirable Miss Neville, drawn into his embrace. That small ripe body tucked under his chin, that soft, rounded bosom pressed against his hard chest … Heat washed through him as parts lower than his chest hardened.

      Enough, he thought, dragging his mind back to the conversation at hand—schoolgirls, and words that might not be voiced in their company. Who knew a simple conversation could become so complicated?

      ‘Very well, I suppose I shall ride as usual,’ Miss Holton finally concluded. ‘I shall see you at dinner, then, Mr Anders?’

      ‘I certainly hope so,’ Greville replied.

      After informing the groom she would meet him at the stables as soon as she changed into her habit, Miss Holton, with obvious reluctance, set off for the house.

      With equally obvious reluctance, Miss Neville remained. ‘Shall we complete the circuit of this terrace before we go in, Mr Anders?’

      Greville wondered why she wished to prolong a walk she seemed to have embarked upon so unwillingly. In addition to that idle curiosity, he had to admit to feeling a bit piqued that she was reluctant, given his strong attraction to her.

      Had he been the Greville of a year ago, his hackles all too easily raised whenever he sensed he was being treated with disdain by one richer or more favoured by fortune, he might have tried to trade snub for snub. But the hot sun off North Africa seemed to have burned out of him any lingering resentment over the fact that a mere accident of birth had elevated his cousin Nicky to the rank of marquess, while he was only a younger son from a minor branch of the family, possessed of neither title nor wealth.

      At present, he was more amused and curious than offended by her reticence. The new Greville could even concede, given his disreputable appearance upon arrival, that Miss Neville was probably justified in feeling time spent entertaining him could be better devoted to something else.

      Mindful of that, Greville said, ‘Your company would be a delight, but as Miss Holton pointed out, I imagine you have matters to attend that are of greater urgency than supervising a gimpy old sailor on a promenade over the terrace.’

      To his surprise, another blush coloured her cheeks. So she’d understood his mild jab at her disinclination for his company.

      ‘I should never wish to neglect a guest of Papa’s,’ she murmured.

      ‘I shall not feel neglected, I assure you,’ he replied. ‘Miss Holton seems both capable and interested in showing me around later. Unless … it’s my accompanying your cousin that disturbs you?’ he guessed.

      Her startled gaze shot back to his, confirming that suspicion.


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