The Princess Bride. Diana Palmer

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The Princess Bride - Diana Palmer

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love to her, and then he’d remembered who they were and he’d stopped. He must be hurting like the very devil.

      She wanted to get out of the car and go to him, but that would probably make things even worse. She looked down and realized that she was nude to the hips. And he’d seen her like that, touched her…

      She tugged her dress back up in a sudden flurry of embarrassment. It had seemed so natural at the time, but now it was shameful. She felt for the straps and pulled the bodice up, keeping her eyes away from her hard, swollen nipples. King had suckled them…

      She shuddered with the memory, with new knowledge of him. He’d hate her now, she thought miserably. He’d hate her for letting him go so far, for teasing him. There were names for girls who did that. But she hadn’t pulled away, or said no, she recalled. He’d been the one to call a halt, because she couldn’t.

      Her face went scarlet. She smoothed back her disheveled hair with hands that trembled. How could she face her guests now, like this? Everyone would know what had happened. And what if Wyatt should come along in the Jaguar…?

      She looked behind them, but there was no car in sight. And then she realized that they were on King’s property, not hers. Had he planned this?

      After another minute, she saw him straighten and run a hand through his sweaty hair. He rebuttoned his shirt and tucked it back into his trousers. He did the same with his evening jacket and straightened his tie.

      When he finally turned back to get into the car, he looked pale and unapproachable. Tiffany glanced at him as he climbed back in and closed the door, wondering what to say.

      “I’ll drive you home,” he said tersely. “Fasten your seat belt,” he added, because she didn’t seem to have enough presence of mind to think of it herself.

      He started the car without looking at her and turned it around. Minutes later, they were well on the way to her father’s house.

      It was ablaze with lights, although most of the cars had gone. She looked and saw the Jaguar sitting near the front door. So Wyatt was back. She didn’t know what kind of car he was driving, so she couldn’t tell if he’d gone or not. She hoped he had, and his cousin with him. She didn’t want to see them again.

      King pulled up at the front door and stopped, but he didn’t cut the engine.

      She reached for the door handle and then looked back at him, her face stiff and nervous.

      “Are you angry?” she asked softly.

      He stared straight ahead. “I don’t know.”

      She nibbled her lower lip, and tasted him there. “I’m not sorry,” she said doggedly, her face suddenly full of bravado.

      He turned then, his eyes faintly amused. “No. I’m not sorry, either.”

      She managed a faint smile, despite her embarrassment. “You said it had to happen eventually.”

      “And you wanted it to happen with me. So you said.”

      “I meant it,” she replied quietly. Her eyes searched his, but she didn’t find any secrets there. “I’m not ashamed.”

      His dark eyes trailed down her body. “You’re exquisite, little Tiffany,” he said. “But years too young for an affair, and despite tonight’s showing, I don’t seduce virgins.”

      “Is an affair all you have to offer?” she asked with new maturity.

      He pursed his lips, considering that. “Yes, I think it is. I’m thirty-four. I like my freedom. I don’t want the commitment of a wife. Not yet, at least. And you’re not old enough for that kind of responsibility. You need a few years to grow up.”

      She was grown up, but she wasn’t going to argue the point with him. Her green eyes twinkled. “Not in bed, I don’t.”

      He took a deep breath. “Tiffany, there’s more to a relationship than sex. About which,” he added shortly, “you know precious little.”

      “I can learn,” she murmured.

      “Damned fast, judging by tonight,” he agreed with a wicked smile. “But physical pleasure gets old quickly.”

      “Between you and me?” she asked, her eyes adoring him. “I don’t really think it ever would. I can imagine seducing you in all sorts of unlikely places.”

      His heart jumped. He shouldn’t ask. He shouldn’t… “Such as?” he asked in spite of himself.

      “Sitting up,” she breathed daringly. “In the front seat of a really elegant European sports car parked right in front of my house…”

      His blood was beating in his temple. She made him go hot all over with those sultry eyes, that expression…

      “You’d better go inside,” he said tersely.

      “Yes, I suppose I had,” she murmured dryly. “It really wouldn’t do, would it, what with the risk of someone coming along and seeing us.”

      It got worse by the second. He was beginning to hurt. “Tiffany…”

      She opened the door and glanced back at his hard, set face. He was very dark, and she loved the way he looked in evening clothes. Although now, she’d remember him with his shirt undone and her hands against that sexy, muscular chest.

      “Run while you can, cattle baron,” she said softly. “I’ll be two steps behind.”

      “I’m an old fox, honey,” he returned. “And not easy game.”

      “We’ll see about that,” she said, smiling at him. “Good night, lover.”

      He caught his breath, watching her close the door and blow him a kiss. He had to get away, to think. The last thing he wanted was to find himself on the receiving end of a shotgun wedding. Tiffany was all too tempting, and the best way to handle this was to get away from her for a few weeks, until they both cooled off. A man had to keep a level head, in business and in personal relationships.

      He put the car in gear and drove off. Yes, that was what he should do. He’d find himself a nice business trip. Tiffany would get over him. And he’d certainly get over her. He’d had women. He’d known this raging hunger before. But he couldn’t satisfy it with a virgin.

      He thought about her, the way she’d let him see her, and the aching started all over again. His face hardened as he stepped down on the accelerator. Maybe a long trip would erase that image. Something had to!

      Tiffany went back into the house, breathless and worried that her new experiences would show. But they didn’t seem to. Wyatt came and asked where she and King had been and she made some light, outrageous reply.

      For the rest of the evening, she was the belle of her own ball. But deep inside she was worried about the future. King wasn’t going to give in without a fight. She hoped she had what it took to land that big Texas fish. She wanted him more than anything in the whole world. And she wasn’t a girl who was used to disappointments.

      Chapter 3

      “Well, King’s left the country,” Harrison Blair murmured dryly three days after Tiffany’s party. “You don’t seem a bit surprised.”

      “He’s running scared,” she said pertly, grinning up at her father from the neat crochet stitches she was using to make an afghan for her room. “I don’t blame him. If I were a man being pursued by some persistent woman, I’m sure that I’d run, too.”

      He shook his head. “I’m afraid he isn’t running from you,” he mused. “He took his secretary with him.”

      Her heart jumped, but she didn’t miss a stitch. “Did he? I hope Carla enjoys the trip. Where did they go?”

      “To Nassau. King’s talking beef exports with the minister of trade. But I’m sure Carla took a bathing suit along.”

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