Abyss Deep. Ian Douglas

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Abyss Deep - Ian  Douglas

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is it?”

      “None of your damned business!” He scowled at me. “What I wanna know is how come you get in trouble, but I get to share in the punishment!”

      “Welcome to the Navy,” I told him. “At least you didn’t get two weeks’ restriction.”

      “What restriction? We boost for Abyssworld day after tomorrow, we’ll be gone a ­couple of months at least, and all you miss is a ­couple of liberties!”

      That stopped me. I hadn’t thought about that. Restriction means you stay in your quarters except when you’re going about your normal day-­to-­day duties, or eating in the mess hall, or doing whatever your CO tells you to do … so Doob was right. Maybe I had gotten off light.

      “Okay, Doobie,” I told him. “You wanna tag the ’interactive together? It’ll go faster that way, and you can be off to your mystery date.”

      “My thought exactly, E-­Car.”

      I thoughtclicked an internal control. “Compartment, two chairs, downloungers with full link capability. Here and here.”

      The active nanomatrix in the deck obediently shaped two areas into egg-­shaped chairs, both almost completely enclosed except for the oval front openings, and with deeply padded interiors that let you stretch out and back in fair comfort. I backed into one, brought my palm contacts down on the link board, and ordered a library download of the required docuinteractive.

      Dubois dropped into the second seat. “I hate these things.”

      “I kind of like ’em,” I replied. “Just like being there, but you don’t get eaten by the bug-­eyed monster.”

      “That’s the problem. You get used to ignoring dangers in a sim, they could bite you for real when you’re actually there.”

      “So? Don’t be complacent. The idea is that we can step into another world and learn about it experientially. No surprises when you step into the world for real.”

      “So, what did the chief call it? ‘That goddamn bleak ball of ice?’ No fun at all, man!”

      “I didn’t realize we were going out there to have fun!” I nestled back into the yielding foam of the seat and put my palm on the contact pad.

      There was a burst of in-­head static, and then I was standing on the surface of Abyssworld.

      My God, I thought. “Goddamn bleak” doesn’t even begin to cover it… .

      Chapter Six

      A bit of background came down the link first.

      The formal name of the place is GJ 1214 I, but most ­people call it either Abyssworld or Abyss Deep. The data we were simming had been sent back to Earth just five years ago, but in fact the world has been known since the early twenty-­first century. It was discovered by the MEarth Project, which was searching for extrasolar planets by watching for minute dips in the brightness of some thousands of red dwarfs, an indicator of a planet transiting the star’s face. They used red dwarfs because it was easier to record light fluctuations against a dimmer light source, and because planets circling red dwarfs tended to be tucked in a lot closer to their parent suns, and therefore had orbital periods measured in days as opposed to months or years. In 2009, the planet named—­by the astronomical convention of the day—­GJ 1214b was first detected, and subsequent observations showed that it was a so-­called super-­Earth, with more than six and a half times Earth’s mass and over two and a half times Earth’s diameter.

      The real surprise came when they did the math and determined that the new planet had a density of just one-­third of Earth’s, which meant that the huge world had a quite small rocky core covered by either ice or liquid water.

      It was, in fact, the first true ocean exoplanet discovered; the side of the world eternally locked beneath a small sun just 2 million and some kilometers away was hot, well above the boiling point of water. At first it was assumed that the surface of any world so close to its parent would have to be well above habitable temperatures. The measured equilibrium temperatures, however, turned out to be from dayside cloud decks; the nightside was cold enough that the global ocean was half covered by a permanent ice cap, with the entire night hemisphere locked in ice.

      The extreme differences in temperature between the day and night hemispheres, though, resulted in some absolutely incredible storms.

      If Dubois and I had really been standing on the edge of the Abyss Deep icepack in nothing but our shipboard utilities, we would have been dead in moments. The environment was nothing short of hellish, balanced precariously between frigid ice and scalding steam, with a poisonous pea-­soup-­fog atmosphere and a wind thundering in from the day with tornadic force. The docuinteracive wasn’t recreating all of the possible physical sensations, though. I could see water spray and surface clouds whipping past me, hear the deafening roar of moving air, but the wind didn’t sweep me off my feet. The two of us could stand there, at the very edge of the ice, and take in the view.

      And the view was … spectacular.

      Despite both high-­altitude cloud decks and the scud whipping across the surface of water and ice, I could see the star on the knife-­edge horizon across the purple-­red ocean, a swollen, deep ruby dome mottled by vast, ragged sunspots. Clouds—­black, green, and purple—­banked hugely to either side in an emerald sky; lightning played along the horizon. As I watched, fast-­moving clouds filled the momentary crack in the sky that had revealed the star, blotting it out.

      In the opposite direction, the sky grew darker still and heavy with snow. Ice, undulating and raw, ran off into the distance in a barren white desert, punctuated here and there by upthrusts—­slabs, pillars, daggers, and tumbled blocks of ice, some of them hundreds of meters across. A hundred meters away, a low, bright orange dome added a spot of color to the endless white—­the colony’s main dome. Smaller domes and Quonset-­style huts were scattered about nearby, and I could see a large, bright yellow quantum spin-­floater grounded outside the main entrance to the base.

      The colony was obscured by a sudden gust of spray and windblown snow. It made me shiver just looking at it, though I couldn’t feel the actual cold.

      “The place is a lot like Bloodworld,” Dubois said, turning to look back out to sea. We were standing at the edge of the icepack, though waves and spray made it a little difficult to tell exactly where the sea ended, and the ice began. “Hurricanes, high winds, hellacious storms …”

      “It’s worse,” a voice told us. We turned and faced the program’s interactive agent, an older man with the look of a college professor. “I’m Dr. Murdock. I’ll be your guide to Abyss Deep this evening.”

      Well, it wasn’t the real Dr. Murdock, of course, since the Abyssworld Expedition’s science team leader was currently on the planet some forty-­two light years away … assuming he was even alive now. Based on the real James Eric Murdock, the man in a civilian tunic and dark slacks was a computer-­generated image, data seamlessly woven together inside our heads by Clymer’s library AI. This simulation component was the whole point of a docuinteractive; we could ask the program questions, and it could take us through the landscape as if we were really there. The AI running the show was programmed to incorporate the voice, mannerisms, and recorded thoughts of the real Murdock, and present them as though we were actually there.

      The simulated Murdock held out his hand, palm up, and a small globe representing the planet came up between us. He rotated it in front of us.

      “We call the main atmospheric disturbance Abysstorm,” he said. “It’s generated by the heat of the star, and serves to transfer that heat across the planet.”

      On the globe, Abyss Deep’s dayside was blanketed by a perpetual hurricane many thousands of kilometers across, pinned in place by the glare of the star directly over its eye. It showed vast, far-­reaching spirals of cloud that reached across half the planet. The nightside was completely covered by ice.

      “Hang on a sec,”

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