Glorious Enslavement. Anya Richards

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Glorious Enslavement - Anya  Richards

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      There is a low couch for me to sleep on, a rough wooden stool and a small bowl with water. On arrival at the house, the beauty of cream stone walls and pillars, the verdant garden and intricate tiled floors dazzled my mind, filled me with pride at my new master’s wealth and power. Yet all those things are unimportant in comparison to the aura and strength of the man who now owns me.

      As I remove my tunic, questions swirl a constant inner refrain. Will he come to me tonight? Or was I alone in feeling the instinctive pull of desire?

      He comes; cautious yet too curious to stay away. Just inside the door he pauses, watches me for a long moment. A tiny contraction of his brows hints at momentary surprise. It is late, the house quietly slumbering around us. Perhaps, knowing fear often leads to exhaustion, he expected to find me sleeping, too.

      Naked, I lie on my side, knees drawn up close to my chest. Partially covered by the curtain of my hair, I watch him in return.

      Slowly he advances, stopping only to place his lamp upon the stool and remove the linen garment covering the finely sculpted muscles of chest and belly and thighs. A shudder tightens my womb as his beauty is displayed in the flickering golden light. His skin is darker than my own and his hair, black as a crow’s wing, waves back from a high forehead. Despite the obvious luxuriousness of his life he shows no sign of soft living or dissipation. Lean and solid, he moves with the easy assurance of one accustomed to utilizing his strength.

      The draw of the arcane pulls him closer, nearer to where I wait. Already his cock stands proud, hard and smooth as the stone pillars in the courtyard beyond. Instinctively I crave his touch, his possession, his dominance over my flesh.

      I crave his pleasure.

      He parts my hair, pushing it back over my shoulder. Cool air flows over me and my nipples pucker. With a low hum, he succumbs to their enticement.

      As his fingers close around one I roll on to my back, laying myself open to his touch.

       Show me what you need, Master. Take all I have to give.

      The corners of his lips curve briefly up, and my heart sings to know I have pleased him even in so small a way. His hand is hot upon my skin, exploring the curves and fullness of my breast. With a murmur he bends his head, and I strain up to meet his lips.

      He is my master as he suckles my breast, fingers shaping the other nipple to aching arousal. A hot wave of passion arches my back off the couch and flows molten into my cunt. His fingers part the cleft between my thighs, dipping into the wet pulse of the temple. When his palm presses on my mound, a throb of near release vibrates in my womb.

      Shifting, I reach for his phallus, feel the Goddess awaken in me as my fingers wrap around it and he groans: a long, soft expression of enjoyment. Like a thing alive, separate from him, mine alone, his cock moves within my grasp.

      I mold his flesh, using my fingers to foreshadow the caress of my cunt, and his hips rise to meet the pumping pressure of my hand.

      The wetness in my mouth mirrors that between my legs, and I move closer, rise on to my elbow. Bracing my hand against his thigh, I take his phallus between my lips.

      Master and slave merge into one. Overwhelmed by his shout of surprised pleasure, the ripples of need in my cunt, I am consumed as I consume. More and more I give, yearning for his satisfaction rising like his hips rise to push his cock further into my throat.

      “Ah,” he cries. “Ah!” Fingers twist into my hair, holding me in place as though he fears I will, at any moment, abandon him.

      I cannot.

      Trapped in lust, I want nothing more than to feel the spurt of his essence into my mouth. Feel it, taste it, know it in a way I could not if he were to sow his seed into my womb. Licking, sucking, saliva running from between my lips to drip on to my fingers, I press closer, holding his testicles in my palm as they draw tighter.

      Faster he drives; faster and faster. Beyond control now, he grips my head with both hands, harsh grunts breaking from his chest. Pain stabs the back of my mouth but I do not care. The Goddess is in me, keeping my throat open, my cunt wet—keeping me alive and filled with hunger.

      “Ah,” he cries again. “Ah!” But underlying the passion is repudiation and he tries to pull away.

      It is too late.

      I shift my hands, grasp his buttocks, feel the muscles hollow against my palms as I suck him completely into the depths of my welcoming mouth.

      Silently, stiff in his release, he pours his seed into me, hips pumping, cock jerking, bottom rising and falling uncontrollably. The heat of it scalds me; the taste and sensation of his leaping flesh fill me with desire.

      With a sound like a curse he pushes me away, rises to stand glaring down at me. His face is contorted, rage twisting the thin lips, reddening the skin around his nostrils.

      Is the loss of control, so beautiful, so precious to me, the source of his anger? Or is it me?

      Frightened, I slip from the couch on to my knees. Desperate to show my devotion I stretch my hand toward him, but he steps back.

      Oh, the pain that gesture causes me. The agony of his rejection tears through my soul.

      Has the Goddess rejected me, too? What have I done so displeasing to Her that She would show me this life, this man, this master, only to take it all away once more?

      I seek only your pleasure, I want to tell him. To be your slave and do your bidding is everything I needmy only desire. Do not leave me in anger. Do not cast me aside before I have a chance to prove my devotion!

      But we share no common language, except the carnal.

       Goddess, make it enough.

      When he moves away, tears come to my eyes, but my master does not leave. Instead he retrieves the rope from the corner and swiftly, with rough tugs, binds my hands. Quiescent, eyes lowered, I do not struggle, not even when he pulls me to kneel beside the narrow couch, pushes on my back until my face is pressed upon the pallet. Dragging on the rope, he ties the end to a ring on the wall, stretching my arms out and up to the point of pain. My knees can no longer touch the ground, and I scramble for purchase with my toes, digging them into the stone floor.

      A sound, redolent with triumph, emanates from the depths of his chest, and for a moment I am not me, but him. I look at myself through his eyes—immobile, stretched out before him, bottom in the air, most intimately exposed—and power moves through my soul.

      Oh, the sweetness of that moment—the knowledge of his true control! How my body weeps to feel it, flowering open under his regard, alive with the desperation of my passion.

      As his hands pull the cheeks of my bottom apart and his cock pushes deep into my cunt, I am propelled instantly into a grinding, heart-stopping moment of ecstasy.

      I go up on my toes, pushing back to meet him, rocking my hips, crying out again and again as each invasion of his phallus takes me closer and closer to the ultimate moment of communion. His hands are iron restraints on my hips, his thighs buffeting mine as he plunges to fill me. He is the sea, raging, pounding; I am the shore, unable to avoid the devastation of the waves.

      He lifts my hips higher, and the next thrust of his cock almost takes me to release. A moan breaks from him; his movements become rougher, less deliberate, more desperate. I arch my back, scream as the motion increases the already unbearably glorious pressure.

      My legs are trembling, close to giving way, but he will not relinquish his hold, will not stop. There is a point he must prove, to himself, to me.

      I feel it coming. Like rushing wind before a storm, the blast of heat washes from my scalp to my toes, heralding the onslaught to come. I try to hold back, wanting to know my master is satisfied before I welcome it, open myself to the driving impulse. But the power of his dominance is too strong. Unable to restrict myself in either voice or motion, I scream and writhe, caught in my surrender to him and to the orgasm tearing me apart from the inside

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