Exotic Erotica Bundle: Invite Me In / Tokyo Rendezvous / Soul Strangers. Jina Bacarr

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Exotic Erotica Bundle: Invite Me In / Tokyo Rendezvous / Soul Strangers - Jina  Bacarr

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gripped his shoulders hard. “If I’d known you were so damn slow to take a hint, I’d have drawn you a map.”

      Laughter gusted against my breast, and at last, he latched his lips around one spiked tip and drew hard.

      My toes curled, my hips tilted toward him, my whole body tightening as he suckled. It was almost enough. It was almost heaven.

      I thrashed my head back and forth on the wall behind me before finally blurting out, “Please, enough! I need you inside me.”

      His teeth clamped down, nipping me gently. “When I say.” But he let me slide down his body until I felt his cock nudge at my center.

      My breath hitched when the blunt, velvet tip pushed against me. His size didn’t surprise me. He’d stretched the inner walls of a woman who dated linebackers. But my body wasn’t prepared for his girth. Hot, exquisite pressure built as he pushed. I bit my lip and begged him with my gaze to help me take him.

      His eyes held mine as he slipped a hand between us and thrust his fingers through my soft curls. He parted my lust-slick folds, guided his dick into me, slowly, letting me swallow him an inch at a time, until we were both breathless and sweating.

      I’m sure he was surprised by how tight I was, given what I was. He’d wanted to thrust inside, wanted to ream me with that thick cock, but he clamped his jaws tight and groaned, tunneling only so deep before withdrawing, and coming back for more.

      I couldn’t help the shaking that trembled along my limbs and jerked my belly against his. No more than I could help the reflexive pulsing radiating along my channel.

      When his first inches grazed my inner walls, he started the slow, rhythmic push and pull, my liquid heat drenching him and easing his way. He stroked into me, sliding my body up and down the wall, an unhurried, crawling wave of motion that calmed the quivering inside me.

      As I followed his powerful thrusts, friction built between his cock and my vagina in a slow-burning fire. I clenched my inner muscles around him, riding his thickly veined shaft as it moved in and out.

      The ridge of his plump crown abraded the sweet spot deep inside me, the one so few men ever found, and I arched my back, surrendering to the coiling heat licking at my core. At that point, I felt a leaching away of the barrier between his mind and mine, as the passions I’d stolen began to swirl inside me and spill over to douse him in glorious heat.

      A low, feral growl erupted from him and he ground inside me, deeper this time, his jaws flexing as his hips strained.

      I knew there was more, knew he held back. I wondered at the strength of will he possessed to resist the crashing waves of sensuality that battered us both.

      In that instant, I lost all my fear of him as a man and a vampire. He could have ravaged me and made me love it anyway, but he’d taken me slowly, with care and precision, careful not to harm or frighten me.

      “It’s all right,” I whispered. “I can take all you want to give.”

      “Be quiet,” he ground out. “You’re so damn tight. I’m going crazy here.”

      “Then fuck me,” I whispered in his ear. “I’m ready.” God, I’m ready. I bit his earlobe. I squeezed hard around him as he stroked inside, released to let him withdraw, then squeezed as he rammed himself inside again. The friction was divine.

      Impossibly, his cock expanded, grew longer, blunter.

      “You’re playing with fire,” he said, ramming deeper this time.

      I sucked in a jagged breath and smoothed my sweaty cheek against his shoulder. “Do me. Do me like you’ve never done a woman before. Give me everything.”

      His lips stretched in a slow, wicked smile. “Think you’ve seen everything?”

      “I’m allowing you to fuck me against a wall, aren’t I?”

      “Such a baby. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

      Suddenly, we slid up the wall together. Alarmed, I wrapped my arms around him and gasped as his soft, wicked laughter sifted through my hair.

      “Brace yourself against the wall.”

      I unwound my legs from his waist and let them drop. They dangled in the air. The only thing holding me up was the strength of his cock buried halfway inside me and his hard chest pressed against my breasts.

      He grabbed my hands and slid my palms down and outward along the wall. I felt anchored somehow and lifted my knees to press my feet flat against the cool plaster. It was better, but I knew if he pulled away, I’d go crashing to the floor. “Nice trick,” I said breathlessly.

      “I’m only getting started.” He kissed me, rubbing my lips hard, tangling his tongue with mine as he started to fuck in and out of me again, stroking deeper, until at last, the base of his cock was grinding into my clit.

      I forgot I was suspended in the air, forgot I was at a vampire’s mercy. Nothing had ever felt as decadent and delicious as the thickness gliding in and out of me, tugging at my tender, heated tissues, glistening with the liquid spilling from my body as he rolled his hips, grinding deeper, spearing my womb.

      Heat coiled tighter in my core as he stroked and circled. The muscles of his back and shoulders bunched beneath my hands. Sweat slicked his skin and mine everywhere we touched. He widened his knees, nudging mine even farther apart, then gathered his body and plunged inside over and over, the thrusts deepening, sharpening.

      I came apart, unraveling in a sinuous, writhing dance, driving my hips against his. I lacked rhythm, lacked any finesse, trying to fill the desperate need to stay in that moment, hold onto the explosion of color and emotions that rocked me as his wild thrusts grew brutal.

      He rolled us over and over, his arms encircling me to prevent me from hurting myself. My back to the wall, now his, every roll allowing his cock to slide and circle and press at a different angle each time. Flashes of the pale gray bed below and the curtains billowing inward on a breeze, interspersed with the dark shadowy ceiling. Only when he came to a halt did my orgasm finally wane, allowing me to catch my breath.

      I gasped.

      I was looking over his shoulder at my bed—ten feet below us.

      I drew back my head and smacked it against the ceiling. “Ouch!”

      His chest heaved against mine, his gaze spearing me as harshly as his cock had moments ago.

      I wet my parched lips with the tip of my tongue, trying to gather my scattered wits after my trip to the moon. “That…was—” I stopped and caught my breath “—different.”

      “You need to expand your vocabulary. Learn some more descriptive adjectives.”

      I raised an eyebrow, trying to mimic his sardonic look. “Need a little praise, do you?”

      He snorted. “No, I don’t need any praise. I know it was good. I’m swimming in your pleasure.”

      I wrinkled my nose. “That was kinda crude.” I wriggled against him. “You’re getting a little heavy.”

      A mocking eyebrow rose. “Actually, love, you’re on top.”

      “You know this doesn’t make a bit of sense.”

      “I’m dead. The laws of physics don’t necessarily apply here.”

      I boldly placed my hand between his legs. “Not all of you. Why didn’t you come?”

      “Are you complaining?”

      “No, I’m just surprised,” I answered, but there was that insecure part of me that wondered whether I hadn’t been able to satisfy him. “I mean, you’re carrying on a conversation. In my experience, men are decidedly nonverbal when they’re aroused.”

      “Your vast experience?”

      I blushed. He knew better. “Well, not so vast, I guess,

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