Texas Miracle. Mae Nunn

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Texas Miracle - Mae  Nunn

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      “Well, compared to what we paid for it.”

      “Okay. So you’d be happy with that.” Jacqueline exhaled.

      “Yeah, sure. Does he think he can get it?”

      “I don’t know. He’s a little weird.”

      Her mom chuckled. “What do you mean?”

      “Oh, you know, he had on a polyester suit, and wears a toupee, and has a gold tooth.”

      “Jacqueline! I can’t believe you’re judging someone by appearance like that. That’s not like you.”

      “Oh, Mom. I’m not—I’m just telling you he totally looks the part of some sleazy real estate agent from a small town in Texas.”

      “Well, he is from a small town in Texas.”

      “I know.” Jacqueline bit her lip. “He also called me little lady.”

      “That’s kind of sweet, except that you’re five-ten.”

      “I know, right?”

      “Why did you choose him?”

      “He’s supposed to be the best in town.” Jacqueline exaggerated her words: “The King of Kilgore Real Estate Sales.”

      “Sounds like you’re reading a billboard.”

      “I could be. That’s what his billboard says.”

      “What bothers you about him?”

      “He didn’t seem very positive about the land. He was like, ‘We’ll try this and see what happens.’”

      “That sounds better to me than someone who overpromises and underdelivers.”

      “I guess you’re right. I just hope I can get it sold for you. I know you and Dad need the money.”

      “We’re okay.” Her mother sighed. “I appreciate you working on it for us. How are things going for you in your new job?”

      “I’m driving there now. And it’s going well. Ella, the lady who is leaving, has been so sweet to me the past two weeks. Today is her last day.”

      “Oh. So you’re on your own after this.”

      “Yes. But I’m ready. I feel bad getting paid for not doing much of anything but watching her.”

      “And how do you like the boss?”

      “He’s nice.” Jacqueline blushed at the mention of Mac.

      “Jacqueline? You still there?”

      “Yes. I was just saying he’s nice. Very professional. Smart.”

      “Have you seen his brother, the one you were friends with in high school?”

      “Joiner. No, not yet.”

      “That might be fun, if you guys could get reacquainted.”

      “Yes, I’d like to see him again. But he is married now, so...”

      “Oh. I see. Well, maybe his wife would be a good person for you to meet, too.”

      “I’m sure she is. I probably won’t be here long enough to really make friends, though.”

      Her mother laughed. “How long does it take to make friends?”

      “Oh, Mom, you know what I mean.”

      “No, I don’t, really.”

      Jacqueline sighed. “I don’t want to make a big investment in people I’ll probably never see again once the land sells.”

      “I see.” Her mother cleared her throat. “I think I’ll let that one go for right now, but it’s a subject we might need to come back to.”

      “It will definitely have to be later, because I’m pulling up at work.” She was glad there wasn’t time to address the subject. It had never been easy for her to make friends as it was for her gregarious mother. She’d always wished she could be more like her mom in that way. But now that Jacqueline was an adult, she’d come to terms that it probably wouldn’t happen, and that was okay.

      “All right, sweetie. I love you!”

      “Love you, too.”

      Jacqueline wheeled her brother’s silver Prius into the parking lot at Lone Star Accounting. He had left it with her parents when he sold all of his other belongings and moved to Kona, Hawaii, to become a part of Youth with a Mission the previous year. It worked out nicely for Jacqueline that she could use it for her time in the States. Checking her appearance in the rearview mirror, she decided she looked presentable enough, even though her hair was a little windblown from walking around on the land. She pulled her camel knit moto jacket around her, adjusted her blue-and-white bandanna scarf and stepped out into the brisk January air.

      She greeted Ella seated on her perch at the front desk. After Jacqueline settled her things into her makeshift station, Ella tearfully sent her back to Mac’s office with a cup of coffee. “You might as well do it!” she said, blowing her nose into a starched white handkerchief.

      As she walked down the hall to Mac’s office, Jacqueline hoped she hadn’t been wrong to wear jeans to work. At least her embroidered leather boots coordinated with the flowers embellishing her jacket, which she’d left on over the gauzy white blouse. It hadn’t been possible to change in time to get to work after meeting with Buddy King out on her parents’ property.

      “Hey there.”

      Mac looked up from his desk and instantly smiled at her. “Good morning!”

      “Want some fresh coffee?”

      “You bet I do.” He took the hot mug out of her hands. “Thanks.”

      “You’re welcome.” She waited to see if he needed anything else, but he didn’t say anything. He simply stared at her. “Sorry about the jeans. I had to meet with the real estate agent at my parents’ place before work.”

      Mac grinned in a way she might describe as wicked, if he were anyone else. But Mac was too professional and too straight-laced to be wicked. Then he said, “Jeans are fine. I wear them all the time. We’re in Texas, remember?”

      She nodded. “Cool.”

      “How did it go? With the real estate agent, I mean.”

      “Okay, I suppose. He wasn’t very encouraging about selling it, but I guess we’ll see.”

      “Who’d you decide to use?” Mac took a sip of his coffee.

      “Buddy King.”

      “Ah. He’s a character, isn’t he?”

      “Yes. He is.” Jacqueline swept a few unruly hairs out of her face. “I could always try to sell it myself online, and maybe I should, but I thought I’d give a local person a try first. I listed it for three months with him.”

      “Well, he is the king.” Mac grinned.

      “Do you think it was a wise choice? Should I have used someone else?”

      “I think he’s fine. They all do a lot of networking, anyway.”

      Jacqueline turned the turquoise ring she was wearing on her middle finger. “Nothing against you, and being here and all, but I sure hope he can sell it in three months. My parents need the money.”

      Mac’s brows knitted above his glasses, even though his eyes seemed kind, concerned. “Surely there are other ways they can make money. Maybe we can put our heads together, come up with some new ideas.” He sighed. “I sure don’t want to see you leave.”

      His words were as sweet as the look in his honey-colored eyes. Jacqueline felt heat rising in her cheeks. Why was he so intent on her staying?

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